Chapter 1068 Koi is a Blessing or a Disaster (20)

Grasping the big lock on the branch with both hands, both hands were sliding down, and seeing that he was about to fall, a rope was thrown over quickly, wrapped around the big lock, and pulled him to the cliff.

With one hand, Yu Hua grasped Dasuo's arm, relieved most of the force, and lightly put the pulled back Dasuo on the ground.

Dasuo was rescued, and there was another child.

Yu Hua tied a buckle on one end of the rope, threw it to the child who was hanging on the branch by his back, put it around his neck, and said to Yushu, "Don't be afraid, put your hand through the rope, and I will pull you here."

Seeing that his little friend was rescued by Yuhua, Yushu was full of trust in Yuhua at this moment, and did as Yuhua said, pulling down the rope and putting it under his arm.

The clothes on the back of Yushu were still hanging on the branch. Yuhua first threw the rope out, and Yushu was thrown to the direction outside the cliff. Pulling the letter on Yushu's arm in time, Yushu stopped firmly.

"Wow~~" Dasuo over there cried.

When Dasuo cried, Yushu, who was driven by it, also cried.

Xi Hua's action was quick, both children were rescued, and Zhou Dafang and others just arrived.

The two children were rescued safely, and everyone was finally able to breathe well, but they were still covered in sweat.

Although they are not their own children, seeing two immature children of five or six years old walking through the gate of hell, no one feels panicked.

"Oh, the two children are frightened. It's okay to cry. They forget quickly after crying."

"Thanks to Wen Lu's daughter-in-law, these are two lives."

"More than that, if the two children really fell, the family members would not cry to death. This would save the two families."

"It was said that Wenlu's daughter-in-law has great strength, but I still didn't believe it. Now I believe it."

Because Dasuo is a child of her uncle's family and they are close, Zhou Dafang hasn't fully recovered yet. She kept beating her chest and pointing at Dasuo with the other hand, "You child , Huh, you child, huh, something is going to happen, and your mother's old life will be lost."

Her uncle's family had three daughters, only Yaoer and a boy. If something happened to Dasuo, she didn't dare to think about what would happen to her uncle's family.It was because of the harmony between their two brothers that Zhou Dafang was so worried.

Dasuo saw Zhou Dafang crying even more fiercely, "Auntie, my hand hurts."

Zhou Dafang couldn't care less about smoothness, and hurried over, "It hurts, maybe I got a cut in my hand."

She grabbed Dasuo's hand and wanted to see it, but unexpectedly Dasuo yelled, "It hurts, it hurts, auntie, I hurt, wow~"

Zhou Dafang gently put down Dasuo's hand, not daring to move any more.

Yu Hua had already seen where Dasuo was injured, "His arm is dislocated."

Dasuo's arm was dislocated, and his strong desire to survive made him forget the pain and grabbed the branch without letting go.

This will be safe, as soon as the person relaxes, the pain is gone.

"I'll connect him." Yu Hua went over, pulled Dashuo's arm, pushed and pulled it twice, and returned Dashuo's arm to its original position.

Dasuo yelled again, and then realized that his hand didn't hurt anymore, so he stopped crying.

Zhou Dafang asked Dasuo, "Dasuo, what's the matter?"

Dasuo raised his arms in front of his eyes, turned over a few times, and the cat with tears on his face smiled again, "It doesn't hurt anymore."

"Wen Lu's daughter-in-law, can you still set bones?"

"You forgot, Wen Lu's daughter-in-law's own legs are all connected by herself, how quickly it will be fixed."

Xi Hua's leg healed too quickly. To avoid trouble, Xi Hua did not let Dr. Sun treat it. She said to the public that she had learned some skills in treating trauma and treated it herself.

"This time I have to thank you very much, Yuerou, you saved Dasuo's family." Zhou Dafang thanked Yu Hua again and again.

Others also praised Yuhua.

The Chen family did not allow the original owner to have more contact with the villagers, the original owner obeyed, and always walked around when going out, trying not to meet the villagers face to face, so the original owner was not familiar with the villagers.

After Yu Hua became the original owner, her sense of existence became much stronger.

After what happened just now, the distance between Zhou Dafang and her has been further shortened.

This is what Yuhua is happy to see.

If there is no accident, she will live in Weishan Village for a long time, and it is better to get along with the people in Weishan Village than to get along well.

Coincidentally, Yushu is Lizheng's grandson, she saved Yushu, and Lizheng accepted her love, which is also a good thing for her.

She was not needed for the follow-up of sending the two children back to their respective homes, and Xihua had to chop bamboo, saying goodbye to Zhou Dafang and the others.

Yuhua found Chen Caiyu on the spot.

Chen Caiyu didn't dare to run away, and was suffocated, so she stood where she was and didn't follow Yu Hua and the others.

As Yu Hua approached, Chen Caiyu's heart jumped again, and she stepped back a little bit, "I, I'm just standing here, I didn't do anything."

"You cast bad luck on Dasuo and Yushu." Yu Hua cast bad luck on Yushu and Dasuo.

There is only a little bit of bad luck between the two of them, and the influence on the two children is also very small, but many things are very different, and they are far from each other.

Dasuo and Yushu found that the fruit on the tree by the cliff was ripe, and the two children wanted to pick it. Yushu climbed up first, but accidentally slipped down the tree, but was caught by the branch.

When Dasuo saw that his little friend was trapped in the tree, he rushed to rescue him, but he couldn't be rescued, and his arm was dislocated.

The bad luck will not make the two children do the dangerous behavior of grabbing the tree on the edge of the cliff and picking wild fruits. Without this little bit of bad luck, the two children may not have accidents, but with this little bit of bad luck, the two The chances of a child having an accident will increase a little.

After Xi Hua wanted to save the two children, she had already removed the bad luck from the two children.

It is also possible that the two children got bad luck in some dark place on the mountain, so Xi Hua asked Chen Caiyu.

"I didn't..." Chen Caiyu didn't want to admit it.She already knew that when she cursed others, it was she who brought bad luck to the cursed person, so the person she cursed would be unlucky.

But facing Shang Yuhua's eyes that could see through her thoughts, Chen Caiyu changed her words, "...I haven't these days, it was many days ago, when I went out to play, they imitated my mother and called me a good fish Yu, even made funny faces at me, I miss them when I get angry."

"In the future, you are not allowed to bring bad luck to anyone." Regarding Chen Caiyu's disposal, Yuhua couldn't find an appropriate way for a while.

The trap the original owner fell into was a two-meter-deep pit with a layer of floating soil at the bottom, which was not hard.

The original owner's great strength comes from her special physique, which is stronger than the average person's physique. Although the original owner's body is exhausted, her physique has not yet collapsed.

If the original owner with such a good physique falls into the pit, he may be injured a little bit, but the possibility of falling to death is very small.

But the original owner had an accident with a small probability, and he hit his head and died.

(End of this chapter)

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