After Xihua had money, she started the construction of the Artisan Academy.

The Artisan College was built halfway up the mountain where the mountain temple is located.

The hilltops in the Weishan area belonged to the Shanshen Temple. In the past, the Shanshen Temple had always had Miaozhu. At the end of the former dynasty, Miaozhu died in the war without appointing a successor. Since then, the Shanshen Temple has no Miaozhu.

For thousands of years, dynasties have changed several times, but Dongwei Mountain has never belonged.

Therefore, no one said that the address of the Artisan Academy chosen by the half-disciple of the Mountain God, Hua Hua, was impossible.

When the mountain temple was built, all the manpower and resources were left behind.

Jianhua is rich, and the wages paid are on par with the wages in the county, and everyone is very happy.

When Yuhua was busy building the craftsman academy, the Zhou family found Yanshan Village, which was expected by Yuhua.

She also knew why the Zhou family came so late.

Zhou's family brought a special thank you gift, put Yuhua's Lizheng name on the booklet with the government, and brought official documents.

There is no law prohibiting it.

Although there has never been a female Lizheng, there has never been a clause in the laws of Dachu that women should not be Lizheng.

Yu Hua became Li Zheng recognized by the government.

Regardless of whether Zhou Chuanyou's move was to show goodwill or to have other intentions, Yu Hua readily accepted it.

She will not push things that are only good for her.

The villagers in Weishan Village took it for granted. They had already agreed that Yuhua was the current Lizheng, and the government should issue documents.

Hua Qiuniang was even more joyful, and took out the gold hairpin she had at the bottom of the box, and greeted Yu Hua, "Come on, Rou, you're bad, and I almost didn't change my words, from now on, I can't call you Rou Wazi anymore, It would be undignified for outsiders to hear it."

Turning back and glaring at Luo Genshan again, "Did you hear that, you are not allowed to be called Rouwazi in the future, but Yuerou."

Luo Genshan squinted and smiled, "Yes, I will change my words."

"Yuerou, come here, I'll give you a hairpin."

"Hey." Yu Hua responded and sat down, and asked Hua Qiuniang to put a hairpin on her hair.

"There is no one more beautiful than our Yuerou."

Hua Qiuniang still felt that there were too few hairpins on Xihua's hair, so Yuhua stopped them in time, otherwise Yuhua's hair would be full.

After a while, Hua Qiuniang hurriedly woke up Yuhua again, "Hurry up, don't waste the time."

Yu Hua got up cooperatively and followed Hua Qiuniang to the outside.

The villagers spontaneously beat gongs and drums and set off firecrackers to celebrate for Yuhua that she officially became a Lizheng, which was very lively.

Yu Hua was not stingy, and set up a three-day flowing water banquet according to the custom, and the whole village of Weishan Village was full of joy like a festival.

She didn't want to get involved in those things, not to say she didn't pay attention.To know yourself and the enemy, you will not be accidentally involved. Who let the former King Huai make trouble in Weishan?

She has been following Zhou Chuanyou's investigation into the incident where her family was almost wiped out, and gained a lot of useful information from it.

Zhou Chuanyou's ability and luck were good, he caught a Dirong man who hadn't gone away, and learned of a shocking conspiracy.

It turned out that as early as 200 years ago, the Dirong people laid out a plan to attack the Central Plains from the inside.

Small groups of Dirong people quietly entered the hinterland of the Central Plains, changed into the clothes of the Central Plains people, and settled down in various places.

After several generations of intermarriage, the descendants of these Dirong people are no different from the local people on the surface, but they have been taught by the older generation to believe in the gods of the Dirong people and abide by the rules of the Dirong people. He only recognizes himself as a Dirong person and accepts the orders of King Dirong.

During the period of 200 years ago, when the previous dynasty was coming to an end, the court was in turmoil, the morale of the army was scattered, and the border guards were not strict, which gave the Dirong people an opportunity.

Once given the opportunity, the descendants of these Dirong people will cause chaos internally and cooperate with the outside Dirong people.

In the area of ​​Zhi'an County, there are three villages in which there are descendants of Di Rong, and I don't know how many there are in the whole Da Chu.

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Zhou Chuanyou didn't dare to delay in concealing it, and rushed to the capital together with the arrested people.

One of the news solved a puzzle of Yuhua, letting her know what kind of power Wansan's master, that is, Huang Que Fang, is.

The oriole is Su Wangfu.

If the current emperor receives the news that the former King Huai is mining and building weapons in Weishan Mountain to prepare for rebellion, he will immediately send a large army to eliminate it, instead of sending people into the interior to monitor.

Based on this, the oriole in Su Wang's Mansion was never ordered by the emperor.

King Su's purpose was clearly revealed, he had the same purpose as the former King Huai, he wanted to be the emperor himself.

Su Wang secretly acted as the last oriole, wanting to pick the fruits of the former Huai Wang's victory.

The former King Huai colluded with the Dirong people, seeking skin from the tiger, and King Su was not much better, just sitting back and watching the people suffer.

Now the world is relatively peaceful, and there are no major natural disasters. The life of most people is good, and there is always something to eat.

At this time, if there is a military chaos, it will harm countless people.

Social turmoil will inevitably affect the artisan academy that Jianhua wants to build, and Jianhua will not let this happen.

She wrote a secret letter and put it in Zhou Chuanyou's study one night.

She has already determined that Zhou Chuanyou is the emperor's man.

"Huh?" Yuhua felt something.

The mental strength she left on Chen Caiyu disappeared.

It shows that Chen Caiyu has truly awakened.

From the memories of Chen Daya's previous life, she speculated that Chen Caiyu's koi consciousness should really awaken three years later, because after three years, Chen Caiyu suddenly disappeared, and she came back three months later, Chen Caiyu grew up. After several years, she became a young girl.

Chen Caiyu later married Qin Yuanheng, the son of Prince Su.

To say that before awakening, Chen Caiyu might choose to marry Qin Yuanheng for the sake of the wealth of the palace, but the koi who has awakened the body consciousness is an existence higher than the creatures in this world, and married for the wealth of the palace or falling in love with Qin Yuanheng The chances of giving it to Qin Yuanheng are extremely small.

It's a pity that Chen Daya's memories of her last life only end here, and she can't see Chen Caiyu's subsequent actions.


in Beijing.

Chen Caiyu turned over and sat up.

If someone was there, they would be able to see Chen Caiyu's eyes under the bright moonlight, colder than the moonlight.

She is angry.

She has just awakened her body consciousness, she is not Chen Caiyu, she is Bai Li, and her body is a koi.

As a koi, even if she has not awakened her body consciousness, she will still have luck in her body, and her life after reincarnation will not be bad.

But in this world, she suffered a loss, a big loss.

Originally, she should have absorbed all the power of faith in Weishan Mountain God.

The power of faith is so rare, I finally came across a power of faith that was not gathered away, but failed to absorb it.

It's all because Hua Yuerou.

Ahhhh... Bai Li screamed inwardly.

At first, she thought it was Huayue Rou's magic that helped her regain her abilities, and she was grateful for her visit.

But it turns out that Hua Yuerou forcibly mobilized the energy of her body.

Ahhhhh, she was so mad.

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