Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 927 Special: Why don't you believe it! What I said back then is true!

Chapter 927 Baxter: Why don't you believe it! What I said back then is true!

PS: I never expected that Baxter of Shanghai Yi Guopei had predicted it decades ago.

False Sophie: I brought two lives.

The real Sophie: I brought the strongest Zedon.

In fact, Quan's departure was not because he wanted to find someone behind the scenes, but because he wanted to hide his existence and create an appearance that he was not busy, so that he would not appear in the following plots.

Because in the following plot, it will be the same without him.

In the next few episodes of Yinhe TV, apart from the finale, there is the relationship between Meiling Shidong and her father.

The conflict between father and daughter made it impossible to communicate with each other. When the father attributed the tense relationship between father and daughter to the fact that he didn't care about Meiling.

The daughter regarded her father's silence as a cold war, and because what her father did made her feel embarrassed, she felt confused.

Under such circumstances, the relationship between father and daughter naturally has nothing to do.

As childhood sweethearts, the relationship between Xiaoguang and Meiling naturally doesn't need to be discussed by others. It can be said that the following things basically revolve around a family of three. What does he look like when he participates?

Whether it's holding a virtual spark to transform into Seiichiro Ishidong, who became the first generation of darkness and Dark Seven, or Meiling Ishidong, who was taken advantage of by the Nakel star and took advantage of the gap in his heart, and became King Gurante , These are the affairs of their family.

The heart knot of being a father needs to be solved by the daughter and the future son-in-law.

As for the knot in the heart of being a daughter, it is natural for the father and the boyfriend to resolve it.

So what's the matter with outsiders in this situation?
What Quan can do is to hide in the dark, and then watch Xiaoguang's every move. If there is any crisis when necessary, he can appear to stop it and avoid any irreversible tragedy.

And the Milky Way also returned to the Galaxy Spark, as if nothing happened just now.

Whether it's Lugiel or Principal Shirai who is possessed by Lukiel, Xiaoguang and the others have to discover these by themselves.

How can Xiaoguang and the others grow up if they intervene rashly?

If you do everything, it won't be of any use to the younger generation.

After the lack of Quan, the whole incident happened just like the original TV. Because I came to check on Jiangxing Elementary School and discuss the demolition, I was trapped inside by the sudden expansion of time and space. The new additions included Meiling's father. The three-person group of company employees including him has become a new target of use.

First, the architect Shingo Kuwahara turned into a monster-Zaragas with a virtual spark, and prepared to destroy the Star Elementary School.

In the end, because the Nakers stole the Galaxy Sparks (reasonably, I can’t figure out how to steal them here, the Ikarsians, who were obviously materialized by the Dark Sparks in the Galaxy SP, were blown away the moment they touched the Galaxy Sparks. There is nothing wrong with the people of Star Nakel, is it in this river?) As a result, Xiaoguang cannot be materialized.

And Jannay was severely damaged in the previous battle with Zaki, and is still in the stage of self-repair and unable to play.

After discussing with everyone, Ichiji and Kenta Chikusa went to find the Naker star to get back the Galaxy Spark, while the rest of the people helped to attract the monster's attention.

After successfully recapturing the Galaxy Spark from the Knuckle Starman (in fact, he was punched by a down-and-out boxer), Xiaoguang also successfully transformed into a galaxy and defeated the monster Zagras.

However... Meiling's father appeared with another virtual spark in his hand, and switched back and forth between the materialized Dark First Generation Ultraman and the materialized Dark Seven Ultraman, taking advantage of the short materialization time of Xiaoguang The killer forcibly knocked Xiaoguang out of the materialized state, forcing his physical and mental strength to be exhausted, and he fell into a coma.

If it weren't for Meiling standing in front of Xiaoguang, Xiaoguang might be about to send it.

And later, Ishida Tomomi, who was also selected, took the virtual spark and turned into the monster Antona, and attacked again, and the interval was extremely short, almost sleeping at night and getting up the next morning to fight monsters.

With this kind of work efficiency, the Nakel star can be regarded as the hardest working among the cosmic beings currently materialized by Lugiel.

