A woman in dark green coarse cloth was walking ahead with a basket on her back, followed by a seven or eight-year-old girl in a peach pink dress.

"Yuerou, you're going up the mountain. Your legs are just a little better, why don't you raise them more?"

The woman in dark green coarse cloth clothes, that is, Yu Hua, called Zhou Dafang "Aunt Fang": "I'm going to the mountain to cut some bamboos. My legs won't hurt if I walk slowly."

Since the day she broke her leg, when we met again, Zhou Dafang always called her by her name instead of calling her Wenlu's wife according to the custom.

Xi Hua didn't care about the address, but calling her name sounded much more pleasing to the ear.

Zhou Dafang sized up Chen Caiyu who was following behind Yu Hua, feeling sorry for Song Yuerou in his heart.

Chen Caiyu was wearing a new peach-pink skirt, with a pearl flower inlaid with silver and jade on her head, her face was fair and white, and so were her hands. I don't know, but I thought it was a lady from some rich family. Woolen cloth.

Looking at Song Yuerou again, she's not as dark and thin as before, but she's far from the white and tender she just came, and the rough skin on her hands hasn't fallen off at all.

Chen Caiyu's good clothes were bought with Song Yuerou's dowry silver.

It's new, Chen Caiyu didn't hold her head up and look at people through the openings of her eyelids today.

Zhou Dafang tapped Chen Caiyu with his chin, "Why do you let you watch the child when you go up the mountain?"

In ordinary people, eight-year-olds are not regarded as children, but can be regarded as children. Chen Caiyu is unusual.

Farm children start working for the family when they are three or four years old. When they are five or six years old, they cook, cook, and collect firewood.

Not to mention that Chen Caiyu has never worked, Zhou Dafang saw with her own eyes that Chen Caiyu did not want to walk when she was six years old, and Ma Cuifen even let Ma Cuifen carry her home.

She's so cute.

Can't you treat her like a child?

The Chen family is really, Song Yuerou's legs are just right, so they let her work, and even go up the mountain to take care of the children.

Weidao's family of three suffered retribution when their legs were broken.

Yu Hua said, "Look at it by the way."

She wanted it herself, so Zhou Dafang didn't say anything, just said, "If you need help, please tell Aunt Fang."

Under Zhou Dafang's angry and indisputable eyes, Yuhua thanked him and agreed.

Xi Hua said that she looked at Chen Caiyu by the way, and she was telling the truth.

She is not at home all day now, she doesn't care about the rest of the Chen family, they can't do anything.

Chen Caiyu can't do it, her ability is an uncertain factor.

Putting it by your side to observe closely can also save her a lot of energy.

After being reincarnated, Chen Caiyu has no memory of her previous life, but her ability is slowly awakening, and now she can sense whether other people's blessings are more or less.

Chen Caiyu still doesn't know that the blessing she senses is a person's luck.

The original owner married Chen Wenlu, and Chen Caiyu was involved in it.

Song Sheng chose Chen Wenlu as his son-in-law, and he did not buy or sell by force. He asked Chen Wenlu for his opinion, and if Chen Wenlu was unwilling, the marriage would not come true.

Chen Wenlu was not the only candidate Song Sheng was looking at.

Chen Wenlu believed that he would be successful in the future, and looked down on the original owner's daughter who was a scholar, but Song Sheng's promise to recommend him to study in Wu Juren's private school in the county, and the generous dowry, made Chen Wenlu know that there was something wrong with it, but he was reluctant to refuse .

Chen Wenlu took Chen Caiyu to visit the original owner secretly. Chen Caiyu sensed that the original owner was blessed. She instinctively wanted to get close to the original owner and stay by his side.

There is a ready-made method to let the original owner stay by her side, and Chen Wenlu married the original owner.

Chen Wenlu was greedy for the conditions offered by Song Sheng, and after hearing Chen Caiyu say that the original owner could bring him blessings, he agreed to marry the original owner.

The original owner married into the Chen family, and Chen Caiyu was the happiest.

She is also out of instinct, she just knows that the life of the blessed is not good.

She told Chen's family that if the original owner's fortune was greater, it would hinder Chen Wenlu. The worse the original owner's life, the better Chen Wenlu would be.

This is exactly the same as what the fortune teller said when Chen Wenlu was looking for someone to match his horoscope.

As a result, the Chen family became even more hard-pressed on the original owner.They didn't kill them all at once because Chen Caiyu said that Chen Wenlu would be blessed only if the original owner was alive.

Chen Erkui played tricks on the original owner from time to time, which was acquiesced by the Chen family. With Chen Erkui's brain, who can hide what he did.

Recently, he wanted to kill the original owner. It was Chen Wenlu who wanted to climb up to Su Yushang.

After learning these inside facts from Chen Caiyu, Yu Hua felt that she had to say whether the original owner was Song Sheng's biological daughter or not.


It was the time to go up the mountain, and while the two were talking, several villagers came up again. Seeing that Yuhua brought Chen Caiyu up the mountain, as fresh as Zhou Dafang, they asked about it, and Yuhua gave the same answer.

A small cry came, and Yu Hua looked at it and said, "Something happened." She turned her head and ran to the side.

Fortunately, she was wearing trousers, so she could move easily.

The Great Chu Dynasty was not very strict with women, and they did not require them to wear skirts. Commoner women had to work, and there were many people who only wore trousers and did not cover their lower body with a skirt.

Zhou Dafang was stunned, and hurriedly reminded, "Hey, your leg..." Does this leg just dare to run?

Everyone else was stunned.

"Something happened, what happened? Who heard what?"

"I didn't hear it. Go and have a look."

Zhou Dafang has already followed.Seeing that Yuhua had run more than ten meters and turned around a corner and disappeared, she pulled up the hem of her skirt and pinned it to her waist so as not to trip herself up, and chased after her.

As soon as she turned the corner, she saw a thrilling scene. The two children were hanging on the branches of the tree. Go down, the lives of the two children are in danger.

A child's clothes were hanging from the branches behind him, his face was facing down, and he was hanging from the branches with his limbs untouched.

The other child was holding a branch with both hands, and his body was hanging outside the cliff. His hands were obviously exhausted. They should be holding the branch. His hand slid down into a buckle-like shape, and he might lose his grip and fall any time.

Zhou Dafang's heart was in her throat, and she didn't dare to call for help, for fear of scaring the child again.

She was still about twenty meters away from the edge of the cliff where the tree was. She thought it would be too late to save people, and she was afraid that she would not be able to save them.

The two children were more than an arm's length away from the edge of the cliff, and there was no way to reach out and fish them over.

The trunk of the tree was only as thick as the mouth of a bowl, and climbing over the tree might break the branches instead.

The two children also understood what kind of dangerous situation they were in, and they didn't dare to cry loudly. The child who was hung was sobbing softly.

"Crack." The not very thick branch couldn't bear the weight of the two children, and it broke again.

Zhou Dafang almost didn't come up in one breath.

Others also followed.

"Ah, it's the jade book and the big lock."

"Hurry up and save people."

"God of the mountain bless you, god of the mountain bless you."

"The big lock is about to fall!"

1 second to remember:

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