Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 941 Quan: You won't be able to maintain that posture for long

Chapter 941 Quan: You won't last long in that posture, right? (Golden man:?)
He had just initially mastered this form, and originally planned to show off to give himself a wave of face, but instead of getting so much face, he was blown away.

While Sai Luo was horrified, he also had a new understanding of this guy's identity.

This level of strength, this is absolutely impossible to be a mechanical creation!

There is no mechanical creation in this universe that can suppress him, let alone the posture of Guanghui.

"You are not a mechanical lifeform at all, and even this appearance is fake!" After stabilizing his body, Sai Luo shouted angrily: "Who the hell are you! Why are you pretending to be Nexus!"

"Are you still in the mood to chat here?" Dark Nexus raised his hand, pointing at Bright Sailuo's chest: "Your energy is almost gone."

"You don't need to say it!" As soon as the words fell, Sai Luo disappeared from the spot in an instant. It was not because the speed was too fast to dissipate, but because the brilliant Sai Luo put his existence in the future.

That is, in a few minutes, or a few hours later.

This is also something that Shining Zero can do.

The flowing water stains spread all over the surrounding space, and the overflowing blue ripples filled the surrounding space like flowing water waves.

Under the influence of these water waves, space fell into a sluggish state, and even time was stranded for it.

The sluggish water spread all over the surroundings, and Sai Luo's hidden figure was trapped by the sluggish time. Although he was still in the future, the outline of his figure was still left in the present.

Dark Nexus clenched one hand tightly, and at the same time, Yuan Nai responded. In an instant, the sluggish water turned into frozen ice, sealing all the water waves in the surrounding space.

Those that are stagnant and cause appearance, whether it is time or space, are blocked in this freeze.

And the outline that belonged to Ultraman Zero was also frozen.

Not only that, but under the outline, a fresher Sai Luo's face is gradually revealed.



Dark Nexus and Yuanyuan said this word at the same time, and the next second, the thin ice crystals that sealed the surrounding space suddenly shattered, blowing up the stagnant time suddenly, and shaking the stagnant space out of cracks.

And Sai Luo, who only had a silhouette, was forcibly collapsed back to the present by the water attribute and its derived ice attribute.

"Ugh!" Being forcibly pulled back to the present from the future, and suffering a double blow, Sai Luo's body still had a slight icicle, and his huge platinum body flew out suddenly, and landed in embarrassment not far away. Beside the pothole.

The body with gold stripes and platinum background was stained with mud, and the divine and glorious posture seemed to be impossible to reproduce.

"Damn it... how could it be like this..." This is a move that I have never shown before, how could it be possible that I was deflated as soon as I took it out?
Why is this!

"It's time to end." Dark Nexus condensed lightning from his hands, and swiped his hands from bottom to top, spreading the thunder around and converging in his body.

Seeing this, Brilliant Sai Luo didn't care about the shock in his heart, he quickly got up and restrained his hands and waist, gathered the strength of his whole body, and gathered the brilliant platinum light energy at this moment.

"Glory Cyro-Cluster Ray!"

"Tel Hep Light!"

The torrent of platinum-gold light brazenly collided with the pure black sky, and the two sides exchanged light and refused to give in to each other, forming a rare stalemate.

Sai Luo gritted his teeth and desperately squeezed out the light energy passing through his body like a flood dam, wanting to put all this energy into the confrontation at this moment.

"It is indeed a transcendent. In this way, his ultimate glorious posture in the future will be a further step in strength, or will it make up for his lack of personality?" Even in the middle of the wave, it is different from Sai Luo's gnashing of teeth , Quan even has the mind to talk to Yuan Nai, which seems to be very easy.

After all, he didn't show his true posture, he just let Yuan Nai not suppress his personality but increase his strength to fight against Shining Cyro.

"Maybe there are both, but in any case, we can only know the posture of the ultimate brilliance with our own eyes." Yuan Yuannai, as the party providing power, naturally knows the final outcome of this battle.

"Tsk, the current period of time is probably his last glory." After the ten-warriors theatrical version, the number of times Sai Luo became limping exploded.

Since then, the brilliance has disappeared and it has become mediocre.

"As the end of the old era and the zero of the new era, he can barely be considered a part of the new era. He must have a place on this stage, and it is very important." After a pause, Yuanyuan Nai continued: "But there is no So important."

"Okay, tell him the truth when you see him." Quan interrupted Yuan Yuannai's chatter: "Get ready to pick him up, or it will be terrible if he is picked up by other cosmic beings." It's going to be a lot of fun."

"Okay." Yuanyuan Nai nodded, and didn't ask Quan whether he could defeat Sai Luo at all.

During the battle, Quan set his sights on Shining Sailo, and after feeling the power of Shining Sailo-the beam beam weakened, he came up with a classic line out of nowhere.

"Your form won't last long."

As soon as the words fell, the power of Telhepu's light increased greatly, overwhelming Sai Luo - the cluster ray in one fell swoop, and drowning Sai Luo with a destructive posture.

The rumbling explosion shook the planet, the ground cracked, and the dark clouds as thick as lead dispersed. The heavy snow that had lasted for an unknown number of years was also dispelled in this counterattack.

The starry night sky, for the first time, got rid of the cover of the clouds and shone on this land with starlight.

Scattered pieces of ice and frozen soil fell scattered, and Dark Nexus walked slowly on the unrecognizable land. Soon, his bright red eyes saw not far away, the one that was inserted into the ice layer in the form of an upside-down onion. G.

The body is dyed red and blue again, which means that he has withdrawn from the glorious posture and returned to the basic posture.

The two feet exposed alone did not move, the waist was greatly bent, and the upper half of the body fell into the ice crevice.

This shape with the lower body facing the sky made Nexus of the Darkness break his skills immediately and burst out laughing as soon as he saw it.

Such commemorative chapters should not be missed.

Changing from the Ultraman posture back to the human posture, Izumi picked up the magenta camera hanging around his neck, and took pictures of Sai Luo's current appearance from different angles.

The most outrageous thing is that Quan jumped onto Sai Luo's knees facing the sky, and then took a picture of Sai Luo from a special angle downwards.

From now on, it will be the black history of Cyro. It is best to show it to Zeta, Geed and the others according to the opportunity, and the new generation of Ao can also read it.

Thinking of such a scene, Izumi couldn't help showing a Shiba Inu-like smile.

"Well, I kept the photo. This kid's timer is still flashing, and his energy is a little low, but his life is not in great danger." After putting down the camera, he jumped off Sai Luo's lap, and Quan and Gennane communicated: "Just passed out."

"You just use it very delicately." Yuan Yuannai responded.

"Tsk, it's none of my business. I inherited this method of suppressing Sai Luo's rebellious character from Yuanquan." Quan crossed his arms, quite disdainful: "Compared with Yuanquan, I think I'm pretty gentle."

"Besides, I inherited the practice from Yuanquan. Don't you want to fight Sai Luo again?"

These words are comparable to killing people's hearts, and Yuan Yuannai was also silenced all of a sudden.

But Quan was unwilling to be silent, and directly took advantage of the victory to pursue.

"Don't hesitate, hurry up! Follow your inner thoughts and tell me immediately, do you want to beat him up too?"

Yuanyuannai didn't reply immediately, as if he was examining his own heart.

After a long time, he spoke.

"I have inherited the good side of Yuanquan. I am the God incarnated by his compassion, and I don't have such thoughts in my heart."

"Then are you going to fight or not!" Quan asked.


(End of this chapter)

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