Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 904 Brother Sophie Black History Hi Plus 1

Chapter 904
Handing over most of his power, lowering his personality and walking in the universe, Heinai... Nexus has no objection to this.

It's really not good to split into two individual lives like this.

He lacks the other half and suffers from mental problems; Yuanyuannai lacks the other half and is aloof.

Although the two sides represent a certain side, it does not mean that the two sides want to continue like this forever.

Perhaps, instilling the part of Hei Nai who became the transcendent into Yuan Yuan Nai's body, it would allow his aloof gaze to stay in the mortal world for a little longer, allowing his feet to touch the ground again, and Not in isolation.

Correspondingly, I can also get a clearer mind from Yuanyuan, instead of a lunatic who may go mad at any time.

After crossing the star gate and landing on the earth in this universe, the spring came to be calm, and directly descended on the location of the Starfall Mountain.

Looking at this towering mountain, Quan knew that there were a considerable number of spark dolls scattered in this mountain, which were all buried on the ground with the meteor shower thousands of years ago.

Luji Aier should have gathered most of the spark puppets in advance and filled the room. There should not be many spark puppets left on Xingxing Mountain.

But Quan believes that there are still some spark dolls left.

In the last era, the unified attribute of the energy of the giants of light was light, and perhaps a small number of Ultra warriors could use attributes for combat, such as Mebius and Taro.

But in fact, Taro is only good at Ultra bombs, not a fighter who can really operate flame battles.

Only Mebius, the Ultra warrior of the Yan Clan, is the one who really plays with the fire attribute.

But the last era is the last era, and has nothing to do with this era. In the last era, there were only two attributes of light and dark hedging, but in the new generation, attributes have become the mainstream of the era.

Wind, thunder, water, fire, earth.

In addition to the original basic light and darkness, these rare attributes in the previous era are controlled by the new generation of warriors in this era, and they manipulate different attributes into different postures, using different strength.

Therefore, with the Ultra fighters being turned into spark puppets, the Ultra fighters assimilated by the times also showed different attributes on their bodies.

Gaia's earth attribute and Aguru's water attribute, Gauss' water attribute and thunder attribute...

All of these endowed the corresponding Ultra fighters with attribute powers, which gave them a huge increase in their strength, which had been difficult to improve.

It's like... the big universe has let go of the way of comprehension of attributes, and spread the brand-new concept of attributes to the whole universe.

So after Quan landed on Jiangxing Mountain, he followed the desolate location of the back mountain, painstakingly looking for the spark doll that Lugiel hadn't picked up.

According to the attribute, the corresponding spark doll will generally appear on the corresponding attribute, which means that Gaia is likely to be buried in the soil, and Aguru is likely to be underwater.

According to Gauss, it is very likely that it is also under the water, but it may also be high on the top of the mountain.

As for Tiga... Tiga must have been picked up, there is no doubt about it, even Lugiel used dark sparks to turn Tiga into Dark Tiga, which happened in the original plot.

Max is likely to be in a position where the wind can blow all day and night.

Who made this guy a wind attribute?

If the above spark dolls have not been picked up, if you look for them with this kind of thinking, you will still be able to meet them with a high probability.

Quan kicks Gaia out of range of the search.

The land attribute is buried in the ground, the entire Jiangxing Mountain is so big, I have to turn over the whole land and dig three feet just to find a Gaia doll?

What kind of workload is this?

So Quan thought about looking for other spark dolls, but it was quite difficult to find the Jiangxing Mountain that had been scrapped.

However, Ultraman's spark doll was not found, but Quan found a lot of monster dolls, such as the Bermuda in his hand, and the super beast Barabba in the other hand.

The spark figures of these monsters are still useful, and can also be materialized by the galaxy spark or the dark spark, and then fight, no different.

After searching hard for a long time, Quan finally found a spark doll of Ultraman, and this one was his old acquaintance, Zofi.

Sophie, who was transformed into a spark puppet, has no consciousness left, and he himself is in a bird's nest, under the pressure of several chicks, and exists as the main body supporting the bird's nest.

Yes, as expected of Sophie, even if she is turned into a spark doll, she is still the big brother of a group of newborn children, and she has worked tirelessly to support the family.

With a smothered smile, Quan took Sophie out of the bird's nest and used a wooden stick as a substitute.

Holding Sophie's spark doll, Izumi saw the white marks left on Sophie's doll at a glance.

If you get closer, it still smells a little bit. With a presumptuous smile on his face, Izumi wiped it off for Sophie, and then laughed out loud.

The captain of the dignified space guard, the eldest brother of the Ott brothers, was sitting on the body of the chick, and even had bird droppings on his body, which made people laugh.

But it doesn't matter, brother Sophie already has enough dark history anyway, it doesn't matter if there is one more.

You don't have to worry about debts, and I believe Sophie doesn't mind either.

After wiping off the dirt on Sophie's body and putting it in his pocket, Quan strode down the mountain, planning to go to Jiangxing Town at the foot of the mountain to see if he could meet Auditorium Light and his little friends.

Of course, there is also Taro, who is the only one who maintains consciousness in the spark puppet state, and needs to be seen.

As he got closer to Jiangxing Town, Quan could feel some kind of strange power spreading around the entire Jiangxing Mountain.

This kind of power is weak, but it exists. This power seems to be able to affect the emotions of all beings in Falling Star Mountain, and it has been accumulated over the years, subtly changing people's mentality.

Of course, this kind of ability is just one of the incidental, and Lugiel obviously has his plan to spread this kind of power.

Compared with Lugiel's power, the power of the Milky Way seems so calm, so calm that Quan can't even sense it.

But it doesn't matter, as long as you know where the Hall's family is, whether it's Auditorium Light or his grandfather, as the family that protects the sparks of the galaxy, they are naturally hated by Lukiel.

Between old opponents and old opponents, most people look down on each other.

After asking someone about the location of the auditorium, Quan strode towards the auditorium.

But on the road, I met a gangster who likes to ride a bicycle and domineering. This guy targeted Izumi who was walking alone on the road, and came to harass him on a motorcycle.

Izumi knew this guy, he was the bosozoku who also attacked the auditorium light and his party in the original book, and was later chosen by the dark spark to give the black spark, and then he fought against the galaxy as a monster, and finally lost.

Regardless of the outcome of the defeat, this guy is not a good person in the first place, and Quan is not the type who will be patient and listen to what he says.

Squinting his eyes, Izumi kicked the motorcycle down with a side kick, lifting the bosozoku from the ground with a strangled neck.

Quan threw it away and threw it into the sewage river beside him.

Lese, you should go where Lese should go.

(End of this chapter)

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