Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 944 He just made a wave of force in front of the new generation, and you just want to let hi

Chapter 944 He just made a wave of aggressiveness in front of the new generation, and you want to let him down... you...

"That guy won't let you go so easily." On this changed planet, two giants stood side by side, looking at the scenery beyond the planet.

Gennai knew what Sai Luo was going to do, so he also notified Quan, and asked Quan not to block Sai Luo from going there.

"Isn't it? That guy wants to beat me up if he can block the outside?" But Sai Luo didn't think that guy was too much.

He has already defeated himself, what is the point of that guy still squatting outside?
Even if I can't defeat that guy with my strongest posture, it means that I am not his opponent at all.

As a victor, why stare at a defeated one?
Sai Luo shook his head and continued: "Do you know the identity of that guy? Why did he appear in front of me, and where did he come from?"

"Do you think that guy won't come to you?" Yuanyuan chose to answer Sai Luo's first question first: "Then let me tell you, he will definitely come to you."

"Ah? Why? Do you want to hit me again? It's not that boring." Sai Luo waved his hand indifferently: "Now I'm not his opponent, but after a while, when I become stronger Yes, I will definitely find this place again!"

Yuanyuan Nai didn't speak, but took a deep look at Sai Luo, looking at his confident appearance, he was embarrassed to say that Quan and him were one.

As the other half of one body and two parts, can I not know that he will come to trouble you?
You think it is impossible, but I know that he will definitely come.

"Okay, let's go, before he reacts." After Izumi communicated, Yuanyuan asked him not to trouble Sai Luo for the time being.

Even if you want to train Sai Luo, you have to wait for him to finish his work.

Quan readily agreed, expressing his understanding, and then escaped through the star gate into the big universe, but he didn't know which universes he went to.

"Okay, I'll go right away." With an important mission in his hands, Sai Luo couldn't stay in one place for a long time, especially since he was still thinking about the mastermind behind the mechanical Nexus.

Also, whether the captured Mebius and Max will also be copied into Mechanical Mebius and Mechanical Max is something that needs to be determined.

After bidding farewell to Yuanyuan, Sai Luo didn't dare to be careless this time, and directly summoned the Palaji armor to wear on his body, opened the space wormhole, crossed the distance limit, and rushed to the place where Mebius and Max disappeared.

Yuanyuan Nai watched Sai Luo's departure silently, and didn't have any plans to stop it.


It took Sero a lot of time to chase Altaruga, because of the space-time city, Sero could only come one step late every time, so he watched other Ultra fighters being killed by Aitaruga several times. Taruga took it away.

Among them, there is even Gauss.

Not only Gauss, Selo even met Nexus, and it was Nexus of the red youth.

After a brief exchange, he realized that this was Nexus from the past.

Then there's... (I won't go into details about the plot of the Ten Warriors. For details, see the Tijia chapter. After the existence of Future Nai is removed, the plot is basically the same.)
After solving Altaruga, Zero returned to his own universe, returned to the Kingdom of Light with the two warriors Mebius and Max, and uploaded a message about the space-time demon-Altaruga.

This is an evil god, the evil god who was expelled from the universe a long time ago and returned to the universe, the kind that stirs up the wind and rain.

But fortunately it was wiped out in the end.

After the turmoil brought by Altaruga ended, although there were still large and small disputes in the universe, with the Stargate, it became easier for the Ultra warriors of the Kingdom of Light to go to other universes.

After returning from the catastrophe, the Kingdom of Light stepped up its interference in other universes, and numerous Ultra fighters set out frequently to eliminate those evil conspirators who tried to stir up riots one after another.

U-40, z-95, D-60, which also belong to the positive forces... These civilizations also cooperate with the kingdom of light to bring order and peace to this universe, and fight bravely against those who try to cause turmoil.

With the current manpower of the Kingdom of Light, it is actually a bit stretched after the loss of the Great War of Sparks.

But fortunately, with the help of other allies, it is still a turnaround.

And Silo, who was also powerful and wandered in the universe, even encountered Beria's remnant imperial army in the universe, summoned his ultimate Silo guard team, and once again set off a battle with the empire.

This is a protracted war.

At the same time, Yuanyuan Nai has left the planet that has undergone great changes because of Brilliant Cyro, and stands outside the big universe, feeling the changes in other universes.

After such a induction, he can feel that there are still many universes, and the timeline is also slowed down like the Tiga universe, which even includes the Gaia universe and the Gauss universe.

The time of the Gaussian universe should be slowed down because of Dración, but what is the reason for the Gaia universe?
The will of the earth?
There are also many universes whose origins are not recognized, and the passage of time has also been delayed by some special existences, and these existences are all up to the standard in person and power, and even higher than this.

It is conceivable that although the timeline of the great universe has indeed been unified, due to the reasons of powerful individuals, the passage of time between universes is still different.

"Are you coming?" Yuan Yuannai's voice sounded in his heart, feeling the delayed universe outside the big universe.

This voice, one knew it was from Quan.

"Are you going to trouble Sai Luo again so soon?" Yuan Yuannai asked, "He hasn't been in high spirits for long."

"According to the information passed on to us by our body, this guy needs someone to keep pressing him, otherwise he will be so floating that he doesn't even know who he is." Quan is in another universe at the moment, in the place where Noah showed up. in that universe.

Here, he's ambushing Sero, ready to surprise him.

"So, that's who you think you are?"

"Otherwise?" Quan said, "By the way, tell him that Beria is still alive."

"According to the follow-up plot, Beria should have been secretly preparing for the Impak war during this period of time. Moreover, Sai Luo didn't know that he also resurrected Beria in order to save his partner. "

"I pretended to be Nexus, the dark machine created by Beria, and then inadvertently exposed this to him, and then..."

"And then beat him half to death, let him know that there is a day beyond the sky, right?" Yuan Yuannai was a little helpless: "Your bad taste has become more and more serious."

"Huh, because this is me, I don't hide it, I do it when I think about it." After sending this signal to Gennai, Izumi smiled, reversed the lines of his body, and changed the color of his eyes, so that he became Very evil.

After thinking about it, Heinai put on another blindfold on his metal face, the black one.

It seemed not only evil, but also dark.

"Wait, I'll teach that kid to be a man again!"

"Before you teach him, don't forget, you have to take the time to go to the world of X, where..." After a pause, Yuan Yuannai didn't know what to say.

Whether it’s Rainbow Knife or Aix, these are not the reasons why Gennai and Izumi don’t want to go. The most fundamental reason is that in the world of Aix, there is a parallel world belonging to Kazuki. peers.

Although one body and two parts have been separated, Yuanquan is the younger brother recognized by the lonely Ikki in the orphanage in the world of his hometown, so he is limited to Yuanquan.

Both of them are not Yuanyuan, if they go to that world, how will they face this parallel world peer?

In what capacity should I face him?

This is what Gennai and Izumi hesitated about.

"...I will try my best to avoid seeing him, try my best." After a moment of silence, Quan comforted himself with such self-deceiving words.

(End of this chapter)

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