Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 116 Borrowing a space to farm

Chapter 116 Borrowing a space to farm (49)

Xihua kept some that were not afraid of bumps in the back basket, and put the rest in the space.

There was a supply and marketing cooperative store nearby, and she went in to buy some things.

This is a convenience store, the place is small, and there are not all the things, but there are aluminum lunch boxes that she can use, and she bought two large ones.

Other things have to go to the department store to buy.

She went to the state-run restaurant first, and ordered braised pork and shredded pork ears before lunch was over. She rinsed the newly bought aluminum lunch box and filled the two dishes.

There are plenty of dishes, and the large lunch box is almost full.

There was nothing to worry about, Xihua found a place and entered the space.

She really wanted to know what Jiang Jing was doing this for.

Looking at Jiang Jing again, she is already sitting on the chief seat in a family's house.

The little boy was held in the arms of a 27-year-old woman, and a man in his 30s was sitting next to him.

Jiang Jing sat in the upper seat of the two of them.

After listening for a while, I understood that the boy is the boy's father, Sun Jiangang, and the girl is the boy's mother, Zhou Juan.

They were called out from their units by enthusiastic neighbors, and when they heard that the child had run to the main road, they hurried back.

The two are working together, and the child was looked after by the child's grandma. The grandma had bad legs and couldn't keep up with the child, and almost broke her leg.

Sun Jiangang just found a girl from a relative's family from his hometown to help him look after the child. Only five days later, the child ran away.

The one watching the child was a woman in her twenties with a pair of big braids standing by the door. She stood with her head down, rubbing the side of her clothes with both hands.

The two were grateful to Jiang Jing from the bottom of their hearts, they said a lot of words of thanks, and even offered money to Jiang Jing as a thank you gift.

Jiang Jing refused to accept, and the two parties fought back and forth like a seesaw. In the end, Jiang Jing refused but only accepted half of it.

Thank you very much.

Zhou Juan said sharply to the woman by the door, "Hurry up, pack your things and go back to your house, my house can't afford you.

I asked you to come to watch the children, what are you watching!The child went out and did not find it.Tao Tao ran to the road, if it wasn't for this girl, where would the child be found. "

As she spoke, the child's mother burst into tears, "Hurry up and leave me, I'll get angry when I see you."

Turning to Sun Jiangang, he said, "Jiangang, don't say that I don't give face to people from your hometown. There's no way to do it. She has to leave today. What if we get revenge on Taotao for scolding her?"

"Huizhen." Sun Jiangang didn't look good towards the young girl, "We won't pursue the matter of you losing Taotao, but we don't dare to use you anymore, you can go."

Hearing this, Yu Hua finally figured out Jiang Jing's intentions.

Sun Huizhen, wife of Song Yingmin in her previous life.

Jiang Jing passively watched the interview no less than five times, and remembered it very clearly.

Song Yingmin and Sun Huizhen met in the county.

Song Yingmin had a sister who married to the county seat, and Song Yingmin lived in his sister's house when he was doing business.

During that time, Sun Huizhen was babysitting for relatives.

The children of relatives love to move, and ran outside without paying attention.

Song Yingmin's sister's family lived in the same alley as Sun Huizhen's relative's, and the child ran to Song Yingmin's sister's house, so the two got to know each other.

At this point in time, Song Yingmin and Sun Huizhen don't know each other yet.

Yu Hua thought wrong before, Jiang Jing came to the county not to meet Song Yingmin by chance, but to meet Song Yingmin's future wife by chance.

Jiang Jing is killing her love rival in the bud.

It seems that Jiang Jing succeeded.

Time was limited, and Yu Hua still had to go shopping in a department store. The matter became clear, so she didn't read any more.

It can only be said that the county seat is too small, and on the way to the department store, Xi Hua ran into Song Yingmin again.

Song Yingmin walked quickly with his head down, and hurriedly passed by Xi Hua.

Yu Hua didn't want to have any intersection with Song Yingmin, but she saw Song Yingmin's satchel.

Song Yingmin's satchel was deflated when we met before, but now it is bulging.

Because the satchel had a hole, and a corner of what was inside was exposed. It was a black leather bag.

She looked a little flustered at Song Yingmin's expression, and looked at the black leather bag with mental strength.

Coincidentally not.

She had seen this black bag at Brother Wei's before. She put it on the table when she entered the yard, and was later taken into the room where the goods were kept by the fat young man Xiaohui.

There will be the same bag, but the scratches on the leather surface of the two bags will not be in the same position. This probability is too low.

Xi Hua's memory is unmistakable.

It couldn't be that Brother Wei sold it to Song Yingmin, because this black bag was used by Brother Wei and others to hold money.

If this is not a coincidence, the contents inside will explain the problem.

The black bag contained money of different denominations and various vouchers. She did a rough calculation, and the ten denominations alone amounted to 800 or [-] yuan.

Didn't run away, it's Brother Wei's bag.

Song Yingmin quickly turned into a small alley, and Yu Hua used his mental strength to follow him. Seeing Song Yingmin ran a few steps, he entered the doorway of the nearest house. He didn't knock or take the key to open the door, but stuck to the doorway. wall standing.

After standing for a while, Song Yingmin poked his head out, but didn't see anyone coming in from the alley, so he came out of the door and ran to the depths of the alley.

It turned out to be cautious enough to see if anyone followed.

Yuhua crossed out the possibility that Song Yingmin and Brother Wei were together, and made sure that the black bag was not from Song Yingmin.

No one's alley is easy to handle.

Yuhua found a stone of about the same weight from Qingjue's space, and used her mental power to replace the black bag in Song Yingmin's satchel.

As for what Song Yingmin would think when he found out that the black bag had turned into a stone...

Whatever he thinks, anyway, he can't report to the police, let alone go back to look for Brother Wei.

He could only think in the direction of being stared at and eaten.

Song Yingmin is black and white, but Xihua is not.

When I went back to Mopan Street, I saw a very different scene. The bustling street became empty. Except for a few pedestrians, there were no people with backpacks or people squatting on the street.

I don't know what happened to Mopan Street, it must be a bad thing.

Yu Hua looked at Brother Wei's yard, there was no one there, not even the goods in the house.

In the three caves of the cunning rabbit, Yu Hua quickly discovered another cave of Brother Wei.

It is also because the entire county is very small, as long as it is a cave placed in the county, it is easy to find it.

She crossed Mopan Street, turned into the next alley, counted the second house, and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" someone asked in the yard.

Yu Hua said, "I. Come to find Brother Wei."

Someone looked out through the crack of the door and saw Yuhua. There was a sound of the latch, and the door was pulled open, revealing Xiaojun's surprised face, "It's you? How did you find it? There's something good again?"

"I happen to know. I have something to do with Brother Wei."

Xiaojun scratched his head, hesitating.

He hesitated because he was afraid that Yu Hua was an informer.

(End of this chapter)

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