Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 981 Chapter 973: Trekia: Acceleration Mode!

Chapter 981 Chapter 973: Trekia (slapping the belt, entering the password): Acceleration mode (Start Up)!
Aix didn't know much about Quanna, he just recounted what Quanna had said to him when he first appeared, and this also made Sai Luo fall into deep thought.

It sounds quite normal, and there is no big change, and it doesn't seem to be loyal to Beria...

So did I admit my mistake?Or are they just two different people?
But this is too similar, so similar that I almost jumped when I first saw it.

"By the way, you were chasing after that alien who took Lucy away, can you find it? I want to save Lucy back." As can be seen from the previously replayed video, Sai Luo also has the ability to open tunnels, so he can jump through space and find Bondi Luo directly.

X doesn't have this ability by itself, so he can only ask Zero for help.

"Leave that human girl to me, and what you said, that guy hasn't solved it yet, so he probably doesn't have time to run around." Saying that, Sai Luo pointed to the other side of the earth, which is the distance from them at this time on the other side of the earth. On the side, choose Gagorgon who is suspended in the universe and heals his injuries with cosmic radiation.

"That guy..." The Gagorgon that Sero refers to has given Aix the first failure. It is impossible to say that he doesn't care: "But the thing that can defeat Gagorgon is in that car. In the car, he was taken away by that guy."

"No matter what, I have to go there!"

"Is it impossible to defeat Gagorgon if you lose a certain thing? Ultraman is not such a fragile existence." Sai Luo waved his hand: "If you want to catch up with that guy, it is still 2 years too early .”

"Don't worry, I will bring that human girl back safely, and if you need help, I can also fight side by side with you." With an OK gesture, Sai Luo turned and left: "Thank you for your clarification, See you in the future."

It was too late for Aix to stop, and Sero activated the power of Palaji's armor, entered the dimensional tunnel, and disappeared instantly.

In the stratosphere, Aix was left alone and stood here in a daze, looking so sluggish.


"I don't know if that guy will be angry if he makes such a thing." The doctor moved his head away from the computer, and turned his eyes to Quan's body: "That thing is very harmful to Ultraman Zero. The significance of it should be extraordinary, can we really do this?"

"That thing is not worth a lot of money now. After another version, it will be completely reduced to a means of transportation. Even if the data is collected and the card is reproduced, that guy will not care." Press quickly on the keyboard to compare the data one by one.

"If you want to find Bondiro, the strength of that guy Sero is indispensable."

"Palaji Armor is a necessary strength."

Before Sai Luo came wearing the ultimate armor, he had already left a lot of data. Dr. Gehrman is now collecting these data to prepare Sai Luo's virtual card and gain his power.

What Aix needs most now, what Sero's card can give.

But after all, Siro's consent was not sought, so the doctor was still a little nervous.

Then he got the guarantee from the spring that is also Ultraman, and now, he immediately started working with confidence and boldness.

"A Shou, go to the A02 area next, remember, hold the instrument in your hand higher." Dr. Hequan is conducting experiments in the laboratory, so A Shou is naturally the one sent out to collect data.

Ah Shou is already quite skilled in this kind of dispatch.

It can be said that Quan, who became a scientist in the world of X, has learned a lot here. Even if these technologies in Xio go to the Kingdom of Light in the future, they can also bring considerable inspiration to the Kingdom of Light.

Because this is another completely different technology, which is different from the kingdom of light and belongs to the X universe.

This is what Quan is learning now.

He must create a Hikari card, and then find an opportunity to beat Hikari with Hikari's card.

The boss who sells hangs was beaten up by another crooked hang with his head portrait and his strength. It's exciting to think about it.

And Hui, who was picked up by the female student, was having a friendly exchange with the female student at the moment, probably explaining the pain in his body, and seeing this girl, reminding him of his petrified sister.

You must know that in the original plot, Hui has suffered quite a lot of human malice, except for the beatings of children at the beginning, and even the police officers who were driven by fear and shot at him indiscriminately.

It's like a reenactment of the monster messenger and the boy.

It's just that Hui is not a weak Metzian, and will not be killed because of this shot, so there is a subsequent escape, subsequent cooperation, and communication.

Coupled with the tenderness brought by this girl who looks like his sister, he finally let go of his prejudice and chose to form friendship with humans.

It can be said that this girl, as well as Aix and everyone in Xio who fought side by side, let Hui regain his bad impression of the earthlings.

And Quan's sentence: Don't you think that the reputation of our earthlings in the universe is not bad enough?In this case, under the reflection of Hui's experience, it can be regarded as an explanation.

Just as the cosmic beings in the Showa universe never understood why Ultraman desperately wanted to protect such an abominable human being, in the world of X, there were also such cosmic beings, who couldn't figure it out.

Don't look at the fact that there are many cosmic beings living on the earth now, but before this situation, the cosmic beings and human beings were also victims under the chain of suspicion.

After so many sacrifices and so many enmities, the situation finally calmed down and came to the current relatively balanced environment.

Maintaining balance is the most difficult process.


Kingdom of Light Universe-Dalmaxima.

Pressing the button on his waist, a suitcase appeared in front of Tregear amidst the flashing red light. Without hesitation, Tregear grabbed it in his hand and opened it, taking out the internal components.

Buckle the burst tube in the groove of the right wrist, put on the watch, and then disassemble the suitcase to disassemble it into two sides.

Open the device of the belt and enter the password, the light particles converge into one, and the two sides of the box become a sword and a short knife.

Inserting the short knife into the side of the right waist, while grasping the long sword, a bright red light spot was transmitted from the energy conduit on the chest, through the waist, abdomen, arm, wrist, and finally to the sword.

[The power of Gauss is being injected. 】

[The power of Max is being injected. 】

After the sound of beeping, the entire blade of the sword suddenly turned red. At the same time, Tregear roared loudly.

"Taro, get out of the way!"

Taro, who had a tacit understanding, immediately retreated, exposing the frontal battlefield to Tregear.

"Acceleration mode (Start Up)!" Holding a red solid luminous long sword, Tregia rushed into the enemy formation at a very high speed, and the red and blue phantom flew by at an extremely fast speed, passing by countless enemies .

His eyes couldn't keep up with his speed, the explosion could only be left behind by him, and even the enemy's attack slowed down to a standstill in front of his eyes.

Even though he has used it many times, every time he uses this mode, Tregear can't help feeling very emotional.

Such a powerful force, such a superb speed, that guy Hikari finally didn't trick me this time.

"Time Out!" reappeared beside Tai Luo, with white smoke rising from his body, and the red photon energy pipeline gradually fell silent.

Tregear had just appeared, and the last mechanical monster in the enemy's formation also exploded.

"Tregia!" Amidst the mournful and angry roar, the space battleship exploded and turned into ruins.

"I didn't expect that there would be a day when I would be hated by others." After removing the armor on his body, although Tregear was complaining, he was actually happy.

"It's really powerful. Of course, Tregear used it well." Taylor praised with a thumbs up.

Tregear grinned, standing beside Taro, satisfied and obsessed.

(End of this chapter)

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