Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 125 Borrowing a space to farm

Chapter 125 Borrowing a space to farm (58)

It was the wounded wild boar.

It was hurt by someone, seeing someone hurt it or not, it felt hatred, opened its big mouth with two sharp fangs, and rushed straight at Wei Xingyu.

Wei Xingyu was terrified in her heart, but she didn't get scared, she didn't want to climb up the slope, she turned her head and ran to the side.

The wild boar rushed over and bumped into the mound, causing Fang Ni and Sanya on the mound to step back and scream.

Sanya and the pain, Fang Ni was frightened, and both of them shed tears.

Wei Xingyu didn't stop, and ran around the mound.

A person running from the cornfield at Nantou saw the wild boar chasing a child and shouted anxiously, "The wild boar bit the child! Run fast."

"That's... Xingyu from the Baoshan family!"

"Ouou..." A group of people shouted loudly, hoping to scare the wild boar away.

The wild boar didn't hit anyone, so it took a few steps back, smelled Wei Xingyu's trail, turned around and chased after him.

The wild boar can't run as fast as the wild boar in a straight line, but if it runs in a circle, the wild boar can't run fast.

Wei Xingyu was used to running, she was small and nimble, and the wild boar couldn't catch up for a while.

This is what Yu Hua saw when he came over. Wei Xingyu ran around the mound in front, and the wild boar chased after him.

She ran over, raised the iron rod, and swung it at the wild boar's neck.

"hold head high!"

One hit must be hit.

The wild boar screamed, swayed to the left, and hoofed.

It is really a representative of rough skin and thick flesh. Xie Hua used a little internal force and did not knock him down all at once.

Yu Hua would not give it a chance to escape, regardless of whether it could escape or not, and then raised the iron rod and hit it in the same place.

The wild boar fell down with a scream, its four hooves kicking in the air, and a thick grunting sound came out of its wide-open mouth.

The group of people who were about to arrive were shocked.

When she first saw Yu Hua holding up an iron rod to beat wild boars, someone hurriedly shouted to her, "Don't hurt people", "Don't go over there", "Climb up with the children quickly".

A wild boar cannot be dealt with by one person, let alone a woman who is not strong at all, and this is a wounded wild boar, which is more aggressive and can bite a human bone in one bite.

This is a big guy weighing three to four hundred catties!

If you get hit by it, you may be killed at once.

Just now, Da Zhu was stabbed with blood by its teeth, and a dozen people chased him away together.

Someone recognized Yuhua and knew that she was going to save her sister.

Some people began to lament, and couldn't bear to see another tragedy.

But before they had any more actions and thoughts, Yu Hua had already hit the wild boar, and the wild boar screamed, obviously it was hit to the point, and it was not light.

Yu Hua hit another stick, and the wild boar immediately fell to the ground, struggling for many times but failed to turn over.

A group of people were so shocked that they almost dropped the stuff in their hands to the ground.

When did wild boars get so weak that they could be killed with two sticks.

What were they doing before?Didn't hit the same head?
Look at the thing in your hand, it's made of wood and iron, not made of paper and mud, why can't it be used?
Someone ran up to the wild boar and poked it with a hoe in his hand. It was real, not fake.

Dead, the injured one.


More than one gasped.

Good guy!
I was speechless for a while.

On the other side, Yuhua saw Wei Xingyu running around the mound and came to meet him.

"Sister!" Wei Xingyu saw that Xi Hua was running towards Xi Hua vigorously.

Xi Hua greeted her.

Wei Xingyu threw herself on Yu Hua's body, and only then began to cry.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. My sister is here." Yu Hua gently rubbed Wei Xingyu's head, "The wild boar is dead."

Wei Xingyu trembled, obviously frightened.

"Xingyu, look at my sister here. My sister will kill all the wild boars for you. After you share the meat, you will cook it for her when you go home."

She didn't know how to do psychological counseling, but she knew how to make Wei Xingyu no longer afraid of wild boars.

When she killed the wild boar just now, Wei Xingyu ran to the other side of the mound and didn't see it.

Wei Xingyu sobbed and said, "Sister, do you want to eat braised pork?"

"Yes. Sis, I really want to eat Xingyu's braised pork. It must be better than the state-run restaurant."

Wei Xingyu thought of something, so suddenly she hugged Yuhua tightly again, her body trembling, "If you don't go, the wild boar will catch up with you."

"Sister is amazing, you forgot, the wild boar was beaten to death by sister just now."

Wei Xingyu then raised her head, looked to the side, saw the dead wild boar, and then relaxed her body.

Xi Hua picked up Wei Xingyu and put her on the mound, "Wait here for sister, and see how she beats wild boars. Together with Sanya and Fangni, the three of you don't come down first."

Sanya and Fangni saw Yuhua beating wild boars, and they were so shocked that they forgot to cry.

"Yeah!" The three little girls nodded one after another, each with tears in their eyes.

Yu Hua looked at the wild boar on the ground, and he didn't vent his anger much, and it was almost as if he didn't die, so he didn't care about it.

There were more than two wild boars coming here. Some of the wild boars who were driven out of the corn field ran to the mountain, and some followed these two.

The others were not provoked, and bit without seeing anyone.

The wild boar's scream just now stopped the other wild boars from running here, and now they are turning around without direction, and some of them even arched here and there, looking for food on the river beach.

Just you!
Xihua took a fancy to the one directly in front of her. This little one weighs about two hundred kilograms, but it was within Wei Xingyu's field of vision.

Xi Hua held the iron rod and strode over.

As soon as Yu Hua left, the crowd buzzed.

"What is Xingxi going to do again?"

"She won't be chasing wild boars."

"I see it is. Look, look, it is running past the wild boar."

"Xingxi is right to go after them. You can't let the wild boars stay on the river beach. These rammed animals are very sensitive. If they are allowed to find food on the river beach, they will come here again in the future."

"Go, drive them away quickly."

"How about we don't rush, but also fight?"

"Hit him, I forgot how Da Zhu got hurt. He hit the wild boar's head for a while, but he hit him. The wild boar was fine, he was provoked and rushed at him."

"Go, go, hurry up, let's talk about it after driving away."

Xi Hua was already close to the selected wild boar.

The wild boar was startled by someone approaching, kicked its hooves and grunted, opened its mouth wide, and pretended to attack.

There is only one move for Xi Hua, raising her internal strength and swinging a stick to greet the wild boar's neck.

The wild boar sensed danger and wanted to hide.

But it was not as fast as Yanhua, and the stick fell in the blink of an eye. The wild boar followed in the footsteps of its companions, and fell sideways on the ground, screaming miserably.

Afraid that it would get up, Yu Hua patched it up with a stick, and it stopped.

"My boy, come here, the daughter of the Baoshan family is so strong."

(End of this chapter)

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