Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 982 Dark Torregchiatello and Torregchia

Chapter 982 Dark Torregchiatello and Torregchia (what triangle relationship)
After destroying the army of cosmic beings who tried to invade this planet, Taro and Tregia prepare to return to the Kingdom of Light.

They were supposed to be a three-person team, but another Ultraman in the team had a temporary emergency, and Mebius couldn't be on duty.

Because today is a gift for Mebius from everyone in Guys, the day he arrives in the Land of Light.

Every year at this time, Mebius would turn off all the tasks and stay alone in the Science and Technology Bureau.

Taro knows it, Tregear knows it, and even everyone in the Kingdom of Light knows it.

Hearing the blessings of his long-dead companions, Mebius returned to his human form, with tears in his eyes, and endured silently alone.

This is what will happen if a long-lived species and a short-lived species form a friendship. The earth has already changed. Thousands of years have passed by. The past of Mebius and the wonderful memories created with his friends Only he still remembers all that.

That's why Taro and Tregear chose two people to take on the mission, so that Mebius can spend the day well in the Science and Technology Bureau.

"Shikali said that the fifth and sixth generation armors he is developing are almost finished. The fifth generation armors are still equipped for the blue race, but the sixth generation seems to be equipped for the red race." Thinking of the last time Going to Hikari's laboratory and being informed by Hikari, Tregear and Taro said: "When the time comes, maybe you can use armor too."

"Actually, I have also used the third-generation armor, which is the armor that reads Ultraman cards." Taro was also in a good mood: "But because I can only swipe Dyna cards, it can't produce more damage than my own fire attribute." Good response, so I used it once and stopped using it."

"Shikali said that the experimental personnel he most wanted to donate armor to was the first generation." As the most powerful and technical existence among the Ultra Brothers, the body of the first generation can even be called The Kingdom of Light has the strongest body, and the sixth-generation armor needs physically strong fighters to exert its maximum effect, so the first-generation armor is the best candidate.

"Brother Ultraman must be very stubborn, I don't think he would think..." Before he could finish his words, Taylor's Ultraman antenna (actually the horn) detected the terrifying dark energy, and he stopped immediately The backhand formed an Otto barrier, enveloping him and Tregear.

In the next moment, mixed with meaningless roars, the waves of the evil god rushed forward, overwhelming the Ultra Barrier, and began to erode at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing this, Tregchia immediately took out the third-generation armor belt and equipped it on his body. After swiping Ultraman Dyna's card in, Tregchia completed the weapon amidst the surging starlight, and instantly let the The color of his body turned blue.

[Dyna Miracle! 】

Pulling Tai Luo instantly disappeared from the barrier, and appeared outside the attack again.

As soon as the two of them left, the barrier was overwhelmed by the surging dark power.

"This is what you rely on?" Hei Tuo was wrapped in darkness, leaving only a pair of bright red eyes exposed, Hei Tuo stared at the two guys fighting side by side...

He would never admit that he was a little jealous.

"Who are you!" Take out the red Dyna card and inject it into the card slot on his arm, the blue light fades, and Tregchia, who is wearing the fire of passion, raises the Garnet in his hand and explodes With a long knife, he questioned the guy who was hiding in the darkness.

"Me? Heh, that's a very good question." Without any intention of revealing his identity, Heituo circled around the two of them, making his voice erratic and hard to hear.

"What is Taro to you? What are you to Taro?"

"It's really sad. Until now, you, who still can't see the hypocrisy of the light, are still living in a fabricated dream. You can't see yourself clearly, and you can't see the real world clearly."

"Why do you need to speak in this tone, we know each other very well?" Tai Luo interrupted Hei Tuo's follow-up words: "Did you come here specially to find us, just to say these words?"

"Then what is your identity?"

It seemed that he did not expect that the Taro of this universe would be such a sharp-tongued existence, which seemed to be a little different from the Taro he knew. Identity? Of course, seeing through the hypocrisy and gaining the truth..."

"The last guy who said that was wiped out by the galaxy and the highest impact." Taro stopped Tregia who wanted to say something, and took the initiative on the scene in his own hands: "In this era, what can happen? Such existence is not uncommon."

"What about you? Evil God? Warcraft? Or something else?"

"Taro...I didn't expect there to be such a Taro." Heito stayed in front of Taro and Tregear, and his eyes finally fell on Taro.

The Taro of this world should have fallen in love with and killed him, but...he didn't.

If not, I should lead them to degenerate and let them kill each other.

But...why would I be a little envious, a little...jealous...

What are you jealous of?What are you envious of?
Will I regret falling into darkness?

Impossible, I can never regret it, absolutely impossible!

"You must have that seed in your heart, that, the seed called darkness." Putting his eyes on Tregia, even Heito himself didn't know that what he was doing now was actually looking forward to what Baituo would give him. He answered in the affirmative.

Looking forward to Bai Tuo's affirmative answer, saying that there are seeds of blackening in his heart.

He didn't know that he lost the moment he expected it.

Perhaps that was because his expectations had already been cut off.

"Blackening? What does it matter to you whether I'm blackening or not?" Taking off the third-generation armor and putting on the fourth-generation armor, turning on the basic mode, Torregia is fully armed and ready for battle.

"Hide your head and show your tail, ran over and said some inexplicable words, who are you!"

"Who am I? Hmph...I really don't want to tell you now, who I am." Hei Tuo took a deep look at Bai Tuo, and said in an obscure tone: "I will put the things in your heart Desire is drawn out."



"It's finally made." Stretching his hands high, Quan's face was full of exhaustion: "Making this card is much more difficult than making monster cards."

It is indeed difficult. Although Sailo's data collection is simple, Palaji's data collection is incomplete, because Sailo did not show the ability of Palaji's armor except for the ability of the dimensional tunnel, so there is no record in this card. Those ones.

Izumi imported Palaji's abilities into it, including energy recovery, ultimate holy shield, and ultimate armament, the three most commonly used settings of Palaji, as well as Palaji's bow as a nirvana.

Although it is a rapid-fire non-charged version, it is enough to become a nirvana.

"Doctor, it's up to you to find a way to give it to the earth." Holding the data card in his hand and placing it on the doctor's desk, Quan said, "I want to go back to sleep."

"Huh? No matter how you think about it, it would be better for you to send it." Dr. Gehrman expressed different opinions on this: "I don't want to directly admit that I already knew his identity."

"If it's you, turn into Ultraman and send this over, he must not know who it is."

"That won't work." Quan waved his hand, refusing: "I can't send the card over, with Ultraman's attitude."

"Huh?" Dr. Gehrman was a little dazed.

How to put it, although you look like a dark giant on the surface, you are actually just a darker Ultraman. Are you afraid that Aix will fight with you?
"How can I send cards? If I go, then I will be a good person in Aix's heart." Quan spread his hands.

"If he is a good person, how can I pretend to be a villain and beat him?"


(End of this chapter)

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