Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 903 Fake New Generation Big Brother: Sai Luo.The real big brother of the new generation: Gal

Chapter 903 Fake New Generation Big Brother: Sai Luo.The real big brother of the new generation: Galaxy
"I'm sorry for doing such a thing." Before going to Earth, Kuro Nai once again broke away from Gennai's body.

After appearing in the material world, the first sentence that he uttered was this: "It caused you to cultivate for so long, and as a result, you almost failed to maintain the situation."

"It's really rare for a person like you to apologize." After Heinai left his body, Gennai's strength did not decline, and remained stable: "With the characteristic that your existence depends on, suddenly knowing such a thing, losing Control is normal."

"I've already made preparations to fight you."

Origin Nai said it simply, but Heinai was still very embarrassed. After all, after being stimulated by the possibility explained by Dración at that time, the string that Heinai called reason at that time broke directly. .

He didn't know what happened next, but after regaining his sanity, he realized that he had once again become the shadow of Yuan Nai.

At that time, Heina probably understood what he did after losing control.

"Tsk... Now, I am starting to feel dissatisfied with our state." Sitting cross-legged in front of Yuanyuan Nai, Hei Nai said: "Look at you, after losing me, I have no human touch at all. Opening my mouth is the universe All things, shutting up is the common people in the world, and the rationality that can put everything on the weight makes me feel even more disgusted."

Pointing to Yuanyuan, Heinai then pointed the finger at himself: "Look at myself again, without you, impulsive, furious, and doing whatever I want, if you are not the main body, suppressing my madness with strength, I'm afraid Still a lunatic."

"This feeling of being a lunatic is really uncomfortable." He patted Yuan Nai on the shoulder, and He Nai said with a smile: "Now, I am looking forward to the time when we can be reunited."

"Both of us have flaws that are difficult to heal, and this flaw is caused by the lack of each other, so..."

"If you want to merge now, I don't mind, but I don't think we can succeed so easily." Yuanyuan said calmly: "The split is due to the arrival of a certain opportunity, so the fusion must also require a certain opportunity." opportunity."

"Do you think that opportunity has arrived?"

Heinai didn't reply, obviously he also knew about it, the so-called opportunity had no trace at all, and he didn't know where it was at all.

"Don't worry, maybe you have this kind of thought, it's just because of the guilt towards me, it's just for a while." Gennai didn't think of coming out like Heinai did, about merging and then letting that person come back This matter, he is also waiting for that opportunity.

Yuan Yuannai didn't want to become a god, but the lack of that part of himself also made him lack the corresponding conditions, so he became a so-called god.

"Go, find Yinhe, and let the grievance between Yinhe and Lugiel end."

"Although they are not the same as us, Galaxy and Lugiel are also the same as us."

Origin Nai doesn’t know if there was a period of cooperation between Yinhe and Luke Air, and whether there were moments of intimacy, but in the end, the two who drew their swords and even turned against each other seemed to be walking on the road of one body and two parts Seniors, it has considerable reference value.

Origin Nai and Kuro Nai, Galaxy and Luke El, now that I think about it, the two sides are actually so similar.

But the ending of Lukiel is destruction, what about Heinai?
Could it be that after one body and two parts, it is doomed to fight, doomed to destruction?

"Alright." Heina stood up, staring at Yuanyuan with milky white eyes: "I hope we won't go as far as Galaxy and Lukiel."

"Galaxy and Luke Air are separated because of their different views on life, and they are divided because of differences."

"The source is the separation caused by the coexistence of gods and humans, and ultimately you and me represent gods and humans respectively."

"Essentially speaking, we are similar, but different." Gennai still looks at these issues calmly. Galaxy and Luke Air, who are fighting because of their differences, are like two deadlocked ideas fighting each other. Winning, whoever represents that idea wins.

It can be said that from the moment the Galaxy and Lukiel were born, fighting has become a constant theme for the two.

Not so with the source.

Origin Nai and Heinai were not born because of different ideas, but because of the division caused by the coexistence and unity of God and man.

This means that their ultimate goal is fusion, that is, the unity of God and man.

Similar but different.

"Okay, okay, I know the difference between us and them." Heinai nodded, what on earth is Yuanyuan thinking about all day long, so that he can talk freely no matter what problems he encounters?

"As a prerequisite for our fusion, and in order to prevent you from going berserk again, I need you to temporarily attribute the power of the transcendent to my body, and let you go out in the normal form of Nexus."

"That's the ultimate level of power. It's enough in the early days of the new era. Even if you go berserk, you can still be stopped."

When Gennai said this, he was sincere. He understood what it meant to ask another individual to hand over the transcendent personality, and he also knew that such an approach was an expression of distrust.

But he still said it.

"Tsk, if it was before, I would be too lazy to talk to you, and would even laugh at you." Heinai marveled, "But now, I agree with you."

"You and I will eventually return. Before that, you have to get used to me, and I have to get used to you. We all have to accommodate each other." Giving the transcendent personality belonging to Hei Nai to Yuan Yuan Nai is actually to give Hei Nai Nai's humanity as a transcendent was reinstilled into Yuan Nai's body, allowing him to feel everything about being human again.

On the other hand, Hei Nai will be infused with more Yuan Nai's spirit, so that he can keep his sanity forever, so that he will not go berserk when he encounters a little thing.

This is a good thing for both parties, but the prerequisite for this to be achieved is to establish sufficient trust.

It's impossible for Galaxy and Lukiel to do this.

But Gennai and Kuronai can.



The earth after the new era has also entered a new era, but this does not refer to the earth in the kingdom of light universe, but the earth in other worlds.

Auditorium Light, the human body of Ultraman Ginga in the future, is also the big brother of the new generation.

It’s just that now Auditorium Light is still a sophomore in high school, surrounded by friends who can be funny with him, childhood sweethearts who grew up together, a loving family, and his dream of traveling around the world...

No matter how you look at it, it is a proper template for a winner in life, the kind that is impossible to have: I want to time travel.People who think like this.

However, although he would not have the idea of ​​time-traveling, being chosen by the Light of the Galaxy to become Ultraman is beyond his control.

It was an ordinary time when the school was on summer vacation, and it was an ordinary time to return to the hometown of Jiangxing Town, and then it was very unusual to pick up the enshrined Galaxy sparks out of curiosity, and was left with the Galaxy imprint.

It also happened in the middle, encountering the Taro doll who was turned into a spark doll but still retained consciousness.

Auditorium Light communicated with Taro, and thus learned about the past of the Great War of Sparks and why Taro became a spark doll.

Galaxy Spark chose the successor, it is Galaxy's will, it is Xiaoguang's own aptitude, and it is because Galaxy is aware of Lugiel's activities.

The aura of the dark sparks is quite active, Yinhe knows that Lu Ji Aier has long since recovered, and he is one step ahead of him in digging and looking for spark dolls in Jiangxing Mountain.

Maybe it has collected a whole room by now.

But suffering from the fact that the heir who can carry his power is still outside, Yinhe can only watch helplessly, there is nothing he can do.

Therefore, the auditorium light was urgently called back by the galaxy.

But at the same time, the blooming of the galaxy's light also made Lugiel aware of it, making him understand that his old enemy was finally preparing to recover.

Now it depends on who can be resurrected first and get back all the power!

(End of this chapter)

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