Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 900 Dración: You know that Future Nai was born in the future, but have you ever thought that

Chapter 900 Dración: You know that Future Nai was born in the future, but have you ever thought that it will also be born...

If the original plot is strictly followed, the plot development at the beginning of the original should be after the Legend of Ultra and before the Great War of Sparks.

But because this is not the timeline of the original book, the invasion war finally started after the War of the Sparks, and the new era began.

Therefore, correspondingly, unspeakable changes have also taken place.

First of all, at the beginning of the original this time, there will be no random intrusions by Dyna, Gauss and others, and although Uub is a fledgling Uub, after a hundred years of training, Uub has made great progress in combat. He is no longer that young warrior who only throws stones in fights.

Juggler has also gained more power than in the original book, and will be able to play a greater role in this chaotic battle.

Of course, whether he will become a sharp-pointed star like the original book is also a big question mark.

Although Dyna and the others were absent, the enhanced version of Hongkai and Jugula should be enough to deal with this catastrophe.

But the problem at the beginning of the birth is that the queen who is the master of the country, Queen Amaterasu after Queen Issara, is a guy with a brain hole and even a personality problem.

The greatest ability of this type of person is that she may not be able to do well what you ask them to do, but breaking the situation is definitely what she is best at.

Commonly known as pig teammates.

The so-called strength is only to play a role in finally turning the table and quitting playing, but now that the chariots and horses are displayed on the chessboard, a mentally handicapped teammate can drive people crazy.

When Hongkai and Jugula were executing the plot at the beginning of the original, Quan also left that planet and chose to go to the Gaussian universe, looking for Dración, who was quiet in the new era and was even a little too quiet.

He didn't believe that Dración would be completely silent. Besides, the mere cosmic barrier was broken. For a civilization of Dración's level, this is not a big deal at all.

Go through the star gate and jump to the Gauss universe. Here, although Gauss and Musashi have been turned into spark dolls, Chaos's head is still here.

In terms of the fragile force value of the prologue of the new era, it cannot be said that there is no one who can defeat Chaos' head, but he cannot come here.

Nexus did not enter the Juran planet, but stood outside the miraculous star and watched the peaceful and peaceful atmosphere inside. After confirming that nothing major happened on the planet, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, it is Gauss' base camp, and now that Gauss is in trouble, he has to make sure that there is nothing wrong with it.

Turning around, he pointed his back at Zhulan Star. In front of Nexus, the ladder he once climbed with Sai Luo appeared again, which is to go to the highest will-Drasion location.

After a while, Nexus came here again.

The mysterious dark universe is still dim and dull, but there are some faint starlights, flickering light that flickers around.

"That is the shining light of the new generation, and every ray of light will eventually become a legend left by a warrior of the new generation." Dración's voice sounded again, sounding full of energy, nothing happened: "It will be dim Lighting up the era, the meaning of the new generation is even higher than you, the Ultra fighters of the previous generation."

"The first generation of Sophie and the others bloomed this light, and our generation has passed on the light, but it is naturally the new generation that makes this light stronger." This is the pattern of the big universe, from all universes in the multiverse From the moment they are connected, the term multiverse can be temporarily invalidated.

The entire universe can be regarded as one big universe.

In the case of insufficient personality and insufficient strength, the less you know about certain secrets.

The so-called ignorant is fearless, and this ignorant also refers to the cognition of this world.

The transcendent is not invincible, it just transcends the shackles of the universe on the individual, but is still in the big universe in essence, and is still under the supervision of the big universe.

Besides, the ultimate power was already rare in the last era, but in this era, not to mention the ultimate power of the bad street, it is the transcendent, and they are also jumping out in groups.

The ultimate power has become a regular configuration, and the transcendent is just a further embodiment of the regular configuration.

"But you are not, you still have one last mission to complete." Dración stared at the black-gold Nexus: "That is your mission now."

"It's to merge with Yuanyuan, and then exchange the real source, right?" Nexus put his hands on his chest and said flatly: "It makes sense, he chose to separate the two of us, he could have chosen one But, if you want both, it will lead to this result, and naturally there is nothing you can do about it.”

"Besides, it's easy to separate out, but Yuanyuan Nai and I don't know what to do to reintegrate back together." This sentence is true. When splitting, it is a thought and two grasps, and then each becomes independent. individual.

The crack is cracked, but how can it melt back?

This is not the world of Yu-Gi-Oh, where you can go straight to hyper-convergence.

"Genyuan Nai can't tolerate your willful behavior like a child; you can't tolerate Yuan Yuan Nai's appearance of being aloof and looking down on all living beings."

"The difference between gods and humans is always difficult to figure out." Dración obviously already knew what happened to Yuanquan, and he knew that this person in front of him was only half of Yuanquan, and the other half was still in the Kingdom of Light.

"But have you ever thought that maybe your birth was also under the acquiescence of the universe?" Drasion's words immediately attracted Nexus' attention.

Because the macrocosm (multiverse) is conscious, it is no longer a secret after rising to the transcendent personality.

"It is not uncommon for an era to have a transcendent, but a split individual is a transcendent. It was something that was unthinkable before. Without the acquiescence of the universe, this thing would not have happened."

"The two of you may have been born at the right time, and a stage may have been arranged for you in this era."

"Tsk, don't say that the desire to control the universe seems so strong." Nexus said helplessly: "I don't believe in fate or anything like that. If there is a destiny, then everything I have experienced so far , what is it?"

"Could it be that Xiaohui's death and my experiences are all predestined?"

Clenched fists implied anger, nothing was predestined in this world, and he didn't believe it.

If someone imposed this kind of life on him, no matter who the opponent is or how powerful he is, he will definitely kill him, for sure!
I should have had a happy life.

The love I was supposed to hold in my arms...

"Perhaps, it is really destined." De La Xiong said slowly: "Future Nai, you know."

"Of course." This is an existence that can give up life in exchange for the future. Although it is only a half body, Nexus also knows him.

"Among the countless timelines that are subdivided and divided, there will be a future Nai who sacrificed himself for salvation. This is a miracle."

"But what matches a miracle is naturally despair."

"There is a question that has remained unsolved since you inherited the light of Nexus. Have you thought about the answer?"

"What?" Nexus was confused.

"That's what you said." Although Heinai was confused, Yuanyuan knew what Dracione was talking about.

Although he was not present in person, but relying on Hei Nai's perspective, Yuan Na can still talk across time and space.

"Sure enough, you noticed this." Dración also saw Yuan Yuannai's figure, and his phantom overlapped Heinai's body, as if he was also present.

Yuanyuan Nai understands everything, which is much better than the still confused Hei Nai over there.

"No, can you open up your words? What the hell is it!" Heinai was very confused, the two looked very clear, but he was still kept in the dark.

It made him stand out from the crowd.

 It's an important chapter.

  The specific meaning is probably that there is the possibility given by Mirai Nai, and naturally there is also the despair endowed by Mirai Nai.

  How the immutable future comes about is the most important thing.

(End of this chapter)

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