Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 943 is over, I can already predict what will happen to Gennai

Chapter 943 is over, I can already predict what will happen to Gennai (Ged: eager to try)

Realm determines the level at which this power can be exerted, and even further capital, which allows people to know why it is strong and powerful.

No matter how powerful the power is, it needs enough heart to match it, or even control it, otherwise, it is just a puppet blindly pursuing power, and the end that can go to the end is close at hand.

Sai Luo didn't know what the realm of the big universe looked like, and he didn't have the slightest feeling of being able to understand the realm of the big universe.

He never returns on the road of possessing great power.

The little golden man, that is, Tartarus, he has realized the truth of the universe. After comprehending the essence of this world, he can perfectly use his heart to match his own strength, without even a single bit of waste.

Gauss and Gaia can also do this.

There is no doubt that these two veteran powerhouses can do this.

"Master, can I take a look?" After thinking for a long time, Sai Luo finally decided to muster up the courage: "I want to see my future, even if it's only for a moment, I also want to see my... true power .”

"Are you really going to do this?" Gennai asked back: "Even if I am, I can only show the current upper limit based on the power you have unearthed now."

"I can't find out the transcendent essence hidden in your body."

Sai Luo has the potential to become a transcendent, but that potential has not been converted into the corresponding power, which means that the essence of the transcendent is still hidden in the dark.

Sai Luo couldn't find his own transcendent essence, and Yuanyuan Nai couldn't find it either.

"That's fine, I want to know how strong I am now, so that I can judge my own position." Stretching out his hand and clenching his fist in front of him, Sai Luo's tone was firm, showing off the horses and horses. to continue.

"Yes." Yuanyuan Nai will not refuse even more, since Sai Luo wants to, then he will help him.

Besides, the benefits of doing this are also huge for Yuanyuan Nai. After all, a quasi-transcendant who will become a transcendent in the future and only uses part of this power now, this can make Yuanyuan Nai He clearly sees how the transcendent is formed.

"Let's turn on the brilliance again, even if it's only for a moment."

Yuan Yuannai's words just fell, and in the next moment, Sai Luo directly raised one hand and pointed it at the sky, squeezing the few light energy in his body, and knocked the boundary loudly, allowing his posture to usher in a change again.

The moment Brilliant Sairo appeared, almost in the blink of an eye, the aura on Brilliant Sairo's body quickly slipped from the peak, and it seemed that he would not be able to hold on and it would fade away.

However, Origin Nai turned into streamers of light, and the boundless four-color light swarmed into Guanghui Sailuo's body.

Drilling into Sai Luo's body from the timer, from the eyes, and even the Emelim timer on the forehead, so that the originally unstable Radiance Sai Luo barely survived in a burst of flickering interweaving.

"I will use my existence to temporarily serve as the essence of the transcendent that you haven't found yet. During this period of time, you can find out the limit that Brilliant Cyro can do at present."

"Be quick, otherwise, my existence will start to interfere with the undiscovered power in your body. Once my transcendent essence penetrates your body, you will be assimilated by me."

"Your transcendent essence will be influenced by me during gestation, so that it will be infinitely close to me."

"Then you won't be you anymore."

"I understand." Since turning on the posture of Brilliant Sailo, every time he opened Sairo, he could feel the light energy in his body flowing crazily like opening a floodgate. After a few seconds or tens of seconds, he would no longer Can't hold on.

The feeling of frantically passing light energy made him feel more and more empty every time he opened this posture.

But this time... when Gennai entered his body to act as the essence of the transcendent, at that moment, Sai Luo, who was in a glorious posture, seemed to have a realization, a sense of satisfaction that what he lacked was complemented.

It's like a flood that can't be stopped. One of them flipped the switch, found the anchor point, and then completely controlled the surging and out-of-control energy.

That crucial switch, that crucial plug, was finally found by himself, and finally controlled by Guanghui.

In an instant, Sai Luo knew what he was missing.

Time is running out, and that kind of thought can only flash through his mind. Without hesitation, Sai Luo pointed at the sky with one hand to create a vortex of cause and effect. During the reversal of cause and effect, Guan Hui Sai Luo's palm was like It is like holding up a sun, affecting the planet under your feet.

The ice and snow covering the entire planet are melting at an extremely fast speed, and the changes like the vicissitudes of life are going on in the reversal of the world.

Those normal evolutions that need to go through millions of years, tens of millions of years, and hundreds of millions of years, are passing by quickly under the power of Brilliance Cyro.

It was as if a shortcut key had been pressed, and in the blink of an eye as the planet was being accelerated, it came to a world full of greenery.

At the same time, the light in Hui Sailuo's hand dissipated, and the Karma Vortex dissipated along with Guan Hui Sailuo's posture.

Four-color streams of light drifted out from Sai Luo's body, gathered together, and gradually outlined the figure of a warrior.

Origin Nai, reappeared in the world.

"This is..." The last second was still a frozen world of ice and snow, and in the blink of an eye, this planet came to a green world of moist dense forest with the fragrance of birds and flowers.

The span of time, even with Ultraman's life, is hard to match.

"That's not the power of time, but the power of cause and effect." As the source of Nai who entered Sai Luo's body and acted as the essence of the transcendent, he can understand the true power that the glorious posture can have.

"Cause and effect?" Seven asked back.

"That's right, the time in the big universe cannot be changed, even the time guardian." After a pause, Yuanyuan Nai continued: "But there are always exceptions to everything, and it can be done after paying a certain price. "

"But you are different, Sai Luo, you are not manipulating time, but letting time run with you."

G:? ? ?
"The true power of the current Shining Zero: Karma Reversal."

"Modifying something, the reason of a certain story, can change the final result. This is the power to change things, starting from the source, and then letting the world correct itself."

"For example, a cosmic monster invaded the earth and caused terrible casualties, and you turned on the glorious posture and brought the cosmic monster to the earth. The starting point of all this changed and became a cosmic monster passing by the earth. Then, as the original story, the beginning It can’t be matched, so the big universe will modify the follow-up story because of this.”

"That is to say, when you change the monster from coming to the earth to the monster passing through the earth, the development of the story must be redeveloped from the cause of passing through the earth."

"The cause is changed, and the effect is modified, so this is not the power of time, but when you change the cause, time chases you, and after you, changes the result."

Yuanyuan Nai took a deep look at Sai Luo who was in deep thought. This is just the power that did not elicit the essence of the transcendent, and only showed it in a glorious posture.

Then what his transcendent essence interferes with is destiny.

"Then why did this planet become like this?" Although Sai Luo didn't really want to understand it, he knew that he seemed to be really awesome, so after not thinking about things he couldn't understand, he asked some other questions. .

"Ask you, what were you thinking in your mind when you activated the karma reversal."

"Me?" Sai Luo pointed at himself, and after thinking for a moment, he murmured, "Because the Ottos hate the cold, so I thought, if only this planet could be like the earth."

After finishing speaking, Sai Luo was shocked, and after realizing it, he looked at Yuanyuan Nai, unbelievable: "So... this planet is..."

"As you can see, time is chasing after you, accelerating the evolution of this planet's time, and... taking the evolution cycle of the earth as the route, and reaching this step with the same posture."

"In other words, this planet will become an existence similar to Julan Star."

"As you think, it would be nice if it could be like the earth."

Yuanyuan Nai stood up, the future of this planet, at the moment when Guangxi Luo gave birth to that idea, it had already made this planet go another way.

Because it is changed, the result will naturally change.

This is the first time that Sero has a clear sense of his future.

The power to change the world.

(End of this chapter)

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