Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 902 The prologue of the new era is over, and the initial stage is unfolding. The silver gian

Chapter 902 The prologue of the new era is over, and the initial stage is unfolding. The silver giant is about to wake up!
Although there is no participation of such deceptive people as Dyna, when the so-called justice is mixed in this kind of grievance and hesitation, Jugula clearly understands that compared with that kind of righteousness, he is just a will after all. Second-rate justice influenced by emotions.

Such a him is nothing in the universe.

But even if it is second-rate justice, Jugula still dismisses Queen Amaterasu's character and Hongkai's inexplicable persistence and stand.

If it is said that Juggler is only a second-rate justice, the Queen's Day is completely incompatible with the so-called justice.

It's just a poor bastard drowned in a beautiful ideal by a boring guy.

Even though Ganon's crisis has been resolved, in the final analysis, it is finally time for Jugula and Hongkai to part ways.

During the years of separation, they have each developed their own personalities and styles.

Different ways of thinking and different ideas make their ideas often run counter to each other.

Separation is destined to happen under the accumulation of one thing after another in all aspects.

The matter on Ganon's side only served as a final word.

Hongkai returned to O-50 and reported the mission situation with Huanhuan.Although it was a bit dangerous, it was still completed in general.

For this reason, Hong Kai was rewarded with a pair of black underpants.

The real original Orb was also born from this.

Juggler, on the other hand, was carrying the last card that could turn him into Nexus, and left Ganon alone without saying goodbye to anyone.

He has no worries, no thoughts, everything has been buried in his heart, and everything in his heart needs to be verified.

With the brand-new power obtained from the tree of life, plus the only card that can turn into Ultraman, Jugula started his own wandering journey, witnessing one after another in the universe The story looks at the ups and downs of the fate of the world.

Whether it is the story of Hongkai or the story of Jugula, the two of their most familiar friends will still meet on the same planet in the future.



Time flies, the years change, the prelude to the arrival of the new era has ended, and now is the beginning of the universe's real development.

The desolation at the beginning will no longer reappear. Now that wars are engulfed by monsters, there are civilizations that have been conquered, and civilizations that have resisted to death. There are also civilizations that do not know anything and regard these as gods...

At the end of the chaos, after Uub and Gagu took the stage, the two protagonists of the new generation were in place, and this allowed the rest of the top civilizations and powerhouses who were recuperating or waiting to see to end.

They exist as supporting roles to attack these monsters, such as u-40.

When a powerful civilization like u-40 is no longer huddled in a corner of the universe, the power it displays is astonishing.

In the new era, even though Jonias has not shown his true posture, his normal power is still at the ultimate level.

He can be regarded as the existence of the old-fashioned ultimate power, and he is the most orthodox and perfect ultimate with the unity of body and mind.

Undoubtedly, Aofu, who showed his true power and held the ultimate sword, and Jonias, who showed his original posture, surpassed the ultimate level and came to the level of the transcendent.

But because of the lack of personality of the two, they have reached the level of a transcendent in terms of pure strength, but in other respects, especially the setting of transcendence endowed by personality, the two of them do not have it.

But just reaching this level of strength is enough to show how powerful they are.

Jonias came out of the mountain and brought the u-40 powerful force to sweep away many evils.

Although there are many existences equivalent to transcendents in Warcraft, Jonias is not a soft persimmon.

Belonging to the new era, the powerhouses of the post-era for the ancient monsters began to fight back against these old antiques.

Origin Nai oversees the universe, Jonias suppresses evil spirits, and other cosmic civilizations who set off rebellion.

In the early days of the new era, the most indispensable thing in this universe is excitement.

The turmoil lasted for thousands of years, and in the end, most of the monsters were kicked out of the altar again, and turned into bereaved dogs again, wandering around in a hidden corner, licking their wounds silently, waiting for the day of their revival. machine.

It's just a temporary failure, they don't think that the so-called era may change.

After solving the crisis of the monsters, bursts of cheers erupted from all over the universe.

In this battle, countless civilizations became famous, and countless universes perished. As the protagonists, Uub and Jugula also left their own legends at the same time, and will be accompanied by this battle worthy of being sung by the world. remember.

Jonas and u-40 are once again known to the world.

But in fact, in this chaos in the universe, the Kingdom of Absolut also participated in the war.

It's just that compared to those who shuttle and fight in other universes, they just guard their own one-third of an acre of land, manage the kingdom and the universe that belongs to them.

The power of the kingdom is no small matter, and there are not many monsters who can go deep here.

Compared with the Kingdom of Light, which has already fallen to the street, the Kingdom is still terrifying even if it is not considered a deep-seated force.

Absolut's power was powerful, and not much was revealed.

After this great war, the friendship brought about by this war only lasted less than 300 years. Afterwards, the conflicts accumulated due to the involvement of interests surpassed the so-called wartime friendship, making civilizations The battle broke out again.

This makes those friends who bonded because of World War I feel painful, and the two people who fell in love because of World War I also suffer.

But no matter what the individual is, in the face of the great power of the collective, there is nothing he can do after all.

The so-called unity, the utopia-like beautiful world only exists in utopia.

The big universe was never like that.

Jonias returned to u-40, and Gennai also returned to the Kingdom of Light again.The battle with Kurinai who was inexplicably insane involved a lot of energy. Even though he managed to wake up Kurinai again, Gennai was still seriously injured.

Hei Nai, who is in a frenzy, doesn't say anything about holding back, every move is straight to fight for his life, and he uses his strength to the maximum, so that Yuan Nai, who just wants to wake up Hei Nai, is under considerable pressure .

Gennai knows that if he wants to return to the original body, he and Hei Nai cannot be missing, so he will never kill Hei Nai.

The sensible Hei Nai can probably think about this matter clearly, even if he does it, he is very measured, so let's go to the end.

But it's a pity that the current Heinai, after hearing the unacceptable news suddenly, fell into madness, and didn't think about it at all.

The second battle of the Transcendents, the aftermath once again affected the entire universe.

But this time, it was not noticed by more people.

After all, you are a transcendent born in the last era, not a transcendent born in this era.

What is it doing for you?
Although Hei Nai was successfully awakened, Yuan Nai was seriously depleted. As a last resort, Yuan Nai could only swallow dozens of universes and place them in his body, and use the power of these universes to amplify his own energy, forcing himself to do what he did before thing.

The price of doing so is not small, but it is a helpless move after all.

Fortunately, in the later days, Gennan gradually recovered from his injuries, and also put those swallowed universes back in place, bringing everything back on track.

Therefore, under the change of time, the moment that Gennai calculated has arrived, and finally there is a new action.

The young man named Auditorium Light, from the moment he was born, was paid close attention to by Origin Naiga.

And just now, a burst of weak light energy erupted on the earth.

The breath of light of the Milky Way, the origin Nai can't admit it wrong.

Coupled with the power of the dark sparks that erupted some time ago, it is conceivable that the recovery of those two guys should not be too far away.

Therefore, although Yuan Nai could not get through this matter, he could let Hei Nai go.

Anyway, it was him, and the result was the same.

(End of this chapter)

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