Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 992 Bear the unbearable weight of life, challenge the punishment of mankind, it is us!

Chapter 992 To bear the unbearable weight of life and challenge the punishment of mankind, it is us! (Must read chapter)
Many years later, if A'Du's younger brother, Ayong, recalled everything in his life during this period, he might write a book called "The Days I Lived With Three Cosmic People".

Because this kind of daily life really made him feel an extraordinary change.

Although I try my best to blend in and become a part of human beings, it doesn't seem to be that harmonious, and there are always some subtle differences.

And this is different from ordinary people, which is what attracts Ah Yong.

This is human curiosity.

In layman's terms, when a human being looks at the unchanging world from childhood to adulthood in the comfort zone, and suddenly sees a completely different existence from the past, this sudden freshness and curiosity will make people like moths to the flame Generally lean over.

Satisfying one's own curiosity is a common problem of human beings.

The three of Mingli really wanted to save a lot of money. Xingyunzhuang can be regarded as a place with good law and order and pleasant scenery, and the corresponding rent is naturally not cheap.

It is still a bit difficult for the three of them to support their financial capabilities here.

Even if Xio pays the bulk of the money, the remaining part is still unbearable for them.

Yi Kari's job is stable, but the income is not high.

Chunmu's job is one day of work and three days off. Either he earns enough money in one day, or he will remain poor forever.

After all, things like selling game guides and notebooks can only be started in places like Akihabara, and other times they still have to be counted as unemployed.

As for Naguri herself... she went to work as a nurse in a medical institution to earn money from women.

He can be regarded as the economical big brother among the three, but because he is too coquettish and a bit sissy, this guy's salary is generally used to buy cosmetics, maintenance products and beautiful clothes, and he really stays. The money is not much.

This is also the reason why the three want to recruit a long-term friend.

But... They really didn't expect that the old friend they recruited was not a cosmic person, but a native earthling.

Living with people on earth is very troublesome, not only can't reveal one's identity, but also pay attention to whether this guy will run to the police all the time.

If it is true to call the police, the three of us here will be a little troublesome.

After all, he is a black household and has no identity certificate yet.

You can't take out your earth residence permit.

Do the police recognize that thing!
However, although they found it troublesome, under the heavy financial pressure, the three finally bowed their heads, and received Ayong in, treating him as a resident friend, and living together under the same roof.

How to say?Just because of the heavy economic pressure in life, I have to bow to the reality and compromise. Is there something wrong with it?

So it is difficult to be a human being, and it is even more difficult to be a human being on earth.

It is even more difficult to be an alien who wants to live on the earth!
The three of them can only try their best to ensure that they will not be exposed, so that Ayong will not find out their identities and run to the police out of fear, otherwise it will be over.

So they thought about whether to report this matter to Xio and let Xio handle it.

Doing what they thought, they immediately called Quan, wanting to get in touch with him.

But after the call was made, the big man who was in charge of living in all the universes on the earth was in the middle of the whole process, and his attitude was extremely perfunctory.

That attitude made the three of them call out, you were not like this before!
I have no choice but to retreat to the next best thing and ask Commander Black.

As a result, they found that Commander Black was lying on the bed, and there was a human woman stepping on his back to put pressure on him.

Looking at the sour look on Commander Black's face, I'm afraid I'm not completely immersed in it.

The three of them followed their line of sight and saw that the bed was made of [-]-forged fine steel, and the person was a well-known figure in the universe, and the young girl who stepped on her body was also graceful and stable as a rock.

Even the bed made of [-]-forged fine steel gave out squeaking and overwhelmed groans under every stomp of this young girl.

...It is estimated that no one really comes here to order this girl's service, so when she was suddenly selected, she was full of gratitude, and with a heart of repaying her gratitude, she tried her best every time.

This is a benefit that ordinary people on Earth cannot enjoy, but for Commander Black, it is a little easier.

"This side~ and this side~ Oh, the strength is not bad..."

