Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 923 CamilaLina: Dagu, are you having nightmares again? ?Dagu: Uh...Actually, I...

Chapter 923 Camila Lina: Dagu, are you having nightmares again? ?Dagu: Uh...Actually, I...

"As you can see, for me and us Warcraft, the so-called era does not exist at all. From the moment of the birth of the Big Bang to the final expansion to the extinction of the limit retraction, the entire process, The monsters regard it as reincarnation." Even though it has left, it is still crossing the distance, talking to Yuan Nai and Kuro Nai.

"This is also what Warcraft is most dissatisfied with about being expelled. The times that those lower beings said have changed, but Warcraft can't feel this."

"The era mentioned by lower life forms is meaningless compared to Warcraft."

"So, the monsters who were driven off the stage again thousands of years ago and returned to the hidden place, are unwilling to be lonely, so they brought you here?" Heinai asked rhetorically.

"Just as Lucifer is the strongest among the evil gods, I am the strongest among the monsters."

"I once faced the pinnacle of your Ultra fighters. Those four, even thinking about it now, are amazing."

"But I will not listen to your one-sided words, and the transcendent born from the previous era is capable and qualified to talk to me."

"That's why I've come to you, and that's why I've come to find answers."

"But the very existence of the two of you has already told me the answer to this question."

what is this?Sometimes thousands of words are too pale, is it far more convincing than a fact in front of you?

If you say it with your mouth, no one can convince anyone at all.

"Then what do you want to do now?" Yuan Yuan asked.

"I will send a signal to all monsters, go to hyperspace with me, and settle there."

"But not all monsters will obey my orders, and it won't happen that there will be no monsters in the big universe if I give an order."

"I understand this. People have their own ambitions. Just because you see through it doesn't mean everyone has seen it through. There are always people who like to be obsessed with obsession and follow the path to death." Quan is not surprised, if the guy in front of him orders all the monsters to die If you take it back and leave, then it will be a big problem.

That means that it is the king of the entire race, supreme and unambiguous.

This kind of dominance is disturbing.

"In the final analysis, even if it is not the protagonist, Warcraft has its own corresponding position on the following stage." Although this position may be set as a villain to be eliminated by the protagonist, but if there are no such villains, how can they be defeated? How can you highlight the main character?
Whether it is monsters, evil gods, or those cosmic beings and monsters that are trampled one after another, as long as they exist, they have their corresponding positions.

Yuanyuannai understands this. For example, he has positioned himself as a supporting role in this era, the kind who only needs to appear occasionally and come out to brush his face.

Shen Si directly positioned himself as a walk-on, not even a supporting role.

Seeing this person go to the hyperspace, the mutated space in front of Heina and Yuanyuan also faded away.

The two withdrew the power they had radiated, and looked at each other speechlessly.

"There will be such an existence as Lucifer among the evil gods, and an equivalent existence will naturally be born among the monsters." Gennai responded: "So, since the era of the big universe began, the chaos caused by monsters has finally come here. Draw a full stop in a moment."

"Don't be so sure, there are still many monsters who will definitely not listen to what it says, and not all monsters have disappeared." Heinai crossed his arms, contradicting Yuanyuan's opinion: "Besides, the new generation There are still a lot of Warcraft dramas in it."

Heina is right. Whether it is Gagorgon who appeared in X, or Ula who later devoured the planet, or Orochi, these monsters are still active in the new generation, which means that there are still monsters. Also think that times have not changed.

"The reduction in the overall volume is a good thing for the big universe, and that's enough." Yuanyuan Nai spread his hand, and in his palm, a planet emitting emerald light slowly appeared by him , and finally exist completely in the world.

Gennai threw it lightly with one hand, and put the Kingdom of Light back to its original position, allowing the planet to regain its freedom.

"Tsk, I originally thought that the two of us would join hands with great difficulty, but I didn't expect it to be just my wishful thinking." Heinai shrugged, although he regretted it, but luckily he could see it: "If it's okay, I'll go back, I haven't seen the famous scene where the Milky Way is kicked away by Lukiel."

"It's rare to see a transcendent appear on the stage in such a shameful appearance, I must be there!" These words are so decisive that anyone can taste the firm will of the person in the words.

"You are still as bad as ever." Yuan Yuannai did not refuse, nor did he intend to stop, but stretched out his hand on his own.

Heina shrugged, separated his transcendent personality again, handed it over to Gennai, and submerged into his body.

The tacit understanding between the two sides has already appeared initially.

"If such a scene happens, remember to link to my consciousness." Yuanyuan Nai said such a sentence that was completely inconsistent with his divine independence.

As far as divinity is concerned, everything does not change its color, it is flat and equal to any existence, and it is ruthless because it is separated from the mundane.

But Gennai's words showed that during the period of holding Heinai's transcendent personality, he was indeed affected.

However, this is what he hoped for.

"Of course." Izumi stretched out his hand in front of him, and Izumi, who had degenerated into Nexus, didn't care, and grabbed Yuanyuan Nai's hand: "We are closer than brothers."

"If there is one for me, naturally there will be one for you."

"Brothers..." The concepts of family and friends are all derived from human nature. Gods don't need these.

Lonely and cold, overlooking the ups and downs of the world and the changes of the universe from above.

But...no one can change the fact that he does have someone closer than a brother.

As a god, does he have a human brother?
Different from the coldness and loneliness of God, a strange thing that once existed but is no longer owned because of one body and two parts flows through his heart, making his cold and lonely heart slightly changed. .

Inherited in the memory of the source of one body, this kind of emotion is called happiness, and it is called moving, so he should be equally happy now.

But... How do you express your happy mood?


"Hiss..." Rubbing his head, Dagu lifted the quilt with a splitting headache, poured himself a cup of hot water, and then fell into deep thought as he watched the Martian storm rolling up outside the Mars base.

"Are you having a nightmare again?" Although Lina was still asleep, Camila woke up and stared at Dagu with her eyes open.

"How should I put it, you know that I dreamed about him again." Rubbing his face, Dagu was a little tired: "In the dream, Yuanquan became two, and then these two guys fought, As soon as the screen went black at the end, I didn’t know what happened next.”

"Two?" Camilla was taken aback for a moment, and immediately became alert.

what is this?One source has already made her and Lina feel like enemies, co-author, tell me now, he has become two? !
Is this still available?

"No, I have to go find him." After thinking for a moment, Dagu made up his mind again: "It's the same as the last dream, something must have happened to him, maybe he needs my help now."

"I'm going to find him!"

With that said, Dagu stood up, opened the drawer of the cabinet, and took out the magic light stick.

Looking at the divine light stick, Dagu's eyes were in a trance for a moment.

Old man, in the blink of an eye, so much time has passed.

It's been so long that even director Sawai has passed away...

"If there are really two sources, which one do you want to find?" Camila must not let Dagu go, racking her brains, she had an idea and immediately thought of a way.

"You have to know that they are no longer the people you know."

(End of this chapter)

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