Chapter 1078 Koi is a Blessing or a Disaster (30)

Moreover, the mask was tightly fitted to her face, covering her chin. Wearing the hat connected to the black robe would not reveal the real skin on her face.

I didn't expect to bump into the face of the clay statue of the mountain god in the Weishan Mountain Temple.

She has never been to the mountain god temple, nor does the original owner remember it, so she doesn't know that the mountain god clay sculpture has a red face.

The thing about flying away is that she used the skill of lightness kung fu.

Even with her natural strength, she didn't stop practicing. The better her physique, the more spiritual power she could use.

Her natural strength makes her practice more effective with less effort, and the lightness kung fu skills can be used so quickly that it can deceive people's eyes.

It is a bit exaggerated to say that she is one foot two, three eyes, but she understands this kind of exaggeration, the mountain god, after all, the more extraordinary the appearance, the more like a fairy.

Good thing for her.

Chen Wenlu, who was lying in the middle of the road, was quickly found and helped to send him to the county seat.

Because that road was the only way from Gujia Village to the county, the person who sent Chen Wenlu to the county was a person from Gujia Village.

The leg was broken on the same day, and people had to connect the three broken legs.

Those two broken legs were rascals, so what did Chen Wenlu's scholar do that made the mountain god angry.

Some people have attributed the fact that the legs of the three members of the Chen family were broken at the same time to the punishment of the mountain god.

Some people also gave explanations as to why people's legs were always broken, saying that the God of the Mountain had a benevolent heart, and he only punished people with minor punishments and gave those people a chance to repent.

Some people even nicknamed the mountain god "The Angry God with Broken Leg".

Three people broke their legs in one day, and then rumors spread that every time the God of the Mountain appeared, he would punish the three people.

It is said that the rogues in the ten miles and eight villages have restrained a lot, and some are too scared to go back to the village for fear of being hit by the mountain god and breaking their legs.

Yu Hua sincerely thinks that the version of the God of the Mountain is better than the version of the chivalrous man, thinking about whether to choose three more people to break their legs one day, which will further confirm the appearance of the God of the Mountain.

It was Zhou Dafang who told Xihua about this.

Unlike the original owner, Yuhua had hardly any contact with the people in the village. After she saved the two children Dasuo and Yushu, her popularity in the village suddenly improved. No matter who she met when she went out, she would follow her. If she says hello, she will not be out of gregarious, she will respond to those who are not malicious, and she will say a few words when she should stop and say a few words.

In this way, her popularity will be better.

However, when Yu Hua had no free time, she spent most of her time studying arts at home with the two masters, and she didn't have many opportunities to communicate with people when she went out, so she was the last to know about the apparition of the God of the Mountain.

After she rescued Dasuo, Dasuo's family thanked her well, and thanked her formally with a thank you gift. Knowing that she has a big appetite, they would send her some food from time to time.

Because she is familiar with Zhou Dafang, Zhou Dafang usually comes over.

Everyone knew that she worshiped two masters, changed her surname to Hua Qiuniang, and acquiesced that the family of the two masters was her new natal family, and Zhou Dafang was also sent here.

It made the two masters' homes a lot more lively.

Luo Genshan and Hua Qiuniang didn't have much contact with other people in Weishan Village.

Both were so engrossed in their craft that they didn't have time to chat with other people.

The two had no children, so some people had two ideas about what to do next.

The craftsmanship of the two is unmistakable, and they earn a lot of money. You can tell from the fact that their houses are all blue bricks.

Some people, especially the Luo family and the Hua family who were married, wanted to adopt their own children to them, and inherited their family property and craftsmanship.

But the two were unwilling, and drove away the relatives who frequently came to tell him to adopt him, and cut off contact with both the Luo family and the Hua family.

Those people's wishful thinking didn't work out, so they said bad things about the two of them outside, saying that the two of them were lonely and deserved to have no children and grandchildren, and whoever got close to the two of them would hinder the other's family.

Although most of the villagers in Weishan Village were simple, they knew that those people had bad intentions and were influenced by the rumors, so they had some thoughts that they would rather believe in, and they didn't dare to get too close to Luo Genshan and Hua Qiuniang.

Now that Yuhua has changed her surname to Hua, she is a descendant of the two of them. Not only is Yuhua not being hindered after worshiping as a teacher, but she is also living a better life.

Today Zhou Dafang sent some steamed broomcorn cakes over, and by the way, passed on the story of the God of the Mountain appearing.

"...I heard that Wang Siniu in Wangjialou didn't dare to drink for a few days, and I was afraid that he would not be able to control himself when he drank. He did.

Now that things are going well, with the God of the Mountain in charge, his wife and children will feel better. "Zhou Dafang put his hands together and bowed to the sky.

"That's not true." Hua Qiuniang followed suit, "The mountain god in Weishan Mountain is the most effective. The mountain god hates evil like a vengeful enemy, and he can't see these wicked people doing evil..."

Both of them believed in mountain gods, and they talked very harmoniously.

Xi Hua didn't participate in the conversation between the two, but planed a piece of wood with a plane.

The woodworking materials in the database are all her theoretical knowledge. In theory, she can do any kind of woodworking work. The difference is practice and experience.

It's easy to say in practice, she made it by herself according to what the information said.

What she really wants to learn is the Logan Hill experience.

The wood planer is smooth enough, but not sharp enough. Xi Hua is looking for this degree.

"Yuerou." Zhou Dafang looked at Yuhua, "That tall man you met on the mountain is also a mountain god, right?"

Yu Hua saved the two children with a few swings of the rope that day. Everyone can see that she is not only strong, but also skilled.

Knowing how to set bones can be said to be self-taught by reading medical books, but learning martial arts cannot be said to be self-taught by reading books. If you really knew it before you got married, you wouldn't let the Chen family bully you for two years.

Yuhua continued what she told the Chen family, saying that she met a tall man on the mountain and taught her a few tricks.

The so-called lie needs thousands of lies to cover it up.However, it seems that there is no need for her to help her. Zhou Dafang has already found a patch for her, and Yuhua said ambiguously, "I don't know, but an expert is not like a red face."

"It must be that the God of the Mountain changed into something else because he was afraid of scaring you." The more Zhou Dafang said, the more he felt that his guess was right. "The God of the Mountain knew that you had suffered in the Chen family, so he taught you boxing to enlighten you."

Yu Hua accepted the point of enlightenment for herself well.

Within two days, Yuhua heard the rumor that she was enlightened by the mountain god, who was enlightened by the mountain god, equal to half of the disciples of the mountain god, so the mountain god broke the legs of the four members of the Chen family .

Ma Cuifen was almost dizzy, "Where is the mountain god? It's obviously that dead star who did it."

The Chen family was extremely aggrieved, and Chen Wenlu was the most aggrieved, because there was no evidence, his leg was broken for nothing, but it cannot be said that it was Song Yuerou who broke it.

He only said to his teachers and classmates that he met a strongman who robbed him of his money and hurt him.

When the news of the mountain god's apparition came out, he saw the twinkle in the eyes of the classmates who visited him, so he almost asked him directly.

(End of this chapter)

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