Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 946 Sai Luo: Still the familiar yet unfamiliar starry sky, still the same sentence: Are you

Chapter 946 Sai Luo: Still the familiar yet unfamiliar starry sky, still the same sentence: Are you awake?

"For that lord." After the thunder bombarded, the Ultra crystal barrier that Sai Luo propped up was also on the verge of breaking, and Gennai restrained his own consciousness.

After handing over his body to Quan, Quan said this sentence that he had been planning for a long time.

"That lord?" The cracked crystal barrier finally brought a glimmer of life to Sai Luo. There was only a thin green barrier between him and the thunder in the sky, and he had to watch helplessly as the barrier gradually shattered. If you don't experience that feeling behind the barrier yourself, you won't be able to resonate.

After canceling the barrier, Sai Luo just took a breath when the words of Nexus of the Darkness came to his ears, and immediately, Sai Luo couldn't stand at all.

The so-called adult should be referring to that guy!

"You guy, do you obey Beria! That lord...is Beria!" When talking about Beria, Sai Luo immediately became angry, and his fighting spirit, which was originally low, suddenly became high.

Seeing that his stimulation was effective, Izumi pretended to be the mechanical Darkness Nexus and repeated that sentence.

"For that lord!"

"That fellow Beria, do you still have a terrifying mechanical creation like you? Why didn't you use it to deal with me?" Sai Luo, who didn't know that Beria had been resurrected by himself, thought Beria It has already been hung up, so the dark Nexus in front of me is just a creation of the past.

But Sai Luo couldn't believe it, because how long had it been since Beria was eliminated?Now that I have become so much stronger, it doesn't make sense that I can't beat a mechanical Nexus that was created before.

However, these incomprehensible questions have always been something Sai Luo is not good at. Since he can't understand it, then he simply doesn't think about it. When he dismantles this mechanical Nexus, he will have all the answers.

Getting involved with Beria, Zero's fighting spirit was high, and he put on the Palaji armor again, turned into Ultimate Zero, and attacked again to face this terrible opponent.

Dark Nexus pulled his hands apart, and a faint flash appeared in his palms.

Under the deep dark imprint, it seems to be the most evil and darkest BOSS.


Opening his eyes again, waking up from the state of losing contact, what Sai Luo's bright eyes saw again was the familiar sky.

"Are you awake?" Even the familiar voice resounding in his ears made Sai Luo feel familiar.

The sense of déjà vu was quite serious, as if he had experienced something similar not long ago.

"I lost again?" Turning his head and looking at Yuan Yuan beside him, Sai Luo covered his head with an indescribably bitter tone: "That guy really came to find me...why?"

"And Beria...Could it be that Beria is still alive?" Obviously, he saw Beria's death with his own eyes, and even gave it to him himself, but the existence of the mechanical dark Nexus made Sai Luo feel the death of this person. Things raised doubts.

That dark Nexus is absolutely impossible to be a previous creation, it must be a new one created by Belia.

"So you already know." Yuanyuan Nai's tone was still calm, as if he didn't know the whole thing at all.

"Belia is still alive. The moment you first turned on the glorious posture and modified the death ending of your partners, in an unconscious state, you also erased the fact of Beria's death." Quan Nai Let Sero have the suspicion that Beria is still alive, and Gennai plays the role of affirming this suspicion, telling him that Beria is indeed still alive.

"Because of me?" Sai Luo pointed at himself. In fact, his practice in the Time Falls had already made him understand what kind of excessive things he did when he was possessed by Beria. He also knew that it was his first time. When turning on the stance of brilliance for the first time.

But he didn't know that Beria's death was also modified by him.

"The glorious figure that shouldn't have appeared at that time was awakened early for some reason. At that time, you didn't have your own consciousness at all, and the remaining instincts automatically did the last thing under your obsessive obsession. "

"The karma reversal that time was not aimed at your partner, but at that area."

"Not only Belial, the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness, but also those monsters that you wiped out have all been resurrected."

"What was in your mind at the time?" Yuanyuan asked back.

"I was..." Sai Luo was a little confused about the memory of that time. After thinking hard for a long time, he responded with some uncertainty: "At that time, what I was thinking in my heart seemed to be..."

"If only none of this had happened so no one would have died."

Gennai raised his hand and simulated the scene at that time with his own light, that is, Glorious Sailo raised his hand and activated the ability with the vortex of cause and effect to modify the source of the story, causing time to reverse.

After the repair, the red lotus flames and others who had already died were brought back to life.

Even the soul of Beria on the side seemed to be erased, but it was actually resurrected in the monster cemetery, and reappeared together with the Four Heavenly Kings in a completely undead posture.

Sai Luo watched this scene intently, through these, he finally knew what he did during that time.

"This is the answer. Your instinct urges your body to initiate a causal reversal. It's not for certain individuals, but for that area."

Sai Luo looked back with difficulty, and asked in a harsh voice: "So Beria is really still alive? And it was I who changed the fact of his death with my own hands?"

Gennai nodded slightly, as an acknowledgment.

However, Sai Luo, who got an affirmative answer, did not hang his head like ordinary people. Instead, he clenched his fists and became more fighting.

"Since he's not dead yet, if I can kill him once, I can kill him the second time, and the third time!" Clenching his fists and hitting hard, Sai Luo is full of confidence: "The me now is not the one I used to be. That's me!"

Yes, the current Beria is not the same Beria as before.

After this resurrection, the grievances between Beria and you, Sai Luo, will be settled. From then on, it is Geed who will really send Beria to die, and it is Geed who is Beria's son.

And you, Sai Luo, are no longer entangled with him, and you are no longer even his opponent.

Although it is Beria of the original skin, he can beat you for more than 100 years in the Impak crisis.

In the end he won, but you lost.

Why do you lose?
Because Beria went to Shikali's laboratory for a walk every now and then, and he could get the latest equipment from the Kingdom of Light...

And you, Sai Luo, don't have this treatment.

Still the same sentence, conforming to the times is the mainstream. Whether Beria steals capsules or plays with attributes, he defeats you with a classic original posture, and his understanding of this version is also higher.

"Master, train me, I want to become stronger and stronger!" After shouting passionately, Sai Luo turned his head and said to Yuanyuan Nai: "I must defeat that guy, defeat that dark Naike Seth, I can't lose to him again!"

...you want me to teach you my tricks and beat the other me up?
"Now you, do you still need someone to teach you?" Gennai glanced at Sai Luo, and then said: "The great hero who saved the Kingdom of Light, the powerful Ultra warrior, has more than five forms, and one is more powerful than the other. Kind of strong, in the Kingdom of Light, there should be no one who can change colors better than you."

"..." Sai Luo didn't speak, because he vaguely felt that this was not a good word, so he didn't know how to answer.

"Sai Luo, do you feel that the strong corona and the miracle of the moon god can no longer keep up with your development?"


Sai Luo was still silent, but although he didn't answer, Yuan Yuannai had the right to regard him as acquiescing.

"Do you really think you have full control over those two forms? Just the Garnett Burst and the Miracle Luna head?"

"With such a superficial use, why do you pursue stronger power?"

(End of this chapter)

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