Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 922 The signs that come in a hurry and go in a hurry generally only appear in one place.

Chapter 922 The signs that come in a hurry and go in a hurry usually only appear in one place.


What do I think?I stand and watch, otherwise how else can I see?
Heinai, who was confused, moved a little closer, and he felt a time warp when he moved forward for a moment.

Although it is impossible to change the time, as a monster that has survived from ancient times to the present, it can open the space-time tunnel at will, and even use the space-time tunnel to devour planets, destroy galaxies and the like.

Although it takes time and the tunnel needs to grow bigger, it is still the ability of a transcendent.

Only when he gets close can Heina feel this twisted feeling.

The world is changing in front of his eyes, the past and the future are intertwined in the present, and he can see any person or thing walking in the long river of time.

"Of course the times will change. From my point of view, ten years will turn over in a blink of an eye, a hundred years will change, a thousand years will pass away, and ten thousand years will change. Even in the universe, ten thousand years is enough for light to go from here to there." In front of him, even Hei Nai is only as big as his nose.

"Why is it like this? As a transcendent, do you still use that way to distinguish the world?" However, this person has a different opinion: "Life living on the planet brings its own cognition into the universe. , taking it for granted that the times have changed and the years have changed."

"But that's for lower life forms. On the scale of the universe, not to mention ten thousand years, even tens of millions of years, it's just the blink of an eye."

"As we who have transcended the universe, whether it is hundreds of millions of years or hundreds of millions of years, it is only in the blink of an eye, how can we change?"

"Is the transcendent really transcending the universe? Or...you think you are a transcendent, so you are superior to others, and you have to use another perspective to measure it?" Heinai removed the black sword and continued: "You are a transcendent, Of course it’s okay to look at it from such a perspective, but... what about those monsters who have not reached this level? In their eyes, the time transition of hundreds of millions of years is also not a change of era?"

"If you talk about vision, they are different from each other."

"You think the times have never changed, but I think the times have changed long ago."

"Is this your consciousness as a transcendent born in the previous era?" Warcraft asked: "I haven't known it yet, your name."

"Quan." Heinai nodded. It was rare to meet a reasonable monster. This guy's IQ seemed to be higher than most of the evil gods.

"My name: Krostem." After saying his name, Krostem continued to ask: "I came here just to ask for this answer, but you are a transcendent, but you are trapped by the constraints of humble lives. Cognition is called transcendence, but it does not seem to transcend one's own vision."

"Hey! Even if you don't agree with my statement, there is no need to use this kind of excuse. This is different from shouting in a debate: I don't listen, I don't listen, I'm right. What's the difference between that kind of nonsense guy ?” Quan won’t get used to it, and let’s talk about things like the Three Views, it’s really difficult for a guy with different Three Views to understand.

"You don't look like a transcendent, but you are still trapped by the human perspective." Krostem opened his mouth, and in its tongue, the gorgeous time energy was boiling.

Once it erupts, there will be a short-term confusion in the timeline.

Once the storm of time blows, it will not stop until it turns upside down.

"Since you think he is still trapped by others, then let me tell you." The four-color light builds an endless chain. Temporarily store in your own body.

On the other hand, Yuanyuan is holding four chains in one hand, anchoring the concepts of up, down, left, and right in the chaotic time and space, and suppressing the gradually expanding space-time tunnel.

At the same time, Hei Nai responded to Yuan Nai's actions, and the single black chain turned into layers of rings, rotating clockwise along the tunnel, and soon filled the entire space-time tunnel.

One suppresses, the other fills in. The two transcendents shot at the same time, almost suppressing and repairing the chaotic time and space in the blink of an eye.

And with a milder method, the strength of Krostrom was reduced, making it impossible to expand the Transcendence Domain.

But Krostrom didn't care about this, because the moment Gennai appeared and swallowed the Kingdom of Light, when two beings that were too similar but of different colors stood side by side, it had already sensed something was wrong, and even ... was an accident.

"You two..." looked at Yuanyuan Nai, then at Hei Nai, even the Warcraft that survived from ancient times to the present, it can't understand the relationship between these two guys.

"Isn't there only one Transcendence born in the last era?" After the Transcendence was born, the corresponding era will also give feedback, allowing all beings in this era to know the existence of the Transcendence.

Feedback is given once when one is born, and twice when two are born. This is fixed.

But... He obviously only felt the feedback once, but why did two transcendents appear?
"The last era, from the moment he and I were born, has ended." Yuan Yuannai held the chain with one hand, and looked at him with milky white eyes.

Crostrom:  …

"From a human perspective, thousands of years are too far away. Even if it is only ten years, it is one tenth of the time."

"The death of a life is the birth of a life. The same is true for lower life, and the same is true for the universe."

"From the moment the strings of the multiverse exploded and expanded out of the universe, eras came together."

"You and him..." What Yuanyuan Nai said is not important anymore, the key is that when Yuan Yuannai appeared, Krostem had already faintly realized.

"From the moment the universe was born, from the beginning to the end of the big bang, for the universe, life and death are a reincarnation, and the process does not seem to be important."

"But when the universe stops expanding and shrinks back to a single point, the big bang occurs again, and the reincarnation starts again. Will the process between life and death this time be the same as the last time?"

"Heh... Such a rhetoric, such a you..." Although it was milky white glowing eyes, the induction between the transcendents was more superficial.

"He is like a human, but you are different... so it is so, so it is!" As if thinking of something happy, the animal head let out a deafening long howl, and the five chains it triggered rattled.

"Okay! I agree with what you said." After laughing, Krostrom no longer insisted on his point of view, and instead admitted what Gennai and Heinai said.

"But my change is not because of you and his rhetoric, but because of you." Just when Heinai was about to speak, Krostem took the lead and gave the reason first.

"From ancient times to before I saw you, the birth of a transcendent has never changed. There is only one process. This is an unchanging fact."

"But the two of you, one body and two parts, still become transcendent as two individuals. This is something I have never seen before."

"The two of you have created a new birth method for transcendents, and this is why I agree with what you said."

"There has never been a transcendent like you. Your existence is inherently different from the transcendents before you."

"When a straight line is broken and then drawn again, the line is still a line, but in a different color."

After a long speech, Crosstem restrained his beast head and gradually began to downplay his own existence: "I agree with the saying that the times have changed."

"This era does not belong to me, nor does it belong to you. We are the remnants of the old era."

"In the new era, there is no ship that can carry us?" Heinai added with a grimace.

Krostem was dumb, but still responded with a smile: "It's not that serious, it's just that we all need to recognize ourselves."

"I won't set foot in this era again." Shaking his head, what Krostem opened this time was not a space-time tunnel, but a gate of hyperspace: "Now that I think about it, I know the meaning of hyperspace existence. "

"Oh, it turns out that there is a saying, but we don't understand it."

"Those four guys already knew about this, that's why they..." It finally understood why the four old hooligans disappeared in this era.

It really deserves to be the old hooligans who have overwhelmed an era.

The bird-like animal head could be seen gradually disappearing, but Krostem's whole body could not be seen clearly.

Of course, it is also possible that its real body is too large to get in.

"You, are you here for this reason?" Heinai couldn't believe it when he removed the chain.

This menacing, turned out to be just to ask a question?

(End of this chapter)

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