Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 908 "Comprehensive Understanding of the Power of Ultraman Galaxy"

Chapter 908 "Comprehensive Understanding of the Power of Ultraman Ginga"
"Galaxy." At the moment when the Milky Way was about to return to the Galaxy Spark, Gennai said: "After your fate with Lukiel is over, do you want to return to the future?"

"I'm not from this era. I came here only to stop Lugiel." Galaxy replied: "But the idea of ​​the big universe, I have to admit, everything is fate."

"I came back to the present because of Lugiel, and after losing both sides, I found Xiaoguang as a human body."

"And the light I left behind will become an opportunity for Xiaoguang to go all the way. It will make him gradually grow and become stronger in the future, and finally reach a limit, and then become me and Lukiel."

"One drink and one peck, there is already a conclusion."

Did the galaxy from the future choose Xiaoguang as his successor, so what happened later, or did Xiaoguang go on this path in the future even without this incident?

The ingenuity of time and the arrangement of the universe always make people feel wonderful inadvertently.

"Let's fight once the dust settles." Quan is usually the one who sends out such an invitation to fight. How could Yuan Yuannai say that?

But the person who said this sentence is really Gennai, and he is looking at the Milky Way with milky white eyes, and he is completely serious.

"At that time, I will have to go back to the future, but before that, I can still stay for a short time." Yinhe stretched out his fist and collided with Yuan Yuannai's phantom, and the two sides made an agreement , this battle, no matter who comes, there is no way to avoid it.

Although it is still a battle of transcendents, the two sides are only as another existence, allowing each other to fully release their full strength.

This is not a collision between Ultra fighters and Ultra fighters, but a collision between essence and essence.

No matter how strong you are, the galaxy is always above you.Where is the limit of the nature of this galaxy? Origin Nai wanted to try it.

In the same way, Gennai also wants to know where her limit is.

The last time he fought against Lucifer, Yuanyuan Nai could only be regarded as a preliminary entry into the transcendence. He hadn't settled in this realm for a long time, and he hadn't figured out the strength of moves that could be worthy of this level.

Now, Gennai, who has been sitting quietly for so long, will be stronger than at that time.

After the battle, the body of the galaxy turned into a bright light of the galaxy, disappeared without a trace, and returned to the spark of the galaxy.

On the other hand, Yuanyuan Nai glanced at Tai Luo, without saying anything, withdrew his will from Quan's body, and returned to his body.

In the following period of time, unless Quan took the initiative to contact, Yuanyuan Nai would not interfere with Quan's actions anymore.

"This" is the most dishonest one in the room, and Taylor didn't understand what happened between the two sides, which led to the sudden confrontation.

"You can't figure out what that guy thinks, don't think about it, useless brain cells." Quan spread his hands to express helplessness: "Let the two of them solve it by themselves, anyway, I think what they mean, it seems that they really don't know what to do." Lukiel puts it in his eyes."

Tsk, then I want to see if the same thing in the original book will happen to your Galaxy this time.

When transforming, he came out in a circle, but was kicked out of the transformed state by Lu Jiel.

If this scene still happens, don't blame me for laughing out loud.

Because of being temporarily homeless, Xiaoguang built a tent to live in the Yinhe Shrine, which is the classroom of Jiangxing Elementary School, as a temporary shelter.

And Quan also found a single room in Jiangxing Primary School, which seemed to be the dormitory where the teachers who lived here before lived.

It's just that the school is about to be abolished, so where are the teachers?

Even among the students, there is no one who decides to debut as an idol in order to save the crisis of abolishing the school
wait!It seems that there are!

Lying on the bed thinking about some random things, with his hands resting on the back of his head, and his eyes looking up at the sky, he seemed very comfortable.

While the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking, the Kemmel man's slender and huge figure stood on the back hill of Jiangxing Elementary School.But after a while, another monster also appeared and clashed with the Kemmel.

Lying on the bed and feeling the vibration of the ground, Quan didn't respond at all.

Lightning Dalambir is definitely going to lose, but correspondingly, as long as Xiaoguang turns into a galaxy, he will definitely win.

The kind without reason.

If you insist on why, it is that the place where the Kemmel people are standing now is the back mountain, and the Milky Way has always been known as the God of War in the back mountain.

Sure enough, within a few moments, the Kemmel was instantly killed by the Galaxy, and he used a completely different trick from before, the Galaxy Flame Wave.

Since the big universe of the new era opened up the authority of attributes, all the lives in the big universe basically have their own attributes. Therefore, the strength of all the old-generation powerhouses has risen to a higher level, and the newly born warriors have their own attributes. is going to get stronger.

But the Milky Way is too much.

For other Ultra fighters, even other new generations, it would be great to have one attribute.

But Galaxy is different, his omnipotence is a bit too much.

Galactic Flame Wave/Galaxy Sunlight: Fire attribute.

Galactic Solace: Water attribute.

Galaxy Slash: Wind attribute.

Galaxy Holy Sword: Earth attribute.

Galactic Lightning Strike/Galaxy Light Shield: Thunder attribute.

Galactic Strike Ray: Light attribute.

And the later ultimate nirvana: Galaxy Supreme Impact, it doesn't matter whether it is attribute or not, but the whole body light skill equivalent to the release of energy at the level of the river system, it is the ultimate nirvana.

And the most important point is that these attributes are self-contained by the Galaxy, rather than the later Ged and Rob brothers, who use the power of other Ultraman to fuse and transform, and then switch their own attributes to reconcile.

The only one with the same treatment is Uub-Original.

But even if it is Uub's native, it needs to be paired with Uub's holy sword to use multiple attributes at the same time, instead of Galaxy, which can use whatever you want.

It can be said that as the number one of the new generation, Galaxy has reached its limit in all aspects of configuration.

It's no wonder Yuanyuan Nai would want to fight with the Milky Way. From all aspects, the appearance of such a terrifying guy in this era is a dimensionality reduction blow.

If Galaxy hadn't returned to its era later, I'm afraid that in the current era, the later new generation would not need anything at all, and Galaxy alone could solve almost everything.

After falling asleep lightly, until the next morning, when Quan went out after washing, he saw Xiaoguang and Meiling running down the corridor holding hands.

You were shy yesterday, but today you don't hide it?

It seems that last night the Bosozoku-turned Kemmel sent a good wave of assists.

All of a sudden, the relationship between the two of them was pushed to this level.

Quan naturally had nothing to say. After walking down the stairs in the corridor, he met a handsome student with a cold face, and passed him by.

This student Quan also recognizes that he is a temple friend who has not yet joined the protagonist group, and will drive Jannay in the future to fight side by side with Xiaoguang.

But now, he is still a villain.

Quan didn't bother to talk about it. He planned to go to Jiangxing Mountain today to find more spark dolls and see if he could find some deep hidden Ultra fighters.

After all, those people are all his acquaintances and friends.

(End of this chapter)

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