Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 910 High EQ: This era is the era of attributes.Low emotional intelligence: 1 character leath

Chapter 910 High EQ: This era is the era of attributes.Low EQ: Can a character leather case be different?

Attracted by the sudden broken window, the three people waiting downstairs, Xiaoguang, Meiling, and Kenta, happened to see the Balki alien who jumped out of the room.

There are enough outlandish monsters to be seen these days, and one more is not a big deal now.

Xiaoguang reacted quickly, and immediately remembered that there were still Taro dolls in the room, and Meiling also said just now, Yuka's eyes were like those guys who used dolls to turn into monsters before, so , Xiaoguang immediately prepared to run to the building.

But it's a pity that before he had time to go there, he saw a sudden burst of dark energy, accompanied by a huge light and shadow, a black-red light ball flew out of the room, landed on the back mountain of Jiangxing Mountain, and then appeared A fiery red two-headed strange bird appeared.

That is King Ponton, the two-headed monster bird, a monster that Yuka materialized with the help of virtual sparks.

Seeing this, Xiaoguang had no choice but to give up the plan to rush into the house, and instead took out the Galaxy Spark, took the Kemmel doll handed over from Meiling, realized the monster, and went to fight the two-headed monster bird .

Kenta still didn't give up, he broke away from Meiling's hand and wanted to go up to see what happened, but it was a pity that he just ran to the door when he was caught by Quan who was going down the stairs, no matter how much he struggled, it was useless, and Quan It was pulled out abruptly.

"Okay, I know that when I was a teenager, I always liked to think about what was there and what was missing, but you who are still studying can't see through the reality of this society." Throwing Kenta to Meiling's side, Quan also threw his hand He handed over the Taylor doll clutched in his hand to Meiling, and then continued.

"In this respect, you are not as good as that woman."

"At least she can already use her beauty to deceive people."

"No! Yuka won't lie to me!" Due to the fact that the difference in strength between the two sides was too great, Kenta had no choice but to yell at Izumi incompetently.

"Tsk, you will know later, cherish your student time now, these carefree days are not many." Quan didn't pay much attention to Kenta, and turned his attention to the battlefield over there.

At this glance, he immediately saw that the Kemmel that Xiaoguang turned into was crazily deflated.

It was really speechless for him to see.

"There's no reason. Although Ponton is indeed stronger than the Kemmel people, it's impossible to suppress it to this extent." Tai Luo couldn't figure it out. He was held by Meiling and his heart was on the battlefield. The way Guang was beaten and crawling all over the ground made them somewhat unbearable to look directly at.

Casting a glance at Kenta, who was still in disbelief and still chose to run upstairs to confirm something, Quan walked to Meiling's side and said, "That's because the current era is different from the previous era."

Hearing Quan's words, Mei Ling turned her head and looked at Quan with surprised eyes: "Can you hear what Tai Luo said?"

"Of course I can hear it, because he has already communicated with me." Without intending to expose himself, Quan continued: "You have to remember that in this era, it is no longer a simple battle between light and dark, but a real struggle. The dispute over attributes."

"Once you fall into a disadvantage in terms of attributes, or even be restrained, there is a great possibility that you will lose, or even be suppressed to death."

"Xiaoguang is like this now. The attributes of the Kemmel people are restrained by King Ponton."

"Restraint?" This was an unheard of point of view, which immediately attracted Taylor's attention, and Mei Ling also pricked up her ears, listening carefully.

"The Kemmel liquid will burn if it touches fire, and its ability cannot have an effect on Ponton."

"The same goes for Lightning Darlanbier before, because Lightning needs to charge forward and shake, which eventually led to failure."

"Generally speaking, Darambir is of thunder attribute, Kemmel is of wind attribute, and Ponton is of fire attribute."

"Lightning that needs to be charged cannot hit the wind attribute accurately, but when the wind attribute encounters fire, it will help the opponent. This forms the most basic restraint."

"Attribute." Because the entire Kingdom of Light was wiped out when the new era came, so Tai Luo didn't know that the big universe opened up attributes.

This matter, even if there is no spring science popularization, everyone in the Kingdom of Light will be figured out because of the changes in their bodies after everyone in the Kingdom of Light returns to the Kingdom of Light.

Quan said now that he was just informing Taro of the changes in this era in advance.

"That's right, wind, thunder, water, fire, earth, plus the basic light and darkness, these are the seven attributes in this era."

"As for the relationship between attributes, I will tell you in detail when you unblock it."

What I am saying now, because there are no specific samples, I just say that there is no way to empathize with others, so Quan chooses to give a rough idea and let Taylor know the concept.

"Then if the attribute is restrained, what should we do!" Meiling also listened to Quan's science popularization, and when she heard that Xiaoguang was fighting against the opponent with the inverse attribute, she immediately became anxious.

"Yes, it's enough to become Ultraman Yinhe, and it's a sure win." Quan gestured an OK gesture. Compared with this basic restraint of a single attribute, a boss with six attributes like Yinhe is not at all. There is restraint.

Only he can restrain others, how can anyone restrain him?
Sure enough, Xiaoguang over there did not know what kind of stimulation he had received, so he dismantled the materialization of the Kemmel, and became Ultraman Ginga in the starlight of the galaxy, and then hit the ground with the holy sword of the galaxy, bursting out with high heat The magma, with the earth and fire attributes going hand in hand, wiped out Ponton.

See, the operation of the new generation of big brothers who are proficient in the six attributes is capricious.

Are you Ponton a fire attribute?Then I will also use the fire attribute to send you to death.

"Yeah!" Seeing that Ultraman Ginga won, Meiling immediately jumped up happily, cheering for Xiaoguang, especially when Xiaoguang walked over after disabling the materialization, Meiling was even more excited holding Taro greeted him.

The Qingqing between the two of them made Quan, who was standing still, feel a little emotional.

Student love
Heh, speaking of it, I seem to have met her at school as well.

Shaking his head, dispelling the slight melancholy, Quan walked forward with his hands in his pockets.

"Little light."

"Ah, senior?" In fact, at first, Xiaoguang planned to call him Uncle Quan, but this kind of address made Quan feel a little old, so he changed to the title of senior.

After Quan arrived, Xiaoguang also restrained the atmosphere between himself and Meiling, and said with some embarrassment: "I heard what Meiling said just now, I made you laugh, I didn't expect that I would fight against my attributes."

Heh, what is this? If I didn't tell you this, you still plan to use Ponton, a firebird, to fight against water-attribute sea beasts.

Then Ponton, who was hitting you under pressure, was beaten violently when he got into your hands.

If you co-author it, you don’t think about what went wrong at all, right?

"It's good to know. There is also corresponding knowledge about attributes on the earth. It is not difficult to learn, and in the new era, many monsters also have corresponding characteristics, which can allow you to distinguish them. Attribute." Yuanquan spread out his hands, palms up: "Galaxy Spark can switch any Spark doll for replacement during the battle, so it is very convenient."

"As long as you understand these, choose the corresponding restraint attribute to fight, and switch at will during the battle, no matter what kind of monster it is, you can deal with it."

"Yes!" For some reason, Xiaoguang felt reprimanded by the teacher when he heard what Quan said.

Senior Izumi, you must have been a teacher before becoming a traveler, right?

Taking a furtive glance at Quan Quan, who is tall and wrinkled at the corners of his eyes, Xiao Guang thought to himself in his heart.

What?Why do you think seniors know so much?

Then I don't know!

But wouldn't it be fine if the senior knew about it and told me?

Xiaoguang trusts Tai Luo, so since Tai Luo chooses to believe it, he will naturally have no doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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