Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 949 Quan Nai: Sai Luo, you can't stop that adult at all! Hahaha!

Chapter 949 Quan Nai (looking up to the sky and laughing wildly): Sai Luo, you can't stop that adult at all! Hahaha!
The form of the strong corona has been excavated by Sero in the long-term battle with more possibilities and more power.

It's no longer like before, just switch to play two kills and then fade away, or switch to get beaten and then automatically exit.

Under the inhuman torment of Dark Nexus and every special training with Gennani, the two-pronged approach finally made Sai Luo make great progress.

At least for now, the dual stance of maintaining a strong coronal stance and then putting on the Palaji armor is enough to prove that the torture he suffered during this period was not in vain.

Caressing the blade of Palaji's holy sword, Sai Luo, who has a double posture, has a general understanding of his own strength, and also ignited some hope.

Such a him should be enough to fight that guy.

"bring it on!"

Although a little guilty, Sai Luo still ignited the remaining fighting spirit and rushed towards the dark Nexus.

Darkness Nexus raised his hand and drew out the black sword, holding the sword in his hand and also rushed towards Sai Luo. The first moment the two sides handed over, the sword collided with the sword, rubbing violent sparks, and at the same time, Quan was able to escape from Sai Luo at this time. Feeling a stronger pressure on the body.

The opening of the dual form is not a show.

The wrestling between the two sides is over, and they use the power of the anti-shock to distance themselves.

Sai Luo clenched his fist with one hand and pulled it back, and punched out brazenly. Garnet burst and rushed towards Dark Nexus in a spiral posture.

This is different from the previous Garnet Burst, which was simply released and required a short-term charge.

And this is also the result of the efforts brought about by more than a hundred failures.

With five fingers spread out, he built a ripple shield with one hand, while blocking Garnet's burst, he also used the Nexus arm to absorb and transform it, pouring it into the black sword.

After resisting and absorbing all the blazing light energy from Garnett's explosion, Darkness Nexus turned around and slashed, the black sword energy burning with dark red flames tore through the rocks under his feet, and left vertically and horizontally.

Sai Luo remembered this move, because he had lost in this move before he knew how many times.

He played Garnett Burst with confidence, but it was absorbed and reflected back. Sai Luo, who had no way to dodge during the skill freeze, could only watch helplessly as the sword energy passed over his body, and then in the endless Burnt to fainting in the dark flames.

But this time, this time is different!
Turning around and slashing down, the power of the holy sword was also aroused, and the sword energy faced the sword energy. The black and white collided together in an instant, annihilating each other, and at the same time blasting the boulder fighting between the two sides into two halves.

The two Ultra fighters occupy one side, facing each other from a distance.

Heinai counted with his feet and flew out; while Sai Luo stepped on it fiercely, smashing the boulder and rushing towards the dark Nexus.

In the cosmic space, the blades interweave bright sparks, and every collision can bring countless brilliant sparks.

Sai Luo tried his best to overcome this difficulty and fight for a future for himself.

Sword-to-blade battles are dangerous, but the collision of fists and fists, feet and feet, and the collisions between the two sides must not be underestimated.

Under the extremely close-range explosion, a blue light ball appeared instantly, and was grabbed by the dark Nexus and blasted towards Sai Luo's head.

Two ice axes flew out, trying to cut Dark Nexus' wrist with sharp blades, forcing him to cut off an arm.

Dark Nexus let go of his hand, allowing the Reckoner to fall down, and at the same time, the two kicked sideways, shaking each other back.

At the moment of retreating, Dark Nexus disturbed the edge of the sword, and rolled the floating liquidator back onto the sword.

The liquidator disturbed on the edge of the sword, and the blue sphere turned into crystal black, and was thrown out by the dark Nexus flicking the sword.

Sai Luo turned into the Otto Hurricane, wrapped the endless storm around the holy sword, and with a deep drink, Sai Luo swept the sword horizontally, sweeping out the storm and sweeping all the attacks in front of him.

The storm and the liquidator are intertwined, one advances, the other blocks, and the situation between the two sides is at a stalemate, inseparable.

Dark Nexus didn't care that much, seized the opportunity to put one hand across his chest, materialized a bright red light bow, then aimed at Sai Luo not far away, pulled it slightly and shot it out.

