Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 950 Quan Nai: Don't look at Sai Luo miserable, he has to come over and thank us

Chapter 950 Quan Nai: Don't look at Sai Luo miserable, he has to come over and thank us

"Congratulations, you finally defeated this powerful enemy and got out of trouble." Seeing Quan Nai running away, Yuan Yuan also clapped his hands and came to Sai Luo's side.

Hey, at this time, Yuanyuannai, a guy who doesn't understand style, is standing here. If this is replaced by a spring, or the source of the past, it must be raised with one hand, and he just said "Iwa (congratulations)! "

"I...really won?" After the rhetoric, it was unbelievable that he finally won the victory. After getting used to the failure, the sudden victory was at his fingertips, and he was firmly grasped by Sai Luo, so that he couldn't believe it in his heart. Still doubting the authenticity of this victory.

"Although it can't be said that you have defeated your opponent, you did repel him. All the previous failures have accumulated into your strength, allowing you to do this in the end." Looking at Sai Luo's blinking timer , Yuanyuan Nai stretched out a finger to point on the timer, and injected part of the light energy, so that Sai Luo's timer no longer flickered so quickly, and returned to full blue.

"I did it...I did it...I did it!!" First he muttered in disbelief, then he felt a sense of enlightenment, and finally he was the joy and excitement brought by victory. Every time he repeated it, Sai Luo became more and more excited. Affirmed the fact of his victory.

Excited, he hugged Yuanyuan Nai, and in the arms of his master, he was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

"Master! I finally defeated him! I really did it!" Although there were no tears, Sai Luo's voice was still crying, and it could be heard that he was really excited.

"Don't worry, everything is over." Yuan Yuannai's body stiffened for a moment, and he almost exploded with his own strength to fly Sai Luobeng out.

But fortunately, Heinai's transcendent essence is in his body, which greatly weakens his divinity, making him get closer and closer to the ground from the high clouds.

Letting go of his master's hand, Sai Luo took a few steps back and nodded heavily: "I will definitely remember this feeling. Next time, the next time I meet him, I will definitely defeat him completely!"

Although what comes after a long period of failure is a loss of self-confidence, but when the long-term failure is exchanged for one victory, the emotions released are naturally abundant.

Sai Luo is like this now, surrounded by a great sense of happiness, which makes him emerge with even more high-spirited fighting spirit and passion than before.

"Remember this reincarnation, remember this experience, Sai Luo, you can still become stronger!" Yuan Yuannai stretched out his hand and put it on Sai Luo's shoulder: "You have controlled the powerful sun crown and the miracle of the moon god It’s proficient, but it’s not yet 100% as good as the arm, even if there is only the last potential, you have to dig it out.”

"I feel it, in the process of digging your own potential to control the form more and more, your foundation is also fed back."

"Now that you activate the glorious posture, it will no longer only last for one minute."

After winning, Sai Luo realized how much progress he had made. The powerful corona and the miracle of the moon god are no longer limited to the stage of future use, and his basic form has also been greatly strengthened.

It is no exaggeration to say that Sai Luo now feels that he is capable of killing his previous self, and it is the kind of suppression to death throughout the whole process.

"I will always improve myself." Sai Luo nodded, he was extremely grateful to Yuan Nai who was always by his side, trained himself, and even helped him tap his potential.

Otherwise, there is absolutely no way for him to escape this catastrophe.

"You will meet that guy again in the future. At that time, if you still stand still, he will not show mercy." With Quan's character, if Sai Luo really dares to forget what happened during this period, Quan is afraid To be able to go across thousands of mountains and rivers, purposely go there and beat Sai Luo again.



Watching Sai Luo open the wormhole and leave, he, who has been reborn, may be able to play a greater role in this Impak crisis.

As for Beria, who has been able to wrestle with him for 100 years, even if he wants to win this time, it will not be so easy.

Maybe the reborn Sai Luo can win this time?
"Did we go too far?" Gennai said to Quan Nai who appeared next to him with his arms folded: "Although growing up through hardships is the growth method set by the main body for him, but our The layout almost completely suppressed him to the point where everyone disappeared."

"What are you afraid of, the subject's thoughts are not wrong, and didn't you see him just now?" Quan Nai waved his hand, not caring: "He still has to thank us."

Yuanyuan Nai was speechless for a while, although Sai Luo really thanked him, but it is obvious that the person he thanked was me, not you!
"The time and space of X has been locked, shall we go now?" Quan Nai said.

"It's you, I can't return to the human posture, I have to keep it all the time to slow down the timeline of the Tiga universe." Yuanyuan shook his head: "I have been able to borrow part of your transcendent essence." , thus suppressing my divinity, it seems that in a short while, I will be able to maintain the balance between the two."

"Then, what do you think of the world now?" Quan Nai asked back.

"You shouldn't ask me this question, but you should ask yourself." At the moment when God and man are ready, Yuanyuan is undoubtedly the closest to the original body, but even so, it is only close, not it.

"When we come to a perception that is completely different from our original ideas from the bottom of our hearts, when we can express emotions that are not in line with our own based on the existence of the other party, it means that we understand each other. At that time, it is An opportunity for us to integrate."

"The opportunity for fusion... Heh, when it comes to this, I am excited, but also a little scared." Quan Nai sneered, laughing at himself: "I really can't imagine that we, the fusion, the returning body, what will happen to us?" what will become of it?"

"That's not something we should pay attention to." Yuanyuan Nai said.

At that time, both Yuan Nai and Quan Nai had already belonged to the ontology, which was naturally not what they should think about.

Don't look at the tacit understanding between the two sides now, but that is because of the balance reached by Yuan Nai under the influence of Quan Na's transcendent essence.This balance is not only for the divinity and humanity in Yuan Nai, but also for the relationship between the two parties.

And Quanna, who was fed back by the balance of the main body and also possessed part of divinity to suppress her own rage, is actually a member who maintains balance.

Everyone is on this balance, try to ensure that the eyes are aligned and look at each other impartially.


Returning to the Kingdom of Light, Sai Luo reported what happened to him, which aroused the great attention of the Kingdom of Light.

Beria's comeback, the reorganization of the remnants of the empire, the unknown evil Ultraman-Dark Nexus, all these things have put the Kingdom of Light under a high degree of martial law.

Although I feel speechless about the fact that Beria is still not dead, I feel that he is like an unbeatable Xiaoqiang, but given his hatred for the Kingdom of Light, he is still alive, so he must find a way The Kingdom of Light was blown up.

The top priority is to find a way to find Beria. Otherwise, this guy is hiding in the dark and making troubles. The Kingdom of Light is too passive.

As for the terrifying guy who beat him a hundred times in Sai Luo's mouth, the so-called Nexus of Darkness, the Kingdom of Light also made corresponding preparations.

With Cyro's strength, he was beaten more than 100 times?
And if it wasn't for Gennai's help, maybe Sai Luo would be lying there.

Can Beria actually free up such a terrifying guy?
But when Sai Luo said this, Tai Luo was a little hesitant to speak, because the black Nexus...he had really seen it!

Not only that, he and Yinhe even got along with this guy for a long time.

But even though that Nexus is black, he probably wouldn't beat up Zero and join Beria's command.

Although it is black on the surface, Taro believes that it is still his sixth brother, the Giant of Light!
Be a partner of justice!

(End of this chapter)

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