Xi Hua came to the training ground early in the morning.

There was no martial arts training ground in this house that has become Huafu. After it was given to Yuhua, a large garden by the lake in the backyard was converted into a martial arts training ground.

The soldiers are already lined up.

"General." Zhou Dalan and Chen Shuhuai led all their soldiers to salute Yu Hua.

Xi Hua nodded slightly at them, "Just train as usual."

The soldiers she brought were selected from Weishan Village and nearby villages, provided that they all practiced Kaishanquan.

She was named a general, and some people in Weishan Village wanted to make contributions. Because of her precedent, women were included in the idea of ​​making contributions. This is what Yuhua would like to see.

She gave these people a chance and selected sixty of them as her personal soldiers.

Zhou Dalan was the first woman to sign up, and Yu Hua also admired her ability and promoted her to be the captain of the women's team.

"Yes." Zhou Dalan and Chen Shuhuai each led a team to start training.


Yan Zhang walked towards the backyard quickly and calmly.

Looking up and seeing the two sergeants guarding both sides of the backyard gate, Yan Zhang still couldn't help saying hello in his heart.

It's not that the two sergeants are women, but that the two sergeants stand upright, even if General Hua is not around at this time, they still keep their eyes on each other, standing like pines and cypresses.

With such a strict military appearance, Yan Zhang has only seen that the imperial guards can compare with them.

What's even more rare is that they have been able to train to this level in less than half a year after becoming sergeants.

Before General Hua arrived, he more or less believed the rumors in the capital, saying that Hua Yuerou had only brute strength, and that she had grown up in the mountains and plains, she could have some insight, and she could read a few words. War is not something that can be done by brute force alone.

Anyway, Yan Zhang didn't hear anyone who was optimistic about General Hua, and he thought that the emperor was deliberately flattering Hua Yuerou, not because Hua Yuerou was really talented.

When General Hua entered the mansion, Yan Zhang knew that everyone in the capital had misunderstood the emperor and General Hua.

The sixty soldiers brought by General Hua, the army was cleaned up, and orders were banned.There were originally [-] male sergeants and [-] female sergeants. The military appearance was so uniform that people would ignore their gender, and only [-] sergeants could be seen, instead of dividing men and women first.

Yan Zhang quickly came to the door, and showed the post in his hand to the two sergeants, "Someone from the palace has brought the court clothes, please inform the general."

After General Hua entered the mansion, he let the soldiers take over the defense affairs of the mansion, and the backyard was listed as a place for training the soldiers.

Although there are several doors leading to the backyard, and it was not clearly stated that the original servants in the mansion were not allowed to enter and leave the backyard at will, Yan Zhang still deliberately came to the gate of the courtyard where there were soldiers standing guard, and asked the soldiers to report, rather than arbitrarily. go in.

One of the sergeants gave Yan Zhang a fist, "The general has ordered that Housekeeper Yan can freely enter and leave the backyard."

"Thank you for letting me know." Yan Zhang thanked.Since the general said so, he should do the notification himself.

After listening to Yan Zhang's briefing, Yu Hua ordered a team of soldiers to go to the front yard with her.

She knew that the emperor sent someone not only to give her court clothes, but also wanted someone to touch her bottom again.

She was willing to satisfy the emperor's intention, and ordered her own soldiers to come over so that the confidants sent by the emperor could see everything.

An hour later, in the palace.

After hearing Eunuch Yu's words, Emperor Qingze smiled slightly.

He knew what those courtiers were saying, saying that he was ill and went to the doctor indiscriminately, and replacing Liao Shiwu with Hua Yuerou was a wrong move that could not be made again.

Who knows, he just let them think so.


It was night, and it had become the mansion of General Hua, and everything was silent.

The mansion is very large, and there are about [-] people living in it at once, but it still looks very empty. What's more, these [-] people are all well-trained sergeants. Except for a few night watchmen, no one moves around at night, let alone making any noise.

In the main courtyard where Yu Hua lived, there was no one else except the two servants who were on duty at night, and it was even more silent.

Just after the second watch, Yu Hua waited for someone to wait for.

Ripples of water diffused into the main courtyard.

The shape is like water ripples, but there is no water, just a shape, the water ripples penetrate into every hole, pass through the wall, and in a short while, all the rooms in the main courtyard are filled with water ripples.

The two maids fell asleep after Mizuri entered the house.

Because the effects of these water ripples will only make people sleepy, and will not hurt people's lives, Yu Hua did not stop them.

After a while, a pair of invisible hands opened the door bolt of the room where Yu Hua was.

The door opened wide, and a petite figure walked in.

Seeing Yuhua sitting on the chair with a knife straight up, the visitor was startled, and said in a low voice, "Why are you all right!"

Yu Hua looked at Bai Li, "What do you want me to do?"

This koi really lived up to her expectations, and it really came.

Bai Li's shock was no less than when she was in Weishan Village. She had already overestimated Hua Yuerou, and she overestimated Hua Yuerou's supernatural power.

But there is one thing, she can absorb and transform other people's power of belief into her own, which does not mean that Hua Yuerou can do it. Ordinary people have obtained the power of belief of the mountain god by chance, and the power they have can only be within the range of the mountain god's mountain range. use it.

What Hua Yuerou got was the power of faith from the mountain god of Weishan, which can only be used in the Weishan area.

This is also the reason why she really wanted to snatch the divine power from Hua Yuerou, but because Weishan was Hua Yuerou's territory, her ability could not be restored to a certain level, so she resisted going back to Weishan to snatch it.

She was very willing for Hua Yuerou to come to the capital. After leaving Weishan, the divine power would at most give Hua Yuerou an extra layer of defense.

The spell she used ignored any defenses, and even the Jindan monks in the comprehension world could be put to sleep, thinking that it was safe, but who knew it would not work on Hua Yuerou.

Now that she has been exposed and her face has been torn apart, Bai Li knows that she can't be kind today, so she will act first and use the strongest magic power she can, attracting all the evil spirits in the vicinity and rushing towards her. magnificent.

The divine power is pure, and he is most afraid of foul qi and bad qi.

I saw countless large or small black and gray blood-colored mist clusters pouring into the house from all directions, like ghosts showing their ferocious faces, and devoured towards Yuhua.

Yan Hua only waved his hand, and the black, gray and blood-colored fog suddenly disappeared, not only the ones inside the house disappeared, but also the ones outside the house disappeared without a trace.

The scene of the turbulent fog just now seemed to have never existed.

"How can you use your supernatural power!" Bai Li was shocked.The divine power will be defiled and dissipated by the filthy qi and bad qi, and correspondingly, the filthy yin and bad qi will also be purified by the divine power, depending on which side is stronger.

She couldn't figure out why Hua Yuerou was able to exert such powerful divine power even after leaving Weishan.

The fear of being dominated by Yuhua in Weishan Village surged up again, Bai Li turned around and wanted to run.

How could Xi Hua let Bai Li run away, her mental strength overwhelmed her, and Bai Li was directly crushed to the ground.

Bai Li immediately persuaded, "Don't kill me, you can tell me to do anything."


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