Bai Li confessed her love quickly, but it made it hard for Xi Hua to make another serious move.

However, she didn't intend to kill this koi.

Keeping the koi is of great use to her.

Soon she will lead the army to fight, and the blessing ability of the koi can save the soldiers from sacrifice.

With her watching, she is not afraid that the koi will harm her own people.

Yu Hua let go of Bai Li, "Are you going to tell the story yourself, or I'll let you tell."

"I'll say it myself." Bai Li quickly responded.Although she didn't know what Yu Hua would tell her, she had a hunch that she would never be able to please her.

From the bottom of her heart, she was too jealous and jealous of Yu Hua.

Afraid that Xihua can easily overwhelm her and prevent her from seeing how powerful she is, and envious that Xihua is luckier than her koi, not only absorbing the power of the mountain god's belief, but also transforming it into her own.

She didn't suspect that Yu Hua was the reincarnation of an outsider like herself, because she didn't see any traces of reincarnation from the other party's body, and besides, how can there be a carpenter who can weave bamboo boxes after reincarnation?Not possible to be.

If she had such a powerful ability, she would walk sideways in this world, how could she be the same as she is now, worrying about this and that, which made her have to cling to Qin Yuanheng, a mortal.

Meeting Yuhua's eyes, Bai Li's heart skipped a beat again, not daring to dream anymore, "My real name is Bai Li, and my body is a koi carp. I am reincarnated, not a lonely ghost. I swear. "

Bai Li raised her hand towards the sky, "It was only when I came to the capital that I awakened the memory of my previous life, and only then did I realize that I was a koi in my previous life. Really, I'm not lying."


Yuhua's eyes didn't change at all, letting Bai Li know that the other party might have known her roots long ago. What Bai Li said just now was the truth, but also a hint of probing, to see if the other party could see through her lies.

Bai Li was originally an ordinary koi, living in a pool deep in the mountains.

It was the only koi in the pool, and it didn't know how it got here.

The water in this pool contains a little spiritual energy, and gradually it produces ignorant wisdom.

However, in this state, it can only be called an animal with high spiritual intelligence, and it cannot reach the category of a demon.This is something it only learned later, because the world she lives in is in the age of doom, and there are no conditions for the survival of demons.

If it goes on like this, at the end of its lifespan, it will be just a fish with some intelligence and a lifespan much longer than other fish of its kind.

The turning point lies in the arrival of people.

There are people in the deep mountains, and every year, more and more people.

It was discovered by people, but it was not captured like other fish in the pool. Instead, many people fed it with food, making its survival easier.

With the arrival of a person, a very comfortable light spot gathers on it, making it very comfortable all over. It instinctively knows that these light spots are good things, and tries hard to absorb the light spots into its body.

After absorbing the light spots, its spirituality became higher and higher.

When it can understand what people say, it knows what happened to it.

Someone took photos and videos of it, uploaded it on the Internet, and wrote, "Reposting this koi will bring you good luck."

Its body has been nourished by water containing spiritual energy for many years, and its appearance is quite beautiful. The body of the fish is pure white and red, the fins and tail are golden, and the scales all over the body are shining brightly, which is very eye-catching.

The appearance of this koi is too beautiful, and no one who has seen its photos and videos dislikes it.

Koi has always been a symbol of good luck. Anyone who sees this post will forward it knowingly. It may not be possible to make one's wishes come true by posting more letters to Koi, but it is always a good intention.

Countless people forwarded,
The forwarding words became a stalk.

"Forward this koi, pass the exam."

"Forward this koi, you can lose weight if you want to."

"Give your wish to the koi, you just have to work hard."

Countless people collected its pictures or videos, then edited and uploaded them. In just a short period of time, hundreds of millions of people knew of its existence.

It has become a top-notch net red fish, from retweeting meme to goodbye meme, it is about to take the exam, post a post to say goodbye to the koi, and post a post about saying goodbye to the koi when it is about to celebrate the birthday.

The koi fire was in a mess.

The pool where it is located has become a check-in point for Internet celebrities.

Although few people really believe that everything will go well after worshiping the koi, but they also have some thoughts.

It's the light spots that converge on the koi.

These powers of thought also belong to the category of the power of faith, but the power of thought is only produced out of love and a desire, not from the believers of koi, and it will not make koi become a god because of it, it will only let it absorb into the body Transformed into spiritual power.

The power of faith belongs to the original energy of the world, and no matter how bad the power of thought is, it is higher than ordinary spiritual energy.

The koi cultivated by absorbing the power of thought, and even passed the stage of mortal monster directly, and achieved the immortal body in one fell swoop.

I have to admit that it does have great luck, otherwise it can only become a demon instead of a fairy.

After experiencing the thunder calamity, the koi turned into Baili.


After Bai Li finished talking about her background, Yu Hua ordered again, "Let's talk about what you did after you came to the capital, without any details."

Bai Li took a deep breath and finally asked her about it. She aimed at Yu Hua, "Well, Hua... Mountain God, I've said it carefully, don't kill me."

Many of the things she did were probably Hua Yuerou's dislike. If she said it, would Hua Yuerou punish her?

Xi Hua said, "Call me General." She knew that Bai Li had misunderstood her identity, but Xi Hua did not intend to correct her.

Bai Li got a great opportunity to become a fairy, and when she went up the ranks, her ability was much worse than that of ordinary immortals. It's normal not to be able to tell that she is also an outsider.

Bai Li nodded vigorously, "I will definitely not make mistakes in front of people."

She said one by one what she did with her abilities after awakening.

She added luck to Chen Daya, allowing Chen Daya to marry into the Hou Mansion smoothly,
Help Qin Yuanheng stabilize his heir apparent.

Let King Su take it out of the matter of King Huai.

King Su secretly wanted to be emperor, and Bai Li cleared some obstacles for him.

After listening to Bai Li talking about what she did in the capital, Yu Hua asked, "How did you manage not to bear these karma?"

The luck of Chen Daya, Qin Yuanhengsu Wang and others became better, and those who opposed them became unlucky, and some people died because of it.

But the karma on Bai Li's body is very small, and most of the few karma on her body are caused by Bai Li before she awakened.

"It's the rule of reciprocity." Bai Li glanced at Yuhua secretly, "That's my natural ability. Whoever gets more blessings from me will share more karma for me."

No one in the world is always lucky, this is not in line with the way of heaven.

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