Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 945 Quan: The choices made by our ontology cannot be wrong.

Chapter 945 Quan: The choices made by our ontology cannot be wrong. (Origin Nai: Indeed)

"you again!"

After being separated from his partners, Sai Luo originally planned to go to another place, because there was a lot of news about the imperial army on that planet, and Sai Luo wanted to go there and wipe out these guys.

But before he had time to reach his destination, he was stopped halfway, especially when he saw this dark figure that was so familiar that he couldn't be more familiar blocked in front of him, he felt even more troublesome.

Dark Nexus didn't speak, but his bright red eyes suddenly lit up, and the metal face was covered by a van-like mask, making it even more sinister.

"Ultraman Zero." After finishing the short five words, Dark Nexus built a halo with the Nexus weapon, which instantly grew to more than 80 meters, and then threw it out of his hand.

Sero had already raised his guard to the highest level the moment Dark Nexus appeared, and he reacted the moment Dark Nexus made a move, and countered immediately.

The ice ax above the head flew out and combined into a plasma knife, which was manipulated by Sai Luo to fly out with his mind.

The swirling plasma knife brought a gust of wind blade, which inadvertently aroused the blade attribute in the wind attribute, causing the plasma knife to bring a handful of high-speed rotating emerald-colored compressed air knives and whizzed out.

Because of the entity, the plasma knife is better at colliding with energy, successfully breaking the light wheel, and continuing to fly towards the dark Nexus.

Taking advantage of the victory, Sai Luo took advantage of the victory to pursue the attack, jumped up after a few run-up steps, and galloped away with Sai Luo's flying kick as the second attack that followed.

Darkness Nexus popped out the sword of the storm, controlled the handle of the plasma knife that was difficult to see with the naked eye during the rotation of the sword, and successfully guided the plasma knife to revolve around itself with the blade, and then was caught by the dark Nexus threw it back again.

Use your own attacks against yourself?
Sai Luoben wanted to use his mind to manipulate the plasma knife. After all, it was a part of his body, so it was naturally controlled by him.

But when he really tried to do this, he suddenly discovered that he couldn't control the plasma knife immediately, but it would take a while.

But during this time, the plasma knife was enough to hit him.

But Sai Luo is Sai Luo after all. In a critical situation, Sai Luo chose to use his flying kick to suppress the plasma knife, and then pointed the side of the knife handle at himself, and the force of the flying kick was against the plasma knife handle. Up, using the blade as a breakthrough.

Sai Luo's flame flying kick, at this moment, turned into a Sai Luo flame knife-edge flying kick.

This whimsical attack method caught Dark Nexus a little off guard. He only had time to summon the black sword in front of him, and was kicked away by such a blow.

The feet drew a long crack in the ground, leading to another part of the deserted planet.

"Hmph, do you think I'm the same as before?" Now that this dark Nexus has recorded all his fighting methods, when he faces him again, those previous tricks will no longer be effective, and he must use them in battle. Just have a sudden inspiration and come up with a new trick.

Facts have proved that Sai Luo was right. That unexpected move brought Darkness Nexus to a standstill. Obviously, this guy had never seen this move before. The built-in computer was calculating how to deal with this move, so the There was that moment of stiffness.

After landing, Sero grabbed the plasma knife and split it into an ice axe, throwing it left and right for another coordinated attack, while he himself released the Emelim light to confront it head-on in the middle.

On the other side, the repulsed dark Nexus turned his blade, and the blade ignited raging fire. The orange-red flame surged along with the light particles as it rose, and finally turned into a flame of sword energy and flew out.

Then... Sai Luo saw that the tiny Emelim was cut, and it was cut open by a sword energy. Such a terrible thing happened.

Can you cut such a thin light from Emelim?

Sai Luo dodged the sword energy with a posture of an iron bridge. When the raging flames passed by his chest, Sai Luo could even feel the burning sensation of the soft armor on his chest.

The next two ice axes were repelled one after another, which was naturally expected by Sai Luo.

Standing upright again, Sai Luo spun himself and gradually rushed to the sky, his body also turned red in the center of the storm.

The strong Corona Cyro also used the Otto Hurricane, but this time the Otto Hurricane was not used on others, but on himself.

The high-speed rotating body drove the hurricane Ott to become more violent. Not only that, but the looming flames also escaped from the body of the strong Corona Sero. In the blink of an eye, the hurricane turned into a bright red flame tornado.

Sai Luo adjusted his body, swooped down, and attacked with a tornado of flames.

"It's really a whimsical idea. It seems that after being beaten up by you, he has indeed figured out a lot of tricks, and he has also dug deeper into his foundation and two forms." Nai naturally also saw Sai Luo's performance through Quan.

This is different from the one in the original book that obviously has a new power, but only superficially uses it.

This time, it can be seen that Sai Luo has put in a lot of effort.

"Look at what I said. Of course, the choice of our main body cannot be wrong. If I hadn't beaten him up, would he have learned from the pain to dig out his deeper strength?"

Quan shouted in his inner world: "You still don't believe me! The consideration of our body is equivalent to the consideration of the two of us together. How could there be a mistake!"

"Indeed, it seems that I did something wrong." With this iron-like fact in front of his eyes, Yuan Yuannai was also convinced that Quan's statement was correct: "If this is the case, he should be given a more tragic failure."

"You finally went with me this time." Even though the super-powerful Hurricane Otto was right in front of him, Quan still had the heart to talk to Yuan Yuannai about something else: "How about it, do you want to try it yourself? "

"I've said it all, suppressing this kid is not only passed on to me, but also passed on to you."

"Understood, I will temporarily borrow your body." Yuan Nai nodded, and descended his own consciousness into Quan's body.

Don't forget, in the battle between the main body and the split body that started when the body was divided into two parts, it was Yuan Nai who won the victory, so Izumi actually appeared as a vassal of Yuan Nai.

It's just that Yuan Yuannai doesn't care about this kind of vassal status, and doesn't think that two people who come from the same body should be superior or inferior, so it's not like that.

But in fact, Yuan Nai can temporarily retain his consciousness in Kuro Nai's body.

So what appeared to the outside world was the sudden change in the aura of the dark Nexus, turning into a pillar linking the world in an instant.

The black sword was held high, and it reached the sky, and the vast yellow sand land was suddenly covered with dark clouds. Accompanied by the bombardment of lightning and thunder, billowing black clouds rolled, and heavy rain poured down on the yellow sand land.


The lightning snake that struck down suddenly hit the black sword, and the black long sword wrapped around the thunder was controlled by Yuan Yuannai to fly out, and it also rotated at a high speed.

"go with!"

The black sword turned into lightning and flashed away, penetrating Sai Luo's flame storm from beginning to end.

At the same time, the torrential rain also suppressed the restless high temperature in this area, imperceptibly weakening the power of Sai Luo's fire storm move, and supplemented by the sword piercing that wrapped around Thunder. With the combination of the two, Sai Luo's new move immediately broken.

Sai Luo, who was screaming in pain, fell from the sky involuntarily, and his huge body fell into the yellow sand. While shaking the sky with gravel, he was also covered by the yellow sand.

The red also had to fade from him, back to basics.

Unexpectedly, the brand-new trick ended in a disastrous defeat. Just as Sai Luo was about to struggle to get up, a ray of thunder suddenly bloomed amidst the surging dark clouds, and struck down impartially towards Sai Luo.

Regardless of struggling, Sai Luo opened the Ultra crystal barrier to protect himself, so that the thunder entangled on the surface of the barrier, so as not to hit him.

However, the rumbling sound continued, and more thunder flashes crashed down, submerging Sai Luo's body.

(End of this chapter)

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