Sero removed Palaji's armor, rearranged it and turned it into an ultimate holy shield to block in front of him, constructing an absolute defense to completely block the light arrow storm.

Even though the explosions are raging, there is a safe zone behind the ultimate holy shield that no one can cross.

After the smoke dissipated, the handle of the holy shield was held by Sai Luo. At this time, Sai Luo was no longer in the form of a strong corona, but in the form of a miracle of the moon god.

After grabbing the holy shield, Sero turned it around, and in the blink of an eye, the ultimate holy shield turned into the ultimate bow.

"Give me a helping hand!" As soon as the words fell, eight Sai Luo who maintained the miraculous posture of the moon god appeared around him.

These miraculous phantoms raised their hands one after another, injecting all their energy into Palaji's bow.

In just four or five seconds, two of Palaji's crystal energy indicators lit up.

If it is fully charged, then all three lights should be on, but it takes too long to charge, although the power is the greatest, but others are not fools, just waiting for you to store the maximum power, still stupid Standing still in a daze.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, Sero has no time to charge, and shoots as soon as he draws the bow, and there is no charge bonus.

This is the case in Ultra Ten Warriors.

When facing off against the juvenile Hypageton in Ao Chuan, with the assistance of Dyna and Goss, and the juvenile Hypageton was in a seriously injured state and it was difficult to move, this gave time to accumulate energy.

But now, Sai Luo is doing his best to use the super power of the miracle of the moon god to construct eight phantoms with all his energy, which is enough to light up the energy indicator of Palaji's bow twice in an instant. indivual.

Although the second one is only faintly bright, barely bright.

Letting go, Palaji's Bow galloped out, the eight phantoms of Silo disappeared, and the timer of Silo's own began to flicker, and it was a very rapid one.

Everything, put into this blow!
Dark Nexus looked at this devastating attack, neither dodging nor dodging (Sero's perspective), building a ripple shield with both hands and pushing it in front of him.

But in fact, Quan activated the ability of teleportation and disappeared from where he was, leaving only an illusion.

Palaji's power is still terrifying. Although it is generally difficult to fully charge, Sero has done what he can do to the extreme.

His legs were weak, and Sai Luo was panting violently. Although he still maintained the miraculous posture of the moon god, he knew that he was already at the end of his strength, no matter how difficult it was to fight.

"It's okay." Izumi had already discussed the final result of this battle, and Gennai was not worried.

"Master, I shouldn't have let you down." Even though he was weak and light, Sai Luo was still very cheerful.

"Ah, there is no doubt that your control of these two forms has gone from initial control to perfection." Yuanyuan Nai affirmed Sai Luo's efforts. Compared with him at the beginning, although the current Sai Luo is still still In those few forms, his combat power has already doubled.

The smoke and dust dissipated, but the black nightmare still stood in place.

Sai Luo was silent in his heart, very bitter.

"Can't this kill him?"

With flickering electric sparks all over his body, Quan stretched out his hands to cover his chest, and Quan tried his best to behave like a mechanical creation that had been hit by a leakage of electricity, and then it was about to shut down.

"Not bad attack, Ultraman Zero." Quan still understood everything about acting.

"But it's still not the adult's opponent."

"It's Beria, it's Beria you're referring to!" Sai Luo shouted excitedly.

"Soon, that lord will make a comeback and create his empire again." Stretching out his hand, Dark Nexus pointed at Oshiro: "You can't stop that lord."

Although the adult he was referring to began with the word Zuo, Sai Luo made up Beria's words in his own brain, and that was also Sai Luo's own problem and had nothing to do with him.

"You are so weak that even I can't defeat you, and you are no longer qualified to stand in front of that adult!" Because of such rampant words, Quan, who was acting too deep into the drama, opened his hands and laughed wildly. with interpretation.

"Sa, despair, Ultraman Zero!"


Seeing the dark Nexus leaving with electric sparks all over his body, Sai Luo wanted to pursue him, but his weak body was already overwhelmed.

He could only listen to the hateful laughter echoing in his ears, clenched his fists, and watched the dark Nexus leave.

"I stopped him twice, this time, I will definitely stop him!"


(End of this chapter)

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