Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 940 23 small things that happened between Izumi holding the script of Emperor Qi and Sai Luo

Chapter 940 Two or three small things that happened between Quan holding the script of Emperor Qi and Sai Luo who will become Emperor Chonghuang in the future
Where did this dark Nexus come from?

This is the thought that came from the bottom of Sai Luo's heart after he was forced to retreat by sweeping his legs.

No matter how you think about it, the strength of this dark Nexus is a bit beyond the standard. Not only is he completely familiar with his own fighting style, but he can even restore all the moves of Nexus.

In terms of physical strength and even energy levels, all aspects are exactly the same as Nexus himself.

Sai Luo even once suspected that this was not a mechanical creation at all, but a posture of Nexus infected by darkness.

But it's already hard to get off here, and based on his understanding of Nexus, it's absolutely impossible for that guy to fall into darkness.

So the dark Nexus in front of him is definitely a fake!
...But even if it is true, he has to defeat him right now!
The miracle Luna didn't work either, and Sai Luo used the Emelium ray again while his mind was changing. This time, it was fired on several mirrors that he refracted out of thin air, forming a defense of the Emelium ray with the help of reflection. Net, wrapping Darkness Nexus in it.

This is another way of using Luna Miracle Selo.

Sai Luo withdrew from the Miracle of the Moon God, swiped the trajectory with both hands, and immediately prepared to release the cluster ray.

However, as soon as the cluster rays had a hint, the mirrors distributed around the dark Nexus were shattered by a stronger force.

At the same time, a milky white crescent-shaped cutting knife galloped towards, with a terrifying aura of cutting everything, forcing Sai Luo to immediately stop the light release, and instead released the crystal barrier with the front swing.

The crystal barrier cracked and shattered, and Sai Luo was sent flying, falling into the pit not far away where he had just climbed up.

The vertical guillotine also exhausted its power and dissipated.

Dark Nexus did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, but put down his hands and waited on the spot, as if waiting for Sai Luo to crawl out of the hole.

Under the pothole, Sai Luo stepped back in embarrassment to stabilize his body. After stepping on the ground and leaving deep footprints, Sai Luo immediately put on a defensive posture.

Because in his cognition, he suffered such a big loss, and even became unstable after being beaten, that dark Nexus would definitely catch up.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no sign of the other party, and Sai Luo didn't dare to be careless.

Before going up, Sai Luo thought about the question he had thought about before, that is, where did these terrifying replicas come from?

The question he was talking to himself didn't get any answers, and since he hadn't seen Nexus since he came back from the Time Falls, Sai Luo couldn't help worrying that something happened to Nexus of.

And the appearance of Darkness Nexus seems to turn this worry into reality.

No matter what, I have to defeat this guy, so that I can get news of the real Nexus from him!
As soon as his mind was settled, Sai Luo did not summon the Palaji armor to put on his body, but raised it with one hand, aiming at the sky like a claw, ready to use the power he had cultivated for a long time in the waterfall of time before he initially grasped it. that form.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter who made you, but this young master will show his real strength next." Sai Luo wiped his nose arrogantly, and Sai Luo's tone was still as arrogant as ever: "Keep your eyes open and watch it, then you can It's not the Ultimate Zero you recorded, but a brand new attitude that I haven't shown yet!"

The blue and red of the whole body are covered by more intense and full light, which is the purest light attribute without any other attributes.

Even the other derived attributes in the category of light attributes do not exist.

It is a single, unique and only light attribute!
The platinum light covered Sai Luo's whole body, and it also replaced him with a new layer of skin.

The platinum body was shining brightly, and just standing there, one could feel the terrifying power accumulating.

The pale yellow eyes turned blue, and the lines of the whole body basically disappeared, leaving only the golden color. Two gear-like buckles extending from the shoulders overlapped together, extending from the shoulders to the feet.

Ultraman Zero - Brilliant Form.

The moment this extremely pure radiance was born, Nexus who stayed in place had already felt the birth of this power.

And this is actually the reason why he appeared here to block Sai Luo.

From the moment Sai Luo used the glorious form, Quan felt that his power level at this time had reached the level of a transcendent.

And different from ordinary powerhouses who have reached the transcendence in terms of pure strength, although Sai Luo also has the strength to reach the standard, but the special power of his form can make his personality higher than the ultimate personality, although it is not enough. The personality of the transcendent, but it is much better than the ultimate.

It's just that the personality can't meet the standard after all, and it hasn't formed the essence of a transcendent, and it can't achieve the passiveness like Genesis or Galaxy.

But even so, this allowed Sai Luo to use a lot of magic tricks that generally cannot be used by an existence like him.

Like...replacement time.

After forcing out Sai Luo's glorious form, both Izumi and Gennai have already felt the level of Sai Luo at this time.

It can be said that without using the essence and personality of the transcendent, simply colliding with strength, Sai Luo is barely qualified at this time.

However, it is only barely.

"Lend me your strength." Without intending to get back the essence of the transcendent, Quan chose to add the power of Gennai, simply use the power to reach the transcendent, and then use this power to collide with Sai Luo.

In other words, although Nexus is powerful enough at this time, his personality is still the ultimate.

On the contrary, he is not as good as Guanghui Sailuo.

Sai Luo flew out of the pothole and landed slowly. The high-speed flow of light energy symbolized that although he had initially controlled it, the terrifying consumption still made him unsustainable, so he could only make a quick decision.

But he felt he was a sure winner.

Now such a powerful force, how can the mechanical body understand it?

Zero looked down on Dark Nexus, but still unleashed Emelim Cut.

Under the pure light attribute, Zero's Aimerim cut is extremely terrifying, it is no longer a thin strip of green light, but a thick and powerful attack like a particle cannon.

Even around this Emelim cut, there are still several particle beam belts swaying and dancing.

This is enough to determine the outcome of the blow.

At least from Sero's point of view.

But today he is doomed to accept unspeakable horror, the thick cut of Emelim is blocked by a thin corrugated shield stretched out with both hands.

Although he successfully repelled the dark Nexus for dozens of meters, it was nothing more than that.

"What?" Never thought that he would not be able to get the head as soon as he showed up in this form, Sai Luo was stunned and a little dazed.

what's the situation?No novice protection period?
The corrugated shield was shattered independently, and the Aimelim was cut and disintegrated with the force of the shock. The dark Nexus turned into a free phantom, passing by the shattered light and shadow, and in the blink of an eye Appeared in front of Sero.

The scarlet eyes (disguised to pretend to be a complete dark Ultra warrior) and the light blue eyes of Radiant Sailo at this time looked closely at each other, making each other's existence imprinted in the eyes of both sides.

"This is not the first time your form has appeared."

As soon as the last sentence was finished, Nexus of the Darkness put one hand on the abdomen of the Bright Sailo, bursting with strength, and sent the Bright Sailo flying.

"There is no novice protection period at all."

After flying Brilliant Cyro, Darkness Nexus' body spun at high speed, and soon turned into a ball of red light.

"This move is...Captain Zofi's..." Brilliant Cyro, who stabilized his body, recognized what this move was at a glance, and immediately constructed a space-time vortex with one hand, and condensed the defense with the other hand, waiting for the subsequent impact.

He knew how powerful this move was.

But he didn't know who was making the move.

"Who are you! Who are you!"

"It's just a dark giant passing by, remember it for me."

(End of this chapter)

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