Chapter 1092 Koi is a Blessing or a Disaster (44)

The bandits entered the village from both ends to outflank the village, and the two sides were not close to each other. When Jianhua attacked the bandits entering from the west end, the bandits entering the village from the east end were unaware.

There is no one in the village, it is quiet and peaceful. Everyone in the village must still be asleep. Shouting and hiding, crying and yelling, looking terrified.

"Hahahaha, your grandpa is here, the old rules, prepare everything for your grandpa."

"Hahahaha, what I'm talking about is, if your grandfather is here, if you don't rush to greet him, anyone who dares to act bravely will be killed."

"Brothers, have a good time today."

"Don't care about having fun, just remember it." Among the bandits in Dongtou, the leader is Liu Zi, who is obsequious in front of Boss Tu, and has another face in front of his subordinates, he shouted in a rough voice , "Don't kill too many people, just maim those who get in the way."

The brothers below don't understand, he understands, if too many people die at once, there will be a big disturbance, and it will not end well if the emperor is alarmed.

"We listen to Master Six."

At this moment, there was a commotion from the west end, followed by a scream.

"Fifth Master is quick enough, and he's all about meat."

"Hahahaha, let's hurry up too, don't let Fifth Master pull you back."

"Hurry up, hurry up, let's see who is lucky and gets more money. This is my family."

Every year they go into the village to rob one game. Bandits regard it as a game of teeth-beating festival at the end of the year.

Seeing that the bandits were laughing and joking, they were not slow in their actions, they quickly spread out, each carrying a family with a knife and rushing in.

A bandit with a pockmarked face came to the front door of a house and kicked the door hard. This kind of dilapidated wooden door could be opened with just one or two kicks.

The bandits come into the village every year, and when the people in the village hear that they are coming, they close their doors and the doors are tightly plugged. They have a lot of experience in how to break open the door.

Unexpectedly, he made a miscalculation. It wasn't that he didn't kick it open, but that the door was ajar and the latch was not inserted. As soon as he kicked the door, the door opened wide. When he splashed, his center of gravity was unstable, and he had no chance to hide if he wanted to hide, so he was thrown straight.

There was a sudden pain in his eyes, as if thousands of needles were piercing his eyeballs, the pain was so painful that he wished he could die.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"As soon as he covered it, the water on his face was brought into his nostrils and his wide-open mouth. Now that it was healed, his nostrils and mouth also started to tingle.

He was in so much pain that he wished he could cut off the painful part of his face, "Ahhhhh."

He couldn't see the scene of several bamboo poles stabbing at him.

The three wolf whisks drew many bloody streaks on the face and hands of the Makengmian bandit.

When the bamboo pole hit his face and body, there was another burst of pain. The brain of the Makeng face bandit realized that he was being fooled by the villagers he despised. He was originally a desperado. With the burning pain, eyes opened a crack, and went to pick up the steel knife thrown on the ground, wanting to fight to the death with the other party.

Fortunately, the steel knife was at hand, and he reached out and grabbed the steel knife, "Dare to slander your grandpa! Give it to me!" He saw that there were only three people in front of him, one man and two women, and he could Cut down one.

His expression was so ferocious that the three of them took a step back in fright.

The Makengmian bandit grinned twice, and wanted to raise his knife to slash at him, but suddenly his arm stopped working, the knife fell to the ground with a "clap", his legs stopped working, and he took a step forward. , turned into falling forward.

He couldn't even howl, and fell straight to the ground.

The three bamboo poles hit like raindrops, from stabbing to sticking.

The people in the village hated bandits to death, not to mention that at the end of each year, they lived in fear every day. Bandits even occupied the hills where they had lived for generations, preventing them from hunting and picking mountain products, which made them lose a lot of life. of making a living.

A middle-aged woman cried while beating her, "Daddy, I will avenge you."

The bandits don't just loot the surrounding villagers at the end of the year. When they meet them, they are either injured or killed by the bandits.

Six years ago, Dawa's father was chasing a rabbit on the mountain, ran far away, bumped into a bandit, was shot by an arrow from the bandit, and died before returning home.

The other man and woman were her son and daughter-in-law, and they also shed tears, but they swung the bamboo poles harder.

The same thing happened in other houses. The bandits who kicked in the door were greeted with a clay pot of potion first.

Some people’s houses have strong doors, and the bandits climb over the wall. When the bandits show their heads, several bamboo poles with branches are poked at him. There are several paths.

The villagers dare to resist, can this be tolerated?The bandit slashed with a knife, but fell to the ground before taking a few steps.

A sturdy bandit gained the upper hand, and the villagers were chopped down.

There was a lot of shouting and killing in the village.

The battle on the east side ended the fastest, with Jian Hua killing one by one, and within a few minutes, all 67 bandits were killed.

She scanned the entire village and saw that some villagers were injured, but they were all minor injuries, and no one died. She nodded slightly.

I saw a mountain bandit shooting at the villagers with an arrow. According to the normal distance of ten meters, the villagers did not see it, and they must be able to shoot. But after the arrow was shot, the villagers squatted down unintentionally, and the arrow hit. The dirt wall behind the villagers.

This is why Yu Hua asked Chen Caiyu to give blessings to the villagers.

Compared with force and ferocity, the villagers are far behind bandits, and with good luck, they can generally avoid death.

"Deputy Hua is killing all the bandits!"

The villagers living on the east side only heard the sound of killing and shouting, and they quietly came out to see what was going on before the bandits came to their door.

The yelling was close, so they naturally looked to the east, and it didn't matter if they saw it. At the entrance of the village, Yu Hua hacked down a group of bandits one by one, like a god of death!
Some were stunned by her, some listened to the bandit's words, and wondered if she was a ghost, but more people felt awe of Yuhua.

Xi Hua blew the bamboo whistle again.

Hearing the whistle, the villagers all went out of the house with wolf whisks, and fought with the remaining bandits.

Especially the residents in the east of the village saw that Yu Hua had killed dozens of bandits by himself. Their courage also came up. They rushed out of the house and shouted, "Come out and kill the bandits."

There were only about [-] bandits left standing, and hundreds of villagers surrounded them. No matter how fierce the bandits were, they couldn't keep the villagers from beating them one at a time.

Moreover, the bamboo poles in the villagers' hands are at least three meters long. If they poke forward together, the bandits will not be able to get close, and the steel knife will not be able to cut people.

Yuhua didn't get involved any more, she just made up for the omissions, and if there were bandits who escaped, she was responsible for making up for it.

(End of this chapter)

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