Chapter 1111 Koi is a Blessing or a Disaster (63)

It's all good deeds done by Huayue Rou.

How much energy did she absorb when she was reincarnated into this world?The other half was spent to live a good life in the Chen family.

The body energy she lost far exceeds the energy she has converted into her own use in the past few years.

Bai Li can't wait to suck up all of Hua Yuerou's luck immediately!
I just hate being too far away, her mana can't reach it.

Bai Li rolled her eyes and sneered, "I'll write down this account first."

"No." Bai Li shuddered, "What's going on with Hua Yuerou?"

Hua Yuerou is born with great strength because she is from the Liao family. Apart from her great strength, she is just an ordinary person. How can she use her body energy?
Could it be that she is really half a disciple of the mountain god?
Bai Li became jealous again.

Her body is a fairy body, and she has always wanted to cultivate into a god, but she can't.

Although a mortal mountain god is far inferior to her ability, but the mountain god is a natural god, and what he uses is the power of heaven.

The power of heaven is higher than her mana level, and can call her body energy.

That's why she wanted to absorb the power of the mountain god's faith, even if she could get a little bit of the power of heaven, it would help her become a god.

It's not right again, if there is a mountain god in Weishan, how can the power of faith be confiscated?

hiss!Did Hua Yuerou get some chance to absorb the power of the mountain god's belief and become a mountain god.

It's not impossible.

Bai Li's jealous teeth creaked.

If Hua Yuerou really became a mountain god, even if she stood in front of her, she would have nothing to do with Hua Yuerou.

Her current body is an ordinary mortal, and her main body's mana can't be used much.

"Miss Chen, are you awake?" the maid outside heard the movement in the room and asked.

His thoughts were interrupted, Bai Li pinched a bad luck formula, only to hear the maid outside the door sprain her foot with an ouch.

Bai Li felt much more comfortable.

Thinking of where she lived, a smug streak crossed her face.

She couldn't absorb the power of the mountain god's belief, but she could absorb the dragon's energy.

The emperors in the world are endowed with special luck by the way of heaven, which is called dragon spirit, and dragon spirit also contains some power of heaven.

The dragon aura is the strongest in the palace, and there will be dragon aura in mansions with royal blood.

That day when he bumped into Qin Yuanheng's carriage, what was sucked from Qin Yuanheng's body was the dragon's energy.

She just said that her instincts are strong, and the troubles in the past are all because of meeting Hua Yuerou.

These days, she inhaled Su Wang's dragon energy so much that she awakened her body consciousness.

It's just that the dragon aura in Su Wang's mansion is too thin, she is very envious of those in the palace.

If she can absorb all the dragon energy in the palace, her cultivation will be improved to a higher level.

However, it was precisely because the Dragon Qi in Su Wang's Mansion was too thin that she could absorb it.

Dragon Qi has a protective effect on the emperor, she can't break into the palace by herself, she has to follow the rules of the world.

"I have to find a way to live in the imperial palace." Bai Li made Qin Yuanheng's idea.

After she woke up, she discovered King Su's secret and Qin Yuanheng's secret. She believed that Qin Yuanheng would cooperate with her.


The assembled bamboo whistle blew, and immediately, every household in Weishan Village was lit up.

The young and strong men and women went out of the house with wolf-whip steel knives and gathered in the center of the village.

The steel knife is the spoils of war confiscated from bandits last time. It is usually taken back to the village and only used in training.It was distributed a few days ago to fight against the enemy.

Knowing that the possible attack would be a well-trained rebel army did not make them much timid.

Daily martial arts training gave them confidence.

Last time they used a foolish way to kill bandits. Now that they have skills and have iron guys in their hands, can they still kill some rebels?
Their greatest confidence is the people standing on the high platform.

The person on the stage was wearing a neat red jacket and skirt, holding a bow that was as tall as half a person, and looked at them coldly.

They didn't feel any coldness in the cold eyes, but they felt relieved, which made the unavoidable panic dissipate.

This is Hua Lizheng from Weishan Village. Hua Lizheng has natural powers and is a disciple of the mountain god.

There are flowers, they are not even afraid of ghosts.

Yu Hua glanced over one by one, waiting for the villagers to line up neatly.

She secretly gave Zhou Chuanyou's materials an effect, and she didn't make her wait long, when the troops sent by the court came to wipe out the former King Huai's rebels.

Zhou Chuanyou was temporarily rehabilitated, and together with General He who was transferred from outside, he was in charge of the suppression operation in An County.

The deployment of the former King Huai was not limited to Weishan.

After the army started to move, Zhou Chuanyou sent someone to send a letter to her.

Before Zhou Chuanyou sent the letter, Xihua already knew about it.

The mobilization of an army of 2 people will not be silent.

According to what Zhou Chuanyou meant, he wanted her to evacuate the villagers of Weishan Village.Weishan Village is the closest village to the rebels' lair, and once a fight broke out, the dispersed rebels would probably come to Weishan Village.

Whether it was the rebels doing evil, or fighting the court army in the village, the villagers may be injured.

Xi Hua was able to protect the entire village without the villagers knowing, but she didn't do that. Instead, she told the villagers what happened and let the villagers make their own choice whether to leave or stay.

The villagers in Weishan Village did not disappoint her, and they all chose to stay and protect their homes.

When everyone was here, Yu Hua began to make arrangements.

"Liu Tiezhu."

"Yes." Liu Tiezhu raised his thick arms, "Lizheng, please tell me."

Xi Hua nodded to him, "You take Team A to guard the entrance of the West Village, and do what you usually do in training, in a group of three, and you are not allowed to act alone. If you find anything unusual, blow the bamboo whistle immediately. "

During the usual martial arts training, Yu Hua divided these people into three teams for easy distribution.

Liu Tiezhu didn't let go of his hand, and said, "Lizheng, look at it." He called the people of Team A to go to the west entrance of the village.

Xi Hua continued to send missions, "Zhou Dafang, take Team B to the entrance of the East Village..."

"Chen Sixi, you are patrolling the village with members of Team C, the same, in groups of three..."

After everyone was assigned and left, Yu Hua simulated Chen Caiyu's blessing ability, which added some luck to them all.

The energy used for the blessing comes from the power of the villagers' belief in the mountain god, and she can be regarded as taking it from the people and using it for the people.


"What? More than 500 rebels went to Weishan Village, and they were all wiped out by the villagers of Weishan Village? Did you make a mistake?" Zhou Chuanyou thought he heard it wrong.You must know that there are not more than 500 adults in the entire village of Weishan Village, how could they wipe out more than 500 rebels with weapons?
"That's right, Mr. Zhou. The villagers of Weishan Village sent 130 seven heads and 380 captives to the government. They were all identified as rebels.

It is said that nearly a hundred heads were chopped off by Hua Yuerou. Many rebels were frightened by her fierceness and collapsed on the spot, throwing away their weapons and capturing them without a fight. "

"It's really amazing." Zhou Chuanyou had long overestimated Hua Yuerou, but now it seems that he did not overestimate it enough.

(End of this chapter)

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