Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 926 How do you know that I am Ultraman Nexus, not Meferas?

Chapter 926 How do you know that I am Ultraman Nexus, not Meferas?

"In the next period of time, I will act alone to find the location of the so-called ruler." Looking around, Quan said: "At present, only I still have the ability to act alone, so Leave this to me."

"No, if you are also turned into a spark doll, wouldn't it be!" Before Xiaoguang said anything, Taro became uncharacteristically excited: "I have lost a lot of relatives, I can no longer Lost one!"


This unintentional revelation immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"When did you see that your brother and I were going to fight an unsure battle? Besides, do you want to keep it like this?" It's already at this point, and Quan doesn't mind revealing his identity.

Seeing that Galaxy TV is about to usher in the finale, the fun days are coming to an end.

"Besides, I've seen the so-called ruler several times, don't worry." Quan waved his hand and stood up: "There is no way to break the barrier of time and space in this school for the time being, even if it is still being resurrected, the ruler His power is also above that of ordinary Ultraman."

"Even if it is the Milky Way Spark, it cannot be lifted just by saying it is lifted."

"I still want to know why you want to face it alone." A Temple asked.

"If you can just sit back and watch this school be destroyed, it's not that I can't let you join me." As he said, Quan turned his attention to Mei Ling: "Especially Mei Ling, who knows that her father is going to tear it down." The executor of this school must feel very uncomfortable right now."

Meiling didn't retort vigorously, but showed a bitter and awkward smile in coordination, and then fell into silence.

And her expression like this also proved that what Quan said was true.

"When a person's heart is filled with all kinds of negative emotions, the dark sparks will follow the smell to find the door, and then pull him into the darkness." He knocked on the table in front of Meiling, attracting Meiling's attention Later, Quan added: "If there is any problem, it's better to make it clear in person."

"Once the dark sparks take advantage of it, it will be too late to say anything."

"I know." Biting her lip, Mei Ling responded to Quan's words: "I will find a chance to explain to my father."

"Don't be afraid, Meiling, we are always by your side." Putting her palm on Meiling's shoulder, Chikusa smiled encouragingly: "Even if there is really something, we will help you."

"That's right, and the demolition of the school is not your father's problem alone. If the company assigns it, he has nothing to do." Xiaoguang also comforted him.

"Thank you everyone, I understand." Meiling showed a bitter smile, and thanked her partners one by one.

"No, I still don't agree with you going alone!" Tai Luo is not willing to dig up a Nexus doll when he goes to the Starfall Mountain next time, or the next time the Galaxy will fight against is materialized Nexus like this.

Right now, Tai Luo only has his sixth brother as his relative, and he will never allow his sixth brother to have any problems.

(Taija: ??? Me? Me? Dad, have you forgotten that I haven’t turned into a spark puppet yet!)
"Then do you want to keep this appearance forever?" Quan waved his big hand and directly affirmed the matter: "I've made up my mind, that's all."

"But...I...heh!" After all, there was no way to redeem his brother's behavior, Tai Luo could only accept his fate: "Brother, you must return safely..."

"If you say this, I'm afraid we will really have to look at each other as spark dolls next time we meet." Suddenly interrupting Tai Luo's follow-up words, it is absolutely impossible for Quan to make Tai Luo raise a flag.

Although he felt that he was as stable as an old dog, what if?
What if Taro really sucked himself to death?

After bidding farewell to everyone, Quan left the teacher's gate and went to Jiangxing Mountain alone.

Although it was so in everyone's eyes, in fact, after Quan disappeared halfway from people's sight, he immediately changed his position and wanted to return to Jiangxing Elementary School.

Because from the very beginning, he knew who Lugiel was on.

However, the moment he just turned around and wanted to go back, the person he was looking for appeared just behind him.

The middle-aged woman in a white dress stared at Quan with a cold gaze that was impossible to have on weekdays.

The demonized arm is so ferocious.

Except for that one hand, the other parts are still human.

There are criss-crossing dark lines all over her skinny face, and with her somewhat red eyes, her identity is ready to be revealed.

"You just used that hand to touch the dark sparks, which led to you being possessed by Lugiel." After turning around completely, under the shade of the tree, the dark sky could not see a single ray of sunlight, But it just fits the meaning that the mountain rain is about to come and the wind is full of the building.

"Who are you?" Teacher Shirai, who is also the principal of Jiangxing Primary School, was boarded by Luji Aier in the darkness of her soul. At this moment, she is no longer dominated by her own will, but unconsciously, she Al is in control.

"Who am I? Shouldn't I be the one to ask you this question? To you, this earth shouldn't be that important." Quan put his hands in his pockets, but he was actually ready to pull out a spark at any time To ward off the dark spark.

He wasn't sure if he could hold back the power of the Dark Spark.

"Hmph, there is only one meddling guy who can accurately find this place in the Kingdom of Light." Principal Shirai. No, it should be said that Lugiel looked at Quan squarely: "Nexus Ultraman."

"Why are you so sure that I am Ultraman Nexus? Why can't I be a Mephilas star?" Quan would not admit himself so easily. At this time when Lugiel has not been fully resurrected, Lukiel couldn't see through his true identity.

Silently, Lugiel spread out his demonized hand, revealing the spark doll of Mephilas held in his hand.

Although Quan saw it, he still had something to say.

"There are so many Mephilasians in the universe, you only have one, maybe I'm another Mephilas..."

"That's enough! How long are you going to pretend to be!" Suddenly, he waved his hand fiercely, and the demonized arm released a black and red light stream.

However, Quan had been prepared for a long time, and took out shining sparks to block in front of him, resisting this attack.

At the same time, Yinhe, who was cultivated in Galaxy Spark, suddenly disappeared from Galaxy Spark, and appeared on the side of the clone Shining Spark in an instant, and stood on Quan's shoulder.

When the Milky Way came in person, the power of the shining sparks suddenly soared, causing the power of the dark sparks to collapse and disperse, without any effect.



One is full of hatred, and the other is plain as usual. Although the situation of life and death cannot be changed, acquaintances still have a lot to say when they meet.

"Hmph, so you gave him this thing." Glancing at the sparkling spark, Lukiel then turned his attention to Yinhe: "But don't think I don't know his identity."

"There will be no one else who can get together with a guy like you, except another Ultra fighter."

"Wait, I will be resurrected before you!"

With the presence of the Milky Way, coupled with the presence of Quan, who is suspected to be Nexus, Lugiel has no plans to stay for a long time, and gradually disappears in the darkness, just like he appeared without warning.

"Why, don't you keep him?" Quan couldn't help asking, watching Lukiel leave but Yinhe remained indifferent.

"I want to try again, one last time." Yinhe sighed, helpless: "If it really comes to the end, I will have to destroy his body, and then return with his soul."

"Okay." Quan shrugged: "Anyway, it's your own business."

(End of this chapter)

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