Commander Black, who was completely relaxed, even gave a thumbs up, which made the grateful girl work harder.

...Ikari opened his mouth wide, feeling that the three views have been reset.

Naguri: Damn, this guy is so good at enjoying himself!

Commander Black is hopeless, so he can only go to Mr. Baltan.

The three touched Baltan's residence.

The three of them hiding in the corner saw a handsome Baltan (human) in formal attire holding flowers in his hand, accompanying a human girl in a pleated skirt.

The smile that bloomed on Baltan's anthropomorphic face was full of sincere joy and satisfaction.

Haruki: I know her!This is a book I often go to Akihabara to buy, and the books I bought are Furui. I am deeply impressed by this, and I will never admit it!
"Xiaoba, you said you would take me to visit a friend today, who is it?"

"Haoyu, that's the one we met last time... the one who claims to be from the ninja family." Baltan crossed his hands in front of him, looked at the girl holding flowers in his arms, and was very proud: "No one can beat me Call yourself a ninja in front of you."

"Yeah... yeah..." Zaoyou's expression was a little unnatural, but she forced a smile: "Then let's go together, I want to see it too."

"Okay, I must prove it to you this time."

Next, there was a series of words like "I am the real ninja." "I don't know how to do spiral pills!" The atmosphere between the men and women is also cheerful.

Ikari/Nakuri/Haruki: …

The three of them were speechless, so it seems that this girl can really accept Baltan's true appearance?

hateful!How to be a winner in life!
When he thought of the girl he had a crush on but didn't dare to confess because of his alien status, Ikari punched the wall hard and pierced it.

The three of them who caused damage at once fled in embarrassment, fearing that they would have to pay compensation if they stayed here.

After busying around, the three of them who returned to Xingyun Manor lay on the floor and complained.

In the end, everyone has their own things to do, but it seems that the three of them are a bit redundant, and even the integration into the life of the earth is not very good.

I always feel like life is a failure.

"Hey, everyone." After a day of exercising, Ayong, who just took a hot shower, came out of the bathroom: "I haven't seen you all day, did you just come back from get off work?"

"I just went to visit a group of friends, and it turned out that they were all very busy." Mingli waved his hand weakly: "Leave us alone, go get busy first, let's take a break."

"How can that work? It's the first day I've moved in." Da Ma Jin Dao sat down, and Ah Yong was full of momentum: "So, I brought a gift."

"Huh?" The three exclaimed.

Ayong ran back to the house, twitched for a while, and put a box of peach blossom crisps, a box of sushi, and a box of steamed buns on the table.

I went to the kitchen again, brought out four bowls of noodle soup, and placed them in front of the three of them one by one.

There is a poached egg floating on top of the steaming hot noodles.

"This is the only thing I am good at. When I was a child, my brother liked to make it for me." With his hands on his knees, Ayong was very happy: "I don't know any other skills, this is what I can bring to everyone. It's all over."

"No, no, don't say that, this is enough." The three of them lowered their stunned jaws, and immediately waved their hands again and again after hearing what Ayong said.

"Actually... Actually, you are the first one who doesn't dislike us." Mingli's eyes were a little red: "And, and this is already very good."

"I'm so touched, you are really a good person." Yi Kari put his hands together.

"It's nothing, after all, I'm moving in, and everyone has to take care of each other in the future." Ayong rubbed his head in embarrassment.

Facing the sincere Ayong, the three cosmic beings also gave their sincerity and answered crisply.



"Speaking of which, why do you have two ears on your head, and you don't have a headband yet."

"Eh??" Ikari put down his chopsticks belatedly, and patted his head.

The touch of the big ear that belonged to Ikars was clearly highlighted in the hand.

Immediately, Yi Kari's expression was as if the sky had collapsed.

On the side, Chun Mu and Ming Li also looked stunned.

Ikars!Why are you eating and revealing stuffing!


(End of this chapter)

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