Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 993 Earthlings, stand in front of the aliens and protect the aliens

Chapter 993 Earthlings, stand in front of the aliens and protect the aliens
"Dark Legion." Looking at the picture from the satellite, the four cosmic beings who had to get out from under the rolling door even to go out, everyone in the base was somewhat stunned.

Please, you are cosmic people!Moreover, they have already established the criminal organization of the Dark Legion, and they want to do great things.

As a result, you have to drill the rolling door when you go out?
What about face?
Where is your face?
"I always feel that these guys don't seem to be able to accomplish anything." After pondering for a long time, Hayato finally gave this answer.

And this answer immediately made everyone nod their heads.

No way, the appearance is too stretched.

"In any case, since they established such an organization, it means they must have some ideas. Since they are on the road of crime, the protection law will not work for them." Captain Shenmu affirmed the follow-up: " Asuna, A'Du, you two drive Bortes out to patrol and focus on this area."

"Hayato, you drive Aramis straight to Huanglong, but if there is a conflict, remember to protect yourself."

"Understood!" x3.

"I remember that among the cosmic beings who are registered on the earth, it seems that there are no Babars." Sayuri Tachibana turned her gaze to Captain Shenmu: "There are quite a lot of Kemmel people."

"I can't rule out the possibility that this guy came here by smuggling. Anyway, since it's not in the registration, then this guy doesn't have any protection. In other words, he has no bottom line." Captain Shenmu asked worriedly: "Be careful. "

The three nodded and set off immediately, but the doctor stood up with his hands behind his back.

"The movement of the Dark Legion, isn't there a prepared goal? For example, what do you want to destroy, what do you want to get?"

"Their goal is..." The operator compared the movement routes of these people, and after the comparison was completed, he spoke again: "Looking at the direction, it should be Xingyunzhuang."

"Xingyunzhuang? I remember there are three cosmic people registered there." The doctor raised his finger: "A few days ago, Quan and I went to visit these three guys."

"Even taking care of my own daily life is almost a problem. It doesn't seem like it can make wind and rain."

"By the way, doctor, where is Quan? Why didn't I see him?" Sayuri Tachibana turned around and asked.

"Senior Quan didn't come to report today, maybe something was blocked." Ah Shou thought for a while, and he was in a panic at first, but his brain would not turn so fast for a while, so he could only think of it. this.

"Those cosmic beings living in the earth have some brain problems." The doctor rubbed his head, his face was quite strange: "Let me tell you, that's what I saw with my own eyes. These guys are on the earth..."


The discussion inside the base will not bother the outside world for the time being. After living with these aliens for several days, Ayong has slowly begun to accept them.

This kind of acceptance does not refer to the hypocritical acceptance that the other party maintains the human state, but Ayong already knew that these three are cosmic beings, and after seeing what they did, he made up his mind to report to Xio , Choose to believe in these three guys who can make money without money, work peacefully, and treat people friendly.

Because of this, knowing that the three are aliens, Ayong still lives with these three guys and lives together.

In the process of getting to know each other more and more, I gradually discovered that, except for the identity of aliens, they are no different from ordinary earthlings.

No, it's not that there is no difference, but many people on earth are not as good as them.

In the past few days...especially the shared life in Xingyun Manor, Ah Yong has never experienced it under high pressure before.

The laughter after coming back is from the heart, bragging with the big guys and beating and scolding each other is different from those of my teammates. Even if I don’t like football, I choose to do something else to numb myself, but the three live treasures around me , still warming his heart bit by bit.

This is the salvation given by the people of the universe to the people of the earth, and it is also the recognition given by the people of the earth to the people of the universe. Although the two parties have different races, things like friendship are not bound by such boundaries.

However, such a peaceful life was shattered when a shock wave shot in from the outside, destroying the wall of Xingyun Manor and knocking the three of them back to their original shape.

Such an explosion could not kill the three of them, and the moment they sensed the attack, the three of them protected Ayong who was an Earthling.

Although he was thrown out by Bengfei, his friends were fine, which was more important than anything else.

The three of them who had returned to their original appearance also discovered what had rushed into Xingyun Manor to look for them. It was a small blue shark-like monster, a cub among cubs.

The Sand Whale is a powerful monster that is rumored to have few opponents in the universe as long as it becomes an adult.

But at this time, the Sand Whale was just a cub, because he wanted to escape the pursuit of some people, fell from the universe, and came to his former master to seek shelter.

Balki discovered the existence of the sand whale, and was moved, but also reminded by Ikars that the three had returned to their original posture.

Not far away, Ah Yong, who was half lying on the floor wearing a vest, looked at the three of them at close range, and there was no surprise in his eyes.

It's a pity that the trio didn't know about it, and according to the protection law, the cosmic people can't reveal their original image in front of human beings, otherwise they have to leave, so after the trio apologized to Ah Yong, they immediately prepared Run away.

They even have to hand in their wallets when they find them. Of course, they are good citizens who abide by the law, so they strictly restrain themselves according to the protection law.

After expressing to Ayong that they are cosmic beings and apologizing for hiding their true colors all the time, the three of them immediately ran away, from the breach in Xingyun Manor, and headed straight to the suburbs.

It's a pity that Bortes of Xio, who has been patrolling here, has long followed the shock generated by the explosion and chased after him. After seeing the three cosmic beings running in a hurry, A'Du and Asuna got off the car immediately. stopped in front of them.

"Stop!" A'Du yelled angrily, and stood in front of the three of them with a gun: "What is that explosion! Are you planning to invade the earth?"

"Do you want to challenge the protection law?!" Asuna also stood beside A'Du, and when she came up, she brought out the protection law formulated between Xio and the universe.

"Wrong...wrong!" Ikars raised his hands tremblingly: "I am a good citizen! I am a good citizen!"

"It's a good citizen, why are you running away!" A'Du would not give them any good looks, and the trigger was ready to be pulled.

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, Ah Yong finally caught up and stood in front of the three of them to protect him behind him.

The earthlings stand in front of the cosmonauts and protect the cosmonauts.

"Don't shoot! They are not bad people, and they don't want to invade the earth!"

"A Yong?" Seeing his younger brother standing in front of the Cosmic Man, A'Du almost yelled "Fuck".

"How did you get mixed up with these cosmic people?"

"I have been living with them during this period of time. They are not bad people, I can assure you." Xio is an organization dedicated to destroying aliens, and Ah Yong himself does not know the existence of the protection law, so in his eyes, he I feel that Xio is the kind of existence that will be wiped out when encountering aliens.

"You live with the cosmic people?" This kind of explosive speech immediately brought up A'Du, the elder brother, so much that he couldn't breathe.

"How could you live with the cosmic people!"

"Because I don't want to continue playing rugby, I left the dormitory and the club." Faced with his brother, Ah Yong was fearless.

This time, he really didn't want to touch the sport of rugby anymore.

You have to tell your elder brother about your request openly and squarely.

"Put down the gun first, the three of them are not bad." The doctor's voice sounded from the communicator: "No, it should be said that the registered aliens living on the earth are not bad."

I really dare not treat all kinds of cosmic beings as bosses.

(End of this chapter)

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