Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 907 The Galaxy's Transcendent Domain: No matter how strong you are, the Galaxy will alw

Chapter 907 The Galaxy's Transcendent Domain: No matter how strong you are, the Galaxy will always be above you.

"Brother, what happened? Why did we suddenly have the mastermind behind the scenes? Have you investigated clearly?" On the playground of Jiangxing Elementary School, Tai Luo maintained the shape of a doll and stood on Quan's shoulder, suppressing his heart The excitement, Yuquan told.

"Lukiel, the master of the dark spark, didn't you already know what happened from the moment you saw the galaxy spark?" Quan's eyes were fixed on the principal's office. If he remembered correctly, this is In the principal's office on the first floor, instead of documents, there are rows of spark puppets, the spark puppets collected by Lugiel.

Because the principal of Jiangxing Elementary School has already been possessed by Lu Ji Aier.

"Dark sparks and galaxy sparks are artifacts in the legend of the Kingdom of Light. I never thought that when this legend appeared, it would be us who were affected." In the space of consciousness, Tai Luo shook his head, quite helplessly: "The Kingdom of Light In the end, it destroyed the Kingdom of Light."

"Then why are you depressed? The Kingdom of Light is still there." Quan replied: "By the way, I forgot to tell you that I am not the source you know. No, it should not be all source, I am just a part of him."

"Part of it?" Tai Luo was startled. Doesn't this mean that something happened to his brother?
"Yes." At this time, the voices of Izumi and Yuanyuan Nai sounded at the same time, but in Taylor's telekinetic power, he could see a black and golden Nexus and Yuanyuan Nai, two phantoms overlapping together look like.

For a moment, Taylor was shocked inexplicably.

wc?My sixth brother has become two?
"Because of some thoughts of Yuanquan, he and I finally appeared. It can be said that we are the person you know, but not all of them." Quan told Taylor: "At present, he guards the Kingdom of Light , protecting the base of the Kingdom of Light, so that people from other universes cannot invade."

"Thank you very much." The Kingdom of Light has too much high-end technology hidden in it, which is of the level that if leaked out, it will directly cause a technological explosion in the entire universe.

Originally, Tai Luo had already accepted his fate, but he didn't expect his sixth brother to become two halves, even guarding the Kingdom of Light.

Although he was worried about Yuanquan, Taro expressed his gratitude to Gennai's behavior.

"Tayro, the owner of the dark spark is Lukiel, and the owner of the galaxy spark is Yinhe, I believe you should have seen him before." Gennai faded away the phantom, and returned his consciousness to calm, while Quan was burdened Completed the task of communicating with Tai Luo: "It's the one that Xiao Guang transformed into before."

"Is that Ultra warrior who can condense lightning with a wave of his hand?" Tai Luo seemed to see a wave of terror brought by the moment the Ultra warrior appeared. The birth nebula shone and swirled before my eyes.

"It's me." At this moment, another steady voice came in, and came up to reveal his identity: "It's been a long time, Lord Savior, and Ultraman Taro."

"I'm not the source, you can't call me the savior." In the space of consciousness, the black and gold Nexus, Taro, and Galaxy with its original appearance, the three talked face to face and exchanged information.

Although Quan is only a half body, but the main body has already had contact with the Milky Way.

Last time, Taro took a look from a distance, but this time when they met face to face, Taro could feel it from Yinhe. Only a little better than him?
Seeing Taro's dazed look, Quan knew that the transcendent essence of the galaxy had fooled Taro.

Also at the level of Transcendence, Gennai is responsible and burdened in exchange for that ability.

Heinai is a specious ability derived from pain and anger.

Then the ability of the galaxy is the thing written into his settings.

No matter how strong you are, the galaxy is always above you.

Yes, this is the transcendent essence of the galaxy. In Taro's view, the galaxy is only one line stronger than him, but in the eyes of other Ultra fighters, the galaxy is only a little stronger than them.

But that's the thing, the kind that never changes.

The essence of a transcendent will never change unless it is influenced by an existence of the same level.

"After chasing him for so long, you still haven't been able to stop Luke Aier." At the first sight of meeting, Quan directly complained like this: "I thought you were capable of turning the tide, but in the end you and him are still both hurt."

"I didn't want to hurt him." Yinhe shook his head, a little helpless: "I was in anger at the time, and I didn't hold back my strength for a while, which led to this result."

what kind of result?Does it mean to let Lukiel know that he has become stronger all the way, but the Galaxy is still above him forever, and his mentality collapsed, and he only thinks about the matter of dying together?

"It doesn't matter, since you have found an heir now, it means that between you and him, a winner will eventually be decided." This is Yuan Yuannai who said: "But have you ever thought that once Lugiel dies, Then the oneness that is oneness will never come back."

"No, that one will always be there, and it will not disappear because of me or Lugiel's disappearance." Yinhe shook his head: "I have found that one."

Origin Nai and Izumi are silent, and the meaning of Yinhe's words is very clear.

Xiaoguang, is it really the future one body and two separate bodies?

"Galaxy, you are the master of Galaxy Spark, is there a way to change me back to my original shape?" Tai Luo asked eagerly, he really wanted to get rid of this appearance and return to my original size.

"I'm sorry, the Dark Spark has been highly bound to Luki-Eir. The transcendent essence of Luki-Eir is the stagnant time. People who are humanized by the Dark Spark, unless Lugi-Eir dies, otherwise if Lugi-Eir does not allow , Even if it is the Galaxy Spark, there is no way to completely remove the dollification." Galaxy is a transcendent, and Lugiel is naturally a transcendent. The essence of transcendence between the two is different, which also means that the two sides insist on different things.

Luke-Ele is somehow more dangerous.

But this can't change the fact that he was beaten by Yinhe.

"How could this be?" Taro let go of all his anger, and suddenly felt helpless. The same Ultraman, Taro didn't think that Yinhe would deceive him, so there should be no other way.

"Tayro, you should stay with Xiaoguang during this time, and tell him everything about Ultraman." Quan said, "His future is limitless, and even I don't know where his limit lies." where."

Are you kidding, where is the first Ultraman of all ages to be simple?

The first generation of human body is even more difficult.

Xiaoguang's future body will be divided into Yinhe and Lujiel, and two transcendent levels will be separated into one body, which is enough to show how strong his future is.

"But, is it really good to just involve him like this? Brother, you can't make a move?" Tai Luo asked back.

"I'm limited by the times, so I can't act rashly in this era." Quan shook his head: "This is the glory of the new generation, and we can only serve as a foil, not a distraction."

"What does this mean?" Before being puppetized by the sparks, Taro had already reached the level of ultimate power, and he was also the strongest ultimate power for the unity of body and mind, but this still could not change the ending of his puppetization .

However, although the ending cannot be changed, it is enough to show that Taylor's growth is visible to the naked eye.

"The era of change will bring wave after wave of newcomers to the stage. Our era has passed, Taylor." He stretched out his hand and put it on Taylor's shoulder. Quan. No, it should be said that it was Origin , warned Taylor: "Those who violate the times will eventually usher in the end of defeat."

"Those monsters just don't understand this, so they died in the end."

"Savior Da Quan, why do you have the same problems as me and Lugiel?" Yinhe, who had been watching for a long time, finally spoke out.

"Could it be that between you two, you also want to fight to the death?"

"The savior, wouldn't he?"

(End of this chapter)

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