Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 117 Borrowing a space to farm

Chapter 117 Borrowing a space to farm (50)

But on another thought, if she told the secret, no one would come here alone.

Anyway, people have come to find him, and it will be exposed whether he allows him to enter this place, so let Wei Ge make the decision.

Thinking of this, Xiaojun let Yuhua in, "Brother Wei will be in a bad mood, please don't mind if he looks bad." If he really has something to do with Brother Wei, he can't be delayed.

After finishing speaking, Xiaojun yelled towards the main house, "Brother Wei, someone is looking for you."

After shouting, he turned around and inserted the latch again.

"Who is it?" Brother Wei came out of the house and was equally surprised when he saw Yuhua, but he was not as obvious as Xiaojun. He stood at the door of the house and said in a non-enthusiastic tone, "What do you want from me?"

Yu Hua put down the pannier in the middle of the yard, and took out the black bag from the pannier.

"This bag..." Xiaojun was close enough to see clearly that half of the zipper on the bag was broken, and he couldn't hide his excitement, "This bag belongs to us, why is it in your hands?"

He reached out to take it, and took two steps to give it to Brother Wei.

Brother Wei took the bag, opened the zipper, took a look, reached into the bag with one hand and looked through it, and saw that there was nothing missing, his face finally improved, but there were still many doubts, it should be said that there were more.

"You picked up this bag? How do you know we lost it?" Brother Wei couldn't believe it was a coincidence.

Yu Hua heard the hidden doubts in it, she paused, and then took a step back.

Not a big crackling sound.

Both Xiaojun and Brother Wei heard it, and they looked at the place where the breaking sound came from. It was a broken brick.

And this brick was stepped on by Yu Hua's feet just now.

The brick is one of the blue brick paths from the courtyard gate to the front of the house. If you pick it up and drop it heavily on the ground, the brick will definitely break, but it is hard to break it when you step on the ground. It is still a brick embedded in the ground. , it is even more difficult.

But I saw it just now, the other party didn't forcefully raised his feet and stomped, and the bricks shattered into slag with just a light pause.

"I'll be good." Xiaojun looked back and forth between the broken bricks and Yuhua's cloth shoes in astonishment, unable to figure out how the soft-soled cloth shoes crushed the bricks.

In addition to deterring, force is also a way to win the trust of others.

Yu Hua said, "As you can see, I don't need to steal the bag and send it back. If I want you to help with something, I will directly negotiate terms with you."

The broken bricks were very convincing, and Brother Wei quickly went from stunned to a hearty laugh, "I, Wei Zhao, thought too much, so I'm sorry to tell you here."

He is suspicious.He has been in this business for several years. After all, it is a shady business. He has encountered threats, blackmailers, people who want to cheat, and people who want to repay favors.

The money in the black bag is not a small number, the little girl just returned it for nothing, and found him in his old den, how could he not doubt it.Thinking about it, I was afraid that what the little girl had drawn was much more than the money in the bag.

He made the decision to stop immediately in an instant, and wanted to wait for the environment to become clearer before starting again.

Knowing that the little girl is very skilled, as the little girl said, if you want to do something, just negotiate the terms directly. This roundabout way of stealing and returning the bag will make him even more defensive.

"Doubt is normal. I understand." Yu Hua said, "I got this bag by accident from someone. I recognized Brother Wei's and took it here."

Wei Zhao became more enthusiastic, and made a gesture of invitation to Yuhua, "This...comrade, please come inside."

"Wei Xingxi." After "seeing" the inventory in Wei Ge's house, Yu Hua decided to establish a good relationship with Wei Ge, and said his real name.

Wei Zhao was taken aback, "Your surname is Wei too? We are from the same family."

"My surname is Wei Wei."

Wei Zhao said with a smile, "I'm Wei Wei. Both Wei and Wei come from the surname Ji, so they can be regarded as the same family. I asked you to call you Wei sister. Wei sister came into the room and let's sit down and talk."

Xi Hua went into the house with a backpack.

The room is divided into two rooms, the inside and the outside. The door of the back room is not closed, but there is a thick curtain behind it, so you can't see inside.

The outhouse is a place for hospitality.

After sitting down, Wei Zhao apologized to Yuhua again, "Miss Wei, forgive me. We in this business are always suspicious and misunderstood Miss Wei."


The two parties are acquainted.

Xihua didn't say how she got the black bag, nor did she mention Song Yingmin's name. She probably didn't know Song Yingmin, so it was easy to make mistakes.

It only describes Song Yingmin's appearance and clothes.

Xiaojun slapped his head, "I saw this man today. He was walking up and down the street, looking everywhere. I thought he was trying to sell something, so I went up and asked, and he said he came to see if the grain was collected. I said yes, told him the price, and he left."

"Damn, I'm afraid they've been eyeing us for a long time." Brother Wei swears, "Don't let me catch him."

"Can I know how the bag was lost?" Yu Hua was purely curious, how could Song Yingmin take the bag away from several of Brother Wei's subordinates.

"It's not because someone made a mess." Xiaojun said angrily, "I don't know who reported it. We got the news a little late, and we were in a hurry to transfer the goods, and we didn't pay attention to what the bag would be lost.

When I got back to this yard and counted them, I found that the bag was gone.Markets have opened in many places this year, and the market on Mopan Street is tacitly approved by the higher-ups, otherwise there would be so many people.Just that stupid-"

"Xiaojun." Wei Zhao glared at Xiaojun.

Wei Zhao explained to Yu Hua, "Sister Wei, it's not that I don't believe you, it's that we'd better not talk about the matters above."

Xiaojun knew that he had almost exaggerated, scratched his head in embarrassment, and closed his mouth.

Xi Hua nodded.

What Xiaojun didn't say was that some people acquiesced to the existence of the Mopan Street Market, some people disapproved of it, the two sides competed with each other, and some people reported it to the disapproving party.

The black bag was obtained by Song Yingmin by fishing in troubled waters.

Yu Hua really suspected that Song Yingmin's first pot of gold was this black bag. The money and vouchers in it were worth at least 2000 yuan. Didn't Song Yingmin get rich?

I don't know if the investigation of Mopan Street has anything to do with Song Yingmin, but Yuhua thinks that at least Song Yingmin knows that Mopan Street will be investigated. He has already set his sights on Brother Wei and has made plans to eat black.

"You have to thank Sister Wei for the package." Brother Wei pointed to the door of the inner room, "Well, Sister Wei, see what you need here, just use it."

Once this black bag is lost, a bunch of them have been working in vain for the past two months.

Yu Hua was not very polite, and followed Xiaojun into the inner room.

There are many more kinds of things in it than in that broken yard, more like a grocery store, with everything, food and use, new and old.

Many of the things that Xi Hua planned to buy in the department store can be found here.

She picked out a bunch of things quickly, and she had everything to eat and use.

"Calculate how much it is." She didn't want to take it for nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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