Chapter 1093 Koi is a Blessing or a Disaster (45)

There are still few bandits who really want to die. The villagers became tough, and the bandits fled in a hurry.

"Three people form a team." Yu Hua shouted, reminding the villagers who were chasing the bandits.

A single villager will suffer a lot from bandits who are eager to jump over the wall.

"Lizheng!" a villager exclaimed.

A tall and strong bandit escaped from the encirclement of the villagers. Just as he was running towards the back of the mountain, Jiao Qizhong blocked him with a wolf whisk.

Seeing someone blocking the way, the Gao Zhuang bandit raised his knife and slashed.

The wolf stick in Jiao Qizhong's hand stabbed the opponent and missed. Seeing the opponent slashing at him, he backed up and tried to distance himself, but his leg was injured at some point, and he was old, so he couldn't find it when he retreated. Good balance, fell to the ground.

He didn't bother to get up, and the wolf stick in his hand swung across, still wanting to stop the tall and strong mountain bandits.

"If you dare to stop your sixth grandfather, you will seek death." Gao Zhuang's mountain bandit was the sixth son, and he was in a hurry to escape, holding a steel knife to kill the standing tiger in front of him.

It was only a matter of a moment, the others were not close, and it was too late to rescue them.

Xi Hua was also far away, but she had the bow and arrow from the bandits in her hand. She raised her hand and shot an arrow at one temple of Liu Zi, and the arrow came out from the other temple, and Liu Zi died immediately. .

Yu Hua raised her bow again and shot three arrows in a row, each of which hit a fleeing bandit.

The other bandits were killed if they were beaten to death, and those who were not killed were not far from death, and there was only time to vent their anger.

Seeing the corpses of bandits who died in disorder, many villagers felt uncomfortable, and some vomited on the spot.

After beating someone to death, I felt a little dazed and panicked, but I felt a little more at ease when I thought that these were bandits who did all kinds of evil.

There was a rumbling in my stomach, and I was glad that the children in the family didn't see these bloody scenes.

I don't know who took the lead in shouting, which brought a burst of cheers.

Seeing the tall and strong mountain bandits who died in front of him, Jiao Qizhong burst into tears.

Jiao Bohou, Jiao Qizhong's eldest son, came early and helped Jiao Qizhong up from the ground, "Father, why are you out?" The words of reproach were filled with worry and concern, "You don't even look at how old you are, if something happens to you, we will How can it be better."

Jiao Qizhong is old, so he should hide in the house.

Jiao Qizhong kicked the dead six sons, expressing endless hatred and vicissitudes, "This beast is the murderer who killed your brother. I will never forget his voice until I die."

Now Jiao Bohou understood why his father came out regardless of his own safety. It was he who heard the bandit's voice and recognized the enemy.

Jiao Bohou picked up the bamboo pole on the ground, and beat the tall and strong bandit's body fiercely, to vent the hatred in his heart.

Jiao Qizhong didn't feel sad for too long, he still had to do what he was supposed to do.

The bandit's body can't just be left alone, it needs to be dealt with as soon as possible.

According to the routine, this matter should be reported to the county, and the corpse of the bandit should be taken to the county government office, where the county magistrate will deal with the follow-up.

Jiao Qizhong asked the villagers to pile the corpses outside the village first, so as not to scare the children in the village.

Xi Hua suggested not to report to Jiao Qizhong, and threw the bandit's body into a ravine and buried it.

"If Weishan Village spreads the news that all the bandits have been killed, it will attract revenge from the rest of the bandits." When Yu Hua killed the bandits, he deliberately left the little bandit leader known as Wuye at the end. , searched his memory.

Only a small group of bandits came to Weishan Village, and there are more than 200 people in the village.

The hundred or so bandits underestimated the villagers. The villagers did their calculations but didn't care, and she, the cheater, killed most of them. The villagers killed the bandits so smoothly.

"When it is published in the newspaper, the killing of bandits in Weishan Village will soon be publicized, and the bandits will definitely retaliate against Weishan Village.

At that time, the bandits will come prepared, and the villagers will not be able to deal with them. "

Jiao Qizhong also thought about the consequences of retaliation by the bandits if he fought back, but if he didn't resist, the villagers would be killed and injured.

He thought differently from Yuhua. What he thought was that after reporting to the police, he would exchange the credit for killing the bandits in exchange for the government to send people to protect the villagers, and when the bandits came to retaliate, they would be wiped out.

Having seen Yu Hua's ability, he carefully considered Yu Hua's suggestion, hissed lightly, and asked, "You mean, if you don't spread the word, bandits won't retaliate? Don't you?" Should revenge be more ruthless?"

"Because the bandits are afraid of making a big fuss and attracting the capital's attention, if they are reported to the emperor and the emperor orders the extermination of the bandits, their good days will come to an end." Yuhua originally had many doubts about the existence of this group of bandits. After searching Wu Ye's memory, although she didn't fully confirm her guess, it also solved some of her doubts.

Jiao Qizhong's doubts were resolved, and a new one came, "Since the bandits don't want to make things worse, why did they retaliate after reporting to the police?"

"Weishan Village killed more than 100 bandits in one fell swoop, and spread the word. Everyone knows that bandits are not so terrible. As long as we work together, we can kill all the bandits who invaded.

The sense of fear that the bandits had intentionally created over the years no longer exists. The bandits will definitely revive their murderous image by taking revenge on Weishan Village, making the surrounding villagers even more afraid of them, and even less dare to go deep into the mountains. "

Jiao Qizhong gasped, "They have ghosts in their hearts."

He has already realized that this group of bandits is not, at least not all, robbing for money. They go to the village to rob at the end of each year, and it is not the New Year's Teeth Festival that bandits say.

The bandits wanted to prevent outsiders from entering the mountain range occupied by the bandits.

There is a secret hidden in the deep mountains, and everything the bandits do is to cover up this secret.

He didn't think about it before, because the bandits were too cruel, and they seemed to be doing things for money.

When the word "Bandit" is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is that they kill and rob, and few people think about other things.

Since it is to hide the secret, the bandits will not sit down on a big case, so as not to attract the army of the court.Knowing that the more than 100 bandits were killed by the people of Weishan Village, as long as the news did not spread, the bandits would not easily retaliate.

Because Weishan Village is a hard stubble, it is not worthwhile to come to revenge, and no one knows, it has little impact on their layout for many years, so there is no need for revenge.

"If the people from the government can kill the bandits, the bandits won't exist for so many years. Even if the people from the government can send someone to protect them for a while at most, the bandits will wait for the people from the government to leave before coming back to take revenge."

Yan Hua's words completely cut off Jiao Qizhong's idea of ​​reporting to the government.

Jiao Qizhong immediately decided to do what Xi Hua said.

Together with Yu Hua, he took the lead and directed the villagers to throw the bandit's corpse into a ravine where few people went to bury it, and asked the villagers not to spread the news of today.

The authority that Jiao Qizhong had built up over the years, and the fact that Yu Hua confirmed the rumors about half of the mountain god's disciples today, the villagers respected her even more than Jiao Qizhong, so the villagers followed suit without asking any further questions.

It took an hour to drag the corpse to the ravine and bury it.

Afterwards, the bloodstains and traces in the village were dealt with, and it seemed that there had been no fighting in the whole village.

(End of this chapter)

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