Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 939 Sai Luo: Well, the evil cosmic beings even created Dark Nexus!

Chapter 939 Sai Luo: Well, the evil cosmic beings even created Dark Nexus!

Speeding between the universes, the universe of this new era is no different from the previous era. If I have to say it, there are probably a lot more platforms built in the universe.

The establishment of these platforms is also due to the existence of Stargate.

After so many years, the ownership of the star gate has almost been discussed and a rough idea has been reached.

Cosmic civilizations with weak strength are not qualified to participate in this kind of competition. Only civilizations with strong wrists and sufficient strength can control this treasure.

So after Sai Luo came out of the waterfall of time, the platforms he saw were where these star gates were located.

He actually had some feelings of disillusionment.

Back in the day, when he went to other universes, he needed the entire Kingdom of Light to provide him with energy, and gave him a strong momentum to pass through the barriers of the universe without being drowned in it, so that he could break through in one fell swoop and reach the outside of the universe .

And now?The existence of the star gate has made those methods a joke. As long as you want to, you can pass through the star gate no matter what kind of universe you are in.

You only need to pay a toll.

In this way, the trouble for everyone to find the Star Alliance has become much easier.

But at the same time, it became easier for the Star Alliance to escape.

Sai Luo is dismissive of the so-called change of the times. Although he admits that the times will indeed change, he does not think that there is no place for him in this era, nor does he feel that the protagonist will be reduced to a supporting role so quickly.

Therefore, he is still self-centered and very rebellious.

This time I received the task of the Space Guard, and came to the universe to investigate the reason for the sudden disappearance of Mebius and Max. Sero also exists to show his talents and show what he learned in the time waterfall in this era. ability.

He has become much stronger, at least compared to him before, he is really very powerful now!

This kind of strength is based on its own strength, so that Sai Luo has the courage to face any difficulties and challenges.

Then... he was hit by a dark red light from nowhere, lost his balance and fell towards the planet below him screaming.

It's just that Sai Luo, who was passing by, never expected that there would be an attack from this planet suddenly. After he fell on this snow-filled and ice-bound planet, he still didn't understand what happened. what.

This is a planet where life will be bred in the future, but it is currently in an extremely cold and frozen world, roughly equivalent to the Huron Ice Age in the evolution history of the earth.

Such extreme cold made Ultra warriors very uncomfortable. As a warrior of light, especially a warrior of the Kingdom of Light, Sai Luo is still relatively weak.

Of course, most Ultra fighters are relatively weak ice.

Worryingly crawling out of the deep hole in the frozen soil that he smashed out, Sai Luo looked around, and the erratic storm covered everything in front of him, and his body was quickly covered with a layer of frost.

It doesn't matter, because Sai Luo has already discovered the dark existence not far away, which is particularly conspicuous in the snow-white world.

With a black-gold body, dim eyes, the hand that released the light just now, and the long black sword inserted beside him, Sai Luo couldn't detect any breath of light from his body.

From his body, Sai Luo could also feel a forceful aura.

But this doesn't scare Sai Luo, who just came out of the waterfall of time, he is eager to meet an opponent, the guy in front of him seems to know his thoughts, and he just appeared just right.

"Hey, you were the one who sent out the attack just now." Sai Luo stood up straight and rubbed his wrists: "Really, if you want to fight, just say no, why do you want to sneak attack."

Spreading his hands, as if very helpless, Sai Luo has already determined that this guy is a dark Ultra giant, but whether it is a mechanical creation like Dark Lopes or an Ultraman devoted to darkness, Sai Luo has not yet distinguished.

The black figure didn't answer, but walked out of the wind and snow, standing in front of Sai Luo.

When Sai Luo saw the warrior's figure clearly, his body shook, and he took a step back involuntarily, as if he couldn't believe it, but also seemed a little afraid.

"You bastard..." But after the fear, there was indescribable anger.

The guy in front of him actually looks like Nexus!
"Salome's Mechanical Ultra Brothers, Beria's Dark Cyclops...huh, is it a type of thing?" After seeing this Dark Nexus, Sai Luo was full of anger, but his mind was very clear: "Even Nexus, you have collected data and made Dark Nexus, right?"

"It's really disgusting." As soon as the words fell, the ice ax flew out under the control of the power of thought, galloped away, pierced through the cover of the snow and went straight to Nexus.

"No matter who you are, if you dare to become like this, just stay here for me!" From this dark Nexus, Sai Luo smelled the smell of conspiracy, combined with the missing Mebius and Max, Sero suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

He came to investigate the disappearance of Mebius and Max, but this Dark Nexus, who was obviously made by pretending to be a fake Nexus, was waiting for him here for a long time...

Does that mean that the mastermind behind the scenes has captured Mebius and Max?

In other words, Mecha Dreambius and Mecha Max are also being designed?
Thinking of this, Sai Luo immediately became high-spirited, determined to thwart this conspiracy.

Sweeping with his arm, he used the bright red Nexus armed arm blade to hit the ice ax back, and the dark Nexus popped out the black and red Storm Sword, striding straight towards Sai Luo.

"Even this trick has been copied!" Taking back the ice ax that had been spun back, Sai Luo charged forward again with the weapon in hand, and soon came into close contact with Dark Nexus.

As the two sides approached each other, a very short sword fight broke out.

The ice ax cuts through the wind and snow and drives the cold current; the sword of the storm tears through the air and stirs the wind and snow.

In the slightest gap, the sword and the ice ax almost slid across the skin of both sides.

After dozens of rounds of hand-to-hand combat, Sai Luo let go of one hand and focused on two purposes. While manipulating the side of the ice ax for assistance, his clenched hand also started to attack brazenly.

Dark Nexus still blocked the barrier with a single sword, breaking all of Sai Luo's offensives while dancing with the black and red sword body, and intercepted them from close range.

Sai Luo let go of one hand and let go of the ice axe. In fact, he fell into a disadvantage in the continuous weapon collision, and his winning rate fell precipitously within a few moves. He was forced to choose to break the game.

"Did you enter all my combat information?" Sai Luo didn't think it was because he was too good at it. He thought it was because his battle data was stored in the database of the dark Nexus in front of him, so he did this. Get lost soon.

"Then what about this trick!" The body turned red amidst the flickering light and shadow, and Sailo, who used the powerful corona, turned back and grabbed the arm of Darkness Nexus, trying to throw him up, using the Otto Hurricane to control him.

But he exerted his strength for a long time, and Dark Nexus still didn't move at all. No matter how hard Sai Luo tried, Dark Nexus was like the most solid rock.

Sai Luo was shocked, but Darkness Nexus didn't give him this opportunity to think, he took a step forward and stuck Sai Luo's leg, and slapped Sai Luo's chest with a backhand, forcing him to retreat, and was caught and lost Balance, fall backwards.

But Sai Luo deserves to be Sai Luo. Under the crisis, he chose the back handspring and put his hands on the ground to break the danger.

After stabilizing his body, Sero directly used Emelim to cut, forcing Dark Nexus to sideways to avoid.

Seizing this opportunity, Sai Luo's red body turned into blue, and the moon god Miracle Sai Luo instantly transformed dozens of headers, attacking Dark Nexus from different angles and positions.

Sero's heart sank slightly.

This dark Nexus is really a tricky enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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