Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 928 Since then, the galaxy transformation has not rotated

Chapter 928 Since then, the galaxy transformation has not rotated (Le)

How soon is this going to come?Almost immediately after killing King Gurante with the Milky Way Sunlight, it didn't take long, not even an hour, before Lukiel was fully revived.

Because Principal Shirai's identity was found out, Xiuzhen in the auditorium performed an exorcism for her.

It works, but only a little bit.

After all, the person chosen by the galaxy only possesses part of the power of the galaxy, and it is far from reaching the level of expelling Lukiel.

It was Lugiel's plan to pretend to be expelled and lurk.

But he did lift the barrier of time and space, no longer covering the school, but allowing people outside to come in and people inside to go out.

During the period of time surrounded by the barrier of time and space, the entire Jiangxing Elementary School was completely missing from the outside world, so it was a terrible thing for the students who graduated from this school.

So far, most of the guys who have materialized and turned into monsters have graduated from this school, otherwise they would not have been selected by Lugiel to manipulate Principal Shirai to become the carrier of negative energy, and then provide him with the opportunity to resurrect energy.

After being defeated by Yinhe and Xiaoguang, these people who were controlled by the dark side of their hearts finally woke up and gathered here with their childhood classmates. When the school was revealed, they came together and met with everyone.

Those who have made mistakes say they want to mend their ways, and those who have misunderstood have eliminated their misunderstandings.

The misunderstanding between Meiling and her father has also been resolved, and the relationship between father and daughter has been repaired.

All this seems to indicate that the disaster has passed and the future is smooth.

Then... Lugiel stopped hiding, and directly manifested on Principal Shirai, manipulating Principal Shirai to pull out a dark spark and shoot a dark ray at everyone, capturing all the darkness in the hearts of dozens of people in front of him.

Using this as his own fuel, he made a wave of supplements, and then manipulated Principal Shirai to open the dark spark.

Lugiel was officially resurrected and stood on the ground.

After all, he was one step ahead of the Milky Way.

The moment Lugiel appeared, the transcendent domain spread throughout the audience, and the boiling dark energy absorbed all the negative emotions around him indiscriminately, and then applied it to Lugiel, replenishing his strength.

All those who are in the realm of the transcendent will be drawn from this power and fall into a coma.

Then Lugiel can use this power to strengthen himself and suppress the enemy.

This is the reason why the light of the Milky Way is constantly being consumed in the original book.

"My name: Lugiel, I am the one who will bring salvation to the world." The cracked red eyes looked around, and then Lugiel set his eyes on the body of the auditorium light: "Galaxy, this time , can you still stop me?"

"Lukiel?" Xiaoguang's question could not be answered, because soon Kenta and Chikusa were also absorbed in the power of the transcendent, and both fell into a coma.

Because Meiling is protected by Tai Luo's mind power, she can withstand it for the time being.

"Luki-Eir, it's you! It's you who led the Great War of Sparks!" Taro stared at Luki-Eir with pale yellow eyes. It was this guy who destroyed everything in the Kingdom of Light, and it was this guy who turned him into It became what it is now.

This is the guy who buried almost all his relatives!

"Hahaha! That's right, I have been planning since a long time ago. Whether it is my power or the war I plan, there is only one ultimate goal, and that is to defeat the galaxy!" Lukiel didn't care about Taro's words at all. Asked, he, who was turned into a spark doll, has no way to resist the dark spark in his life.

"The so-called Kingdom of Light is just a part that was sacrificed under the premise of this goal." Lugiel stood up, and his black and ferocious figure gave people even more despair.

"I don't pay attention to the entire Kingdom of Light."

"You bastard!" Tai Luo was furious, but there was nothing he could do, he could only watch Lukiel go wild there.

However, at this moment, the light of the Milky Way shone thousands of times. At the moment when the splendid vortex of the Milky Way just unfolded, Lugiel ran over without saying a word. Before the Milky Way fully appeared, he flew up and lifted the Milky Way out of the sky. Fly in the starlight.

Not only did it give Yinhe a bad start, it didn't even have time to complete the transformation of Yinhe, and the overall state tended to be poor.

"Transform in front of me stupidly, boy, you probably don't know that Yinhe and I are one and two parts." After kicking Yinhe out, Luji Aier stepped forward a few steps and stepped on Yinhe. chest.

Looking at the Milky Way, which is only more than 30 meters high, Lu Ji Aier is satisfied in his heart.

He Yinhe has always been aloof, and he has never been so embarrassed!
"His transformation space, I can also enter!" After Lugiel explained the reason why he was able to give Yinhe a kick, he immediately laughed wildly satisfied: "Unexpectedly, Yinhe, you also walked on this road in the end!" The way, the unity of one's own existence with a person or something."

"Aren't you being forced by me so there's nothing you can do, that's the only way?"

Suppressing the Galaxy is obviously a very pleasant thing. Since one body and two points, I haven't really won the Galaxy once.

And judging from the last War of Sparks and the resurrection of Lucifer, the Milky Way didn't show much power when facing itself before, and it was simply fooling itself.

Thinking of this, Lukiel couldn't help but get angry.

Everyone is the other half of one body, why is your galaxy so powerful!

Is there anything more joyful than the mighty Milky Way being trampled under your feet!
The complacent Lukiel kicked up again, kicking the Milky Way away from the mountain and falling to the flat ground.

However, after transforming continuously in a short period of time, Xiao Guang was already lacking in physical strength, and it was even more difficult to sustain such a huge injury.

The galactic timer has started blinking.

"Xiaoguang!" Seeing Yinhe slumped, Meiling just came to Yinhe with Tai Luo in her arms. Before reaching the position, Meiling was exhausted, her eyes went dark, and she fell into a coma.

"Tsk." At the school gate outside Jiangxing Primary School, Quan was already satisfied.

The famous scene where Yinhe was kicked out from the transformation state, no one can understand that feeling unless he saw it on the spot.

Happy, very happy!

Even more joyful than the client Luke Aier.

It's not common for transcendents to be deflated (Le).

However, seeing the drama now, Quan is also paying attention to the follow-up. According to the following plot, it should be that the comatose people awakened the light of the soul, so that each of them has a shining spark, and then these shining sparks that are realized by the light of the soul will come to life. Will give Taro power.

Use these idealistic powers to forcibly remove Tai Luo's puppet state, liberate him, and return to his body.

Then he gave Lukiel a fat beating, and then gave the galaxy the light that everyone gave him to open up the future (actually, the power of idealism), so that the galaxy can be revived.

In the end, the eruption of spiritual power and the strength of the galaxy itself completely crushed Lukiel, ended the follow-up of the Great War of Sparks, and then liberated all the existences that were humanized by Sparks.

Since then, the Great War of Sparks has come to an end.

But that is the plot of the original book, and Quan can't guarantee that this plot will really happen.

Converted to the real world, there are all kinds of situations, and Quan went to the theater to go to the theater. If something really happened, he would still transform into a top.

Then, the imaginary scene of people getting up and singing the school song of Jiangxing Elementary School did not happen, and everyone was still lying there without any movement.

Seeing that Lukiel was about to leave, Heina had an expression of "I knew it would happen a long time ago." After taking out the evolution trustee, he immediately prepared to transform.

"Need help?" Gennai, who shared the perspective, said at this time: "He is not the ultimate to deal with."

"No, Yinhe is the protagonist, and I don't want to steal his limelight."

"But if he really can't stand up, there's no way..."

(End of this chapter)

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