Chapter 1077 Koi is a Blessing or a Disaster (29)

At this time, Yuhua had changed her attire, she was wearing a black robe and a mask.The black robe and mask were thrown into the space by her before, and they are now in handy.

What she will do is to divert the attention of others, and of course she will not reveal her true appearance.

Before coming here, she had already found out what kind of person Wang Gouzi was, and what she saw just now confirmed the truth of what she had found out.

The house of Wang Gouzi's house is dilapidated, the wood on the gate is rotten, and several large holes are broken, which are barely called doors.

After leaving Wang Gouzi behind, Yuhua kicked open the gate of Wang's house. She didn't have to kick hard. She just kicked it casually, and the gate fell down with a crackling sound, and the gate completely fell apart.

She picked out the top door handle from inside and weighed it in her hand, it was okay, it was not as rotten as the door.

She picked up the door handle and hit Wang Gouzi's legs.

She headed towards the smash, and promised not to let his leg heal.

If she hadn't happened to come here just now, that daughter-in-law might have been bullied by Wang Gouzi.

"Ah!!" The severe pain of the broken leg bone made Wang Gouzi howl and wake up.

Another sharp pain followed, and his other leg broke.


It was not completely dark at this time, and the sound of Xihua kicking down the door attracted some villagers. They saw a man in a black robe, holding a wooden pole and hitting Wang Gouzi.

When Wang Gouzi barked, more people came to see what happened.

If it were another person, they might step forward to stop it and help the person being beaten to catch the assailant.

But the person who was beaten was Wang Gouzi. They only thought that the beating was good, and no one stepped forward.

When the man in black broke Wang Gouzi's legs and turned around, the villagers were shocked.

The man in black has a red face!
Scarlet scarlet!
The eyes are as big as diamonds, and there is a black vertical line on the forehead, which is terrifying.

The man in black gently broke off the door handle in his hand, threw it beside Wang Gouzi, jumped up, and disappeared in front of everyone.

The disappearance of the man in black surprised everyone even more than his scarlet face comparable to King Kong.

After panicking for a while, someone shouted, "Could it be that the mountain god appeared."

"Yes, yes, it must be the God of the Mountain. The God of the Mountain in the temple has a red face. It is not the god who suddenly disappeared."

"The God of the Mountain flew away. I can see it for real. Both of the God of the Mountain's legs left the ground, and he disappeared in mid-air."

With a sudden pull, they fell to their knees, and they all bowed in the direction of the mountain temple a few times, chanting "The God of the Mountain blesses you" and "The God of the Mountain is very kind and virtuous".

As for Wang Gouzi who was scratching and screaming on the ground, no one wanted to help, and some even poohed at Wang Gouzi a few times, cursing "serve it".

There is no one in Gu's Village who does not dislike Wang Gouzi.

Wang Gouzi is the only seedling in the family. He was raised by his parents as an eyeball. He has been obedient to him since he was a child, and he was reluctant to let him do any work. He was fed until he was five years old.

This pampering made Wang Gouzi crooked. He beat chickens and scolded dogs since he was a child, and caused trouble everywhere. His parents followed him to clean up the mess, but they were still reluctant to scold him. They just tried to persuade him. Listen, his parents just treat him like a dog.

When Wang Gouzi was [-] or [-] years old, when he should be sensible, he caused even more troubles, stealing chickens and dogs, fighting with others when he disagreed with him, his hands were cheap, and he would touch big girls and young wives whenever he got a chance.

Only now did his parents realize that they regretted it, but it was too late.

Wang Gouzi got involved in gambling again, and lost everything in the family. His father was pissed off, and Wang Gouzi sold his mother in an instant in order to pay off the gambling debt.

His mother was only 37 or 60 years old at the time, and she was in good health. She was a master at home and abroad, and was sold by Wang Gouzi to an old widower in his [-]s.The old widower was eccentric and violent, and he beat his last wife to death.

His mother heard the news that Gouzi Wang sold her and hanged herself from the beam when she went back to the house. Gouzi Wang went home and took someone home. When he saw his mother hanged herself, not only was he not sad at all, but he cursed and slammed the door and left. .

His mother's body was buried with the help of neighbors.

The villagers wanted to drive the scourge of Wang Gouzi out of the village, but Wang Gouzi mixed with many rogues and had contacts with people from the gambling houses in the town. .

Wang Gouzi died, but who in the village is not a procrastinator, no one wants to lose the life of himself or his family for a Wang Gouzi.

Besides, Wang Gouzi didn't kill anyone or set fire to it. All he stole was a chicken from the owner's house and a bowl of rice from the west's house. Reporting officials are not easy to report, and Lizheng has nothing to do with him.

Seeing that Wang Gouzi's leg was broken, the villagers felt refreshed, and they were willing to believe that it was the God of the Mountain who punished Wang Gouzi.

What happened later convinced them that the red-faced black-robed man was the mountain god.

Next to the Wangjialou in Gujia Village, a man named Wang Zaozi also had his leg broken. Several villagers saw that the beating man was a red-faced man in black robes, and disappeared in a flash after the beating.

Someone calculated the time, and it took about an hour to travel from Gujiacun to Wangjiacun, but the interval between Wang Gouzi's leg being beaten and Wang Zaozi's leg being broken was only half an hour.

If it wasn't for the mountain god to appear, who could do it?

The villages in this area are all close to or not far from the Weishan mountain range. The villagers all believe in the mountain god. Before entering the mountain, they will recite the blessing of the mountain god in their hearts. A note of incense.

It wasn't just one or two people who saw the red-faced and black-robed man, and it wasn't just one village. The news of the mountain god's apparition quickly spread.

When it reached Yu Hua's ears, the image of the mountain god who had manifested had become a god-man with a height of two feet, a red face and glaring eyes, a vertical eye that shone with golden light on his forehead, and a black helmet and black armor.

She knew that she did it by herself, and she didn't believe it or not, but it didn't stop her from listening to the story of the mountain god with great interest.

Originally, she only wanted to create a chivalrous man who would fight for justice and hide his identity. Facts have proved that this time, in terms of imagination, she was completely defeated by the general public.

The time difference from Gujiacun to Wangjialou was actually not a problem. She didn't take the existing avenue between the two villages, but passed through the mountains in a straight line.

A well-versed and experienced hunter can travel from Gujiacun to Wangjialou just like her.

She wears a red-faced mask because the only red-faced mask in her space is from the ordinary world, and she uses it to influence the rules of this world slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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