Xiaoguang fell into a coma, and Yinhe couldn't play. It seemed that the situation was hopeless.

But Meiling's prayer in front of the shrine was noticed by Yinhe. Yinhe responded to Meiling's wish that Xiaoguang didn't want to fight alone, and gave Meiling a virtual spark.

Auditorium Xiuzhen, at this time, no longer concealed her identity as the chosen one. After revealing that she had already communicated with Yinhe, Auditorium Xiuzhen opened up everything, exchanged information with Tai Luo, and learned from Tai Luo. There is important information from Luo.

With the help of these, it was successfully deduced who the person who was possessed by the dominator in this school was.

And not only that, Xiuzhen in the auditorium took time to go back, and took out the powerful spark puppet that he had collected from under the shrine-Gashurein.

With the help of Gashlein, Meiling, Chikusa, and Kenta successfully materialized together and coexisted in a monster.But because they couldn't communicate with each other's minds, Gasherin's movements were uncoordinated, and he made a fool of himself.

During this period of time, the Milky Way sent Xiaoguang's consciousness into the consciousness world, and linked it with the consciousness of Seiichiro Ishidong.

After some not-so-friendly exchanges between the two sides, Xiaoguang was angry with Seiichiro Shidong and kept saying to Meiling that he was protecting but actually hurting. Destroyed the monster Andora, and even defeated Seiichiro Ishidong when half of the materialization time passed, showing the strength of the galaxy.

It can be seen that idealism is indeed very top.

And after that... Meiling found out that the person who beat her boyfriend was her own father, plus she was already caring about it, which caused Meiling to lose control of her emotions, and was seized by the Nakel star, who gave a virtual spark and materialized it into a super powerful monster. -King Gurante.

And the time between the appearance of King Gurante and the previous battle of the dark first generation of Dark Seven was even only two hours.

...Lookie, it is unreasonable not to award the best model worker to the star Naker.

Jannay and Yinhe fought together, and Naker manipulated Meiling in the body of King Gurante.

Because they found out that it was Meiling's blackening that caused everyone to be restrained, they were severely beaten by King Gurante.

At the critical moment, it was Yinhe who sent Xiaoguang into Meiling's spiritual world, preparing to get rid of the darkness in Meiling's heart.

As a result, Yiyi Temple just watched the Milky Way standing still, not knowing what happened, and ended up going up alone to resist King Gurante, unable to speak out when he was suppressed for a while.

Regarding this, all I can say is that Galaxy does have OMO potential.

After Xiaoguang was sent away, Yinhe himself was not unable to move, but he really stood still.

As a result, after Xiaoguang left, he lost his pilot and seemed unable to move.

...Please, you are Ultraman, not Gundam!
But it’s not right to say that Yinhe is in OMO, because he gifted Chikusa, Kenta, and Seiichiro Ishidong respectively, and the three of them used virtual sparks, and then these three became the first generation, Tiga, and Saiwen respectively. Go up to assist a temple to stop King Gulant together.

In the end, when Meiling woke up, she confided with Xiaoguang in the spiritual world (in fact, she burst out her shame and complaints. Usually, if this happens, it usually means that the relationship between men and women has taken a big step forward, almost You can talk about marriage) After that, the two left the body of King Gurante and returned to the body of the galaxy together.

At the moment when the two of them held the galaxy sparks tightly with four hands, and their hearts resonated with each other, the galaxy let out the ideal galaxy sunlight, and killed King Gulant with one blow.

And Naker, the model worker, also turned into a spark puppet together with King Gurante.

A generation of model workers fell silent.

Quan, who was watching the battle in the dark, saw everything in his eyes.

Although Yinhe is in OMO, he is actually the most ruthless person in OMO.

Of course, he would still be there if something happened.

When the big battle was going on there, Auditorium Xiuzhen also approached Principal Shirai, and revealed the fact that she is the ruler.

The final battle is coming to an end.

 This chapter title has nothing to do with the chapter.

  pure amusement
(End of this chapter)

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