Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 911 My grandma said that I am a man who walks the way of heaven and is in charge of everythi

Chapter 911 My grandma said that I am the man who follows the way of heaven and is in charge of everything (referring to God)
Because Quan brought up a brand new topic of attributes, Tai Luo, Xiaoguang, and Meiling all went to find the corresponding information.

Similar to such attributes, there is corresponding knowledge on the earth, so if you search hard, you can find the corresponding things.

On the other hand, Quan took the time to go to Jiangxing Town and found a media person. After several discussions, Quan paid some price in exchange for the promise that they would find a girl named Chicao to be the cover model.

Izumi would do such a thing, naturally because he wanted to change Chikusa's jealousy because Meiling had all her attention taken away, and she was used by the Balki Stars.

In the original book, it was because the model who came to the school in Jiangxing Town to shoot the photo ran away, so the photographers of the crew noticed Meiling and Chikusa who were watching the show on the side.

Chikusa's charm is indeed good, but it is still a lot worse than Mei Ling, so of course, Mei Ling was pulled to become a model.

Seeing that the dream she couldn't dream of was about to be fulfilled casually by Mei Ling who had no idea of ​​being an idol at all, it was naturally nothing to feel jealousy in Chikusa's heart.

One thing is something that you have worked so hard to do but can't succeed, but for others, it can be solved by raising your hand. What do you think when you see this scene?
And it's not just once, it's been like this every time since childhood.

Chikusa's unbalanced mentality was gradually crushed by the accumulation of daily accidents.

So what Izumi had to do was to satisfy Chikusa's dream.

He is an old lovelive, not to mention Honoka in the early days, even Tang Keke's star cluster later, he will watch it all!

Becoming an idol or something, if you want to do it, then do it.

Therefore, this is also the reason why Izumi, wearing a studio uniform, appeared in front of Xiaoguang and others four or five days later with a camera hanging around his neck.

Don't tell me, after wearing such a camera around his neck, he always felt as if he couldn't help becoming an emperor.

But Yinhe is not the king of time, and he can't do that kind of confusing behavior. These things can only be thought about.

This time, instead of looking for Meiling, the photographers directly dragged Chikusa to take pictures.

Seeing Chikusa's smile when she left, Izumi leaned on the door frame with one hand and watched her step into the classroom on the second floor.

"Senior! What are you..." After the staff left, Xiao Guang immediately ran to Quan's side and looked him up and down: "Senior, I really didn't know, so you still have this status."

"Actually, I'm not good at taking pictures. I'm just pretending." Lifting up the camera in his hand, Quan shrugged and said helplessly, "It's just using money to clear the way. It can be regarded as giving her a chance to realize her dream."

Yes, to realize the dream, not just talk like in the original book, just talk about it, do nothing, and have no intention to realize the dream for Chikusa.

Of course, such things don't only happen in Galaxy TV, in fact, there are such plots in previous TVs.

It has nothing to do with the plot assumptions, it's purely Li's character: what he says makes sense, but he doesn't help when he really wants to do something, because it may cause trouble to others.The reason for such a character.

In our opinion, it is a very funny thing, but in Li's own eyes, it is a very normal thing.

The three perspectives are different, the cognition is different, and naturally many aspects cannot be empathized.

Izumi just gave Chikusa a chance. As a country girl in a small town, she has no resources and no financial backers. The price of becoming an idol is not small.

But fortunately, this place is Auspend, and there are still a lot of good people, so it is difficult for a girl like Chikusa without any background to become an idol, but it is not too difficult.

"Chikusa's dream has always been to become an idol, and now she can finally realize her dream." Meiling leaned against Xiaoguang, happy for Chikusa: "Thanks to Senior Izumi's help."

"I'm just giving a chance. I can't guarantee whether she can soar into the sky by virtue of this." Fiddled with the camera on his neck, Quan took it off and hung it around Kenta's neck, who was poking his head.

"Eh?" Kenta looked at Quan stupidly.

"It was originally rented, so we can't waste the rent." As he said that, Quan made a gesture of pointing at the sky with one hand, and his face became cold: "Professional photographer, come, take my Take a picture of your handsome and heroic figure!"

"My grandma said that I am a man who follows the way of heaven and is in charge of everything."


Kenta didn't understand Quan's pleasure in doing this, but since the senior asked, he must be willing to help.

After finding the right position, Kenta adjusted the focus of the camera.

"Wait a minute! I'm coming too!" Xiaoguang naturally wouldn't miss such a fun thing, and immediately jumped down from the steps and stood in the open space.

As a result, he thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't figure out how to put on a decent pose, so he just stood there awkwardly.

Compared with Quan's posture, what he came up with was nothing more than opening his hands or making a pair of scissors hands, which looked really inferior.

"Come on, Xiaoguang, you have to learn from me." After saying that, Quan went up to teach Xiaoguang to pose without saying a word.

Mei Ling who was on the side looked interesting and joined in.

For a while, the girl above was realizing her dream, and the people below were also immersed in happiness. The negative energy needed to revive Lugiel, the darkness in people's hearts, was greatly reduced.

Balki hid in the dark, watching them happy and brimming with joy. Although he hated them, he really didn't have the guts to go down and look for trouble.

"Hey! Did you find out after all the investigation!" Angrily, Balki connected the message and asked the partner on the other side, that is, the famous genius boy in this school, a temple friend.

"No, I have searched almost all the secret records on the earth, and there is no information about this man in the materials involved." A temple friend also put down the microcomputer in his hand, and responded indifferently: "A person lives in It is impossible for the words on the earth to have no traces, and if they cannot be found, then there is only one possibility."

"That guy is indeed a cosmic person from the universe!" Balki nodded his head seriously, with an expression of "as expected": "I knew it, I knew that guy was not from Earth! "

"Damn it, the cosmic beings who jumped out of nowhere actually want to block Lord Ruler's plan, and even... even hang out with those hateful guys!" Balki jumped up and down angrily, very dissatisfied: "Damn it ! I will go to Master Ruler right away, and I will come to a powerful helper, and I will trample you to death!"

Balki bounced away, and a temple friend also called up the surveillance camera at the school gate, watching those guys smiling happily.

Even he himself didn't know that there was a trace of envy in the frozen heart deep in his heart.

"Pretending to be a human being and mixing among them, and getting along with these guys, what on earth do you want to do?" After staring at Quan for a moment, a temple friend also turned his attention to Xiaoguang.

"Ultraman Galaxy...is that you?" Holding the dark spark in his hand, Yiyi is also different from those guys who were simply controlled before. He and Balki have a cooperative relationship, and Balki gave him the virtual spark After that it started.

It's just... Ever since Balki gave him the virtual spark, Yiyiji has been quiet.

If there is no such variable as Quan, a temple friend should have figured out the time limit for the materialization of the Milky Way by now, and began to prepare a targeted plan for the time limit of 3 minutes.

In the original book, Yiyi Temple also caused a lot of trouble for Xiaoguang because of this.

He doesn't need to win the galaxy, he just needs to run out of materialized time to win.

(End of this chapter)

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