Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 980 The will of the universe will put everything back on track

Chapter 980 The will of the universe will put everything back on track (Baltan dies in the setting sun!)

"It doesn't matter who you are or not." Showing the toy-sized Aramis chariot in his hand, Quan Nai looked directly at Bondiro: "Change this back, otherwise, you will die. "

"What I hate the most is that someone tells me what to do again." Bondillo pointed his thumb down and made a contemptuous gesture: "If you have the ability, try to untie it yourself."

"Wait a minute, it doesn't seem right." Sai Luo leaned closer and looked at this life-sized dark Nexus. This guy's eyes were normal milky white instead of red. Armor, and there is no corresponding armed device on the shoulders.

Although it still looks a lot like Dark Nexus, there are some subtle differences.

Coupled with the fact that he is obviously not a villain now, could it be... that he was too nervous and admitted his mistake?

No, no, it's better not to make a conclusion so quickly, let's observe for a while.

"Stubborn." There was a flash of red in the milky white eyes, Quan Nai took a step forward, and went straight to Bondiro.

But when he was just about to go there, a new change took place on the battlefield over there.

Aix and Lu Dian teamed up, but they were not Gagorgon's opponents. The two were hanged and beaten by Gagorgon, and they had no power to fight back.

After struggling for an unknown amount of time, Gagorgon decided to kill one of these two guys and turn him into a stone statue to deter humans on this planet.

After a short brew, the petrified light gushed out and went straight to Aix.

At this time, the timer was already blinking, and it was difficult for Aix to dodge.

At the moment of crisis, the Baltan star escaped from the interference of King Black and came to Aix, intending to use Baltan light to offset the power of the petrified light.

But it underestimated the power of the petrified light, causing his attack to be pushed back, completely hitting itself.

Not only that, but the petrified light hit Baltan accurately, causing it to gradually spread from the feet to the whole body, turning into a stone statue.

"Baltan!" The earth has known for a long time that the Baltan stars living on the earth are monsters who are dedicated to the peace and peace of the earth and lead by example. He even followed Senior Guoquan to meet Baltan several times.

But now, he actually wanted to watch Baltan bear the attack for him, and even turned into a stone statue.

"Aix, seize the opportunity and blow its eyes!" His own petrification is inevitable, but the sacrifice cannot be meaningless, Baltan endured the severe pain, turned and yelled at Aix .

Suppressing its grief, the earth jumped out from behind Baltan and hovered in mid-air.

Zaratim's beam needs to be charged for too long to seize this fleeting opportunity, so X chose the X data beam with extremely fast moves.

Use the active data stream to hit the enemy's weak point with light technology, so as to analyze the components of this weak point and feed back the corresponding data. This is the function of the X data beam.

This move hit the open eye in Gagorgon's mouth. Although it didn't explode, it inflicted heavy damage, forcing Gagorgon to leave the earth and go to the universe to recuperate his injuries.

Baltan's whole body was petrified, and he was forced to turn into a stone statue, standing among tall buildings.

Aix knelt down halfway, and was forced to release the combined state amidst the violent panting sound. His body collapsed into a data stream and returned to Aix's terminal.

Huiya, dragging his weak body, finally couldn't bear the intensity of the battle, and was forced to dematerialize Ludian, and he fell unconscious on the ground in the dazzling golden light.

In the end, he was picked up by a female high school student who had been paying attention to him and brought him back home.

The outcome of the battle over there has already been decided, and on this side, among the people who have been attracted by the impact of the battle over there, Bondiro is the one who reacted the fastest.

It reacted at an extremely fast speed and moved at super high speed to snatch the Aramis from Quan Nai's hand, and a lazy donkey rolled and entered the space tunnel.

"Goodbye to you." King Black also turned into a beam of light and returned to the state of the flash doll, and disappeared with Bandillo.

Quan Nai, who was the closest, had the opportunity to go in with Bandillo, but he did not choose to do so in the end. Not only that, but he also canceled his transformation, and his body collapsed into black streamers, and disappeared into phantoms.

"Wait a minute!" Seeing that there was no way to chase after him, Sai Luo, who was the third to react, immediately opened the dimensional tunnel with Palaji's holy sword, leaped into it, and chased Bandiro.

"Luoyi..." Helping A-Shou up, the doctor stared at the sky.

Lui was still in the car on the Aramis, and that guy took the Aramis and Lui away with him.

The sudden appearance of the Naker star disrupted the execution of the entire battle plan, abruptly turning a battle that was sure to win into what it is today.

That rascal…

The doctor clenched his fists. For such an evil guy, the doctor will never allow him to go on like this!

"Baltan..." The doctor turned around and stared at the Baltan star who turned into a stone statue over there, and couldn't help but fell into speechlessness.

"Wait, I will definitely save you!"



A resentful slap on the table, A'Du was very angry: "Where did that Bandillo jump out from? He ruined all the battle plans we finally made!"

The atmosphere in the meeting room was a bit silent, obviously everyone was in a bad mood.

"It is certain that there will be changes in the plan. After all, we can only try our best to do this kind of thing, and it may not be completely successful." Seeing that the atmosphere is a little tense, Sayuri Tachibana calmed down a bit: "The most important thing at present is to Find a way to get Lui back."

"There is not only Lui on the Aramis, but also the card of Bemonstein that is necessary to defeat Gagorgon. No matter what, we have to get it back." Captain Shenmu said: "Quan, is there any way?" ?”

"I have to go out." Looking around, Quan said, "If I want to find Lucy in time within the limited time, I need the help of my friends."

The friends Quan refers to are naturally those cosmic beings, and they must rely on their strength at this time.

"How is the earth?" With a sigh, Captain Shenmu was helpless.

The Amiras was hijacked, and the Cosmic Maskedi could not be dispatched.

Xio unexpectedly fell into a difficult situation at this moment.

"Still in treatment." Asuna said Dadi's current situation: "When he was dug out from the ruins, his physical condition was not very good, but the doctor said that he was just overly frightened and exhausted, and he recovered after a short rest. it is good."



In the ward.

"It's all my fault. The Baltans wanted to protect me, that's why they..." Sitting on the hospital bed with a bandage wrapped around his head, he blamed himself: "I failed to defeat Gagorgon."

"This is also part of my responsibility." Aix chose to bear it with the earth: "But Baltan chose to protect us because he believed that we could win, and we must not live up to its expectations."

"Not only Gagorgon, but even Lui was taken away." This was a double blow, which hurt the spirit of the earth, and reduced the fighting spirit to the minimum.

"Don't be so discouraged." Just when X was about to speak to comfort the earth, Sai Luo's voice came from the X terminal: "Your earth seems to be in trouble."

"Are you? The giant that appeared before?" Seeing Sai Luo appearing in the terminal, the earth was shocked.

"I'm waiting for you in the stratosphere to solve the current problem." Sai Luo, wearing the ultimate armor, gave a thumbs up: "It's not just you who have questions, but I also have questions."

For example... the Ultraman who is similar to Dark Nexus but different.

(End of this chapter)

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