Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 126 Borrowing a space to farm

Chapter 126 Borrowing a space to farm (59)

The last wild boar was bigger, so it can be said that it was injured, and it ran to bleed for a while, and it was at the end of its strength.

This one is very vigorous, just now it was arching everywhere, alive and kicking, but it was still knocked down by Wei Xingxi's two sticks.

After Yu Hua killed the wild boar, she turned around and waved to Wei Xingyu.

Seeing Wei Xingyu waving back at her, Xi Hua felt relieved.

Wei Xingyu's fear of wild boars should have been eliminated a lot.

Seeing that other people were going to chase away the other three wild boars, Yu Hua didn't follow.

She looked back, Wei Xingyu was still waving at her.

The three wild boars ran away, but Yuhua didn't want to fight any more, and returned to the mound.

Sanya's mother also rushed over, and Sanya was crying to her mother.

"Brother." Fanny's brother came, and Fanny jumped off the mound and ran over.

"Go, go home." Yu Hua held out her hand to Wei Xingyu.

"Sister, I can do it myself." Wei Xingyu jumped swiftly.

Xi Hua gave her a thumbs up, "Good job." What Wei Xingyu needs now is praise.

Wei Xingyu smiled embarrassedly.

It seems that it should be fine.

Xihua is fortunate to have taught Wei Xingyu the external skills of Yunsheng Kung Fu, which improved her physical fitness, otherwise Wei Xingyu's age and size here, even if she ran in circles, she would not be able to run away from the frightened wild boar.

A group of people over there had driven away the remaining three wild boars, and they wanted to kill one, but the river beach was more open, and they tried to block one end but failed, so they had to drive them away.

Seeing the three wild boars running into the mountains, they turned back.

They turned back for two wild boars they had killed.

There was a smile on everyone's face.

Live wild boars are a scourge, and dead wild boars are meat.

Add up to four or five hundred catties.

The killed wild boars belong to the brigade, and the brigade will distribute them to each family.

Those who put in more effort get more points, and they have all contributed, so they can get a lot more points.

The conversation all fell on Yuhua.

"This time Baoshan's family has meat to eat."

"That's right, two of them were killed by Xingxi, and we'll be wiped out along with them."

"Xingxi imitated Miao Dalan's strength."

"Can Miao Dalan beat wild boars? With Xingxi's strength, let alone Weijiagou, we can't even find one in Shiting Town."

"Xingxi took some kind of panacea. After he recovered from his illness, his strength returned."

"Hey, what you said is a bit ridiculous. Du Laoqi has great strength. Could it be that Du Laoqi prepared some medicine for Xingxi to increase strength?"

"This is a reliable thing. I heard that Xingxi is learning medicine from Du Laoqi."

Someone shouted in the distance, "Hey~~The wild boar was killed here~~Get someone to bring the rope~~"

Xihua had already taken Wei Xingyu's hand and walked home.

Wei Xingyu was only appeased for a while, and she still hadn't fully recovered from her heart. Going back to the safest home would help her recover faster.

Let others deal with the killed wild boar, she has had enough of the limelight.

She wasn't worried about the meat distribution issue, the brigade department was generally fair in terms of distribution.

She just had a strange premonition, neither good nor bad, and she didn't think of what it was for a while.

Not only the three wild boars on the river beach were driven away, but also the wild boars driven out of the cornfield at the south end were all driven out of sight in the woods at the foot of the mountain.

Not many wild boars came down this time, there were fifteen of them, but they were all big ones, the smallest weighed a hundred and ten catties, and there were three wild boars of three or four hundred catties, which were very destructive.

The cornfield was ruined a bit, but it was restored a lot.

Xi Hua dragged Wei Xingyu halfway and ran into Jiang Jing.

Jiang Jing was among a group of people.

There were men, women and children in this group. I heard that the wild boars had been chased away and two were killed, so they all came to see the rare ones.

The two people in front were holding thick hemp ropes in their hands. They were probably going to tie the pigs, so that they could carry the wild boars back easily.

Those who followed were all to watch the fun.

Jiang Jing looked at Yu Hua with complicated eyes.She thought that Wei Xingxi failed to go to high school, and his health broke down again. From then on, she would become an ordinary village girl, marry into an ordinary family and live a poor life.

But the truth is, her body has recovered!He was also accepted as an apprentice by Du Laoqi and became an agricultural technician in the brigade.

She doesn't like the title of agricultural technician, and after two years, the production will be divided into households, so she will not be used.

Hearing that Du Laoqi accepted Wei Xingxi as an apprentice, she was so mad at her.

She had been begging to come to her as a teacher for more than a year, but Du Lao Qi refused to accept her, and turned around to accept Wei Xingxi.

She is a serious junior high school graduate, and Wei Xingxi has a primary school diploma. I really don't know what Du Lao Qi likes in Wei Xingxi.

Fortunately, Wei Xingxi and Dong Anguo couldn't make it at all.

Without this good relationship, Wei Xingxi would not be able to pass the university entrance examination. Even if she studied medicine with Du Laoqi, she would still be a village doctor in the future, with no great achievements.

"Isn't that Xingxi? He brought Xingyu back."

"Hey, it's safe and sound. I heard that the wild boar went to the river beach, which made everyone anxious."

"Just now someone said that the wild boar was killed by Xingxi, isn't it ridiculous what you said?"

As he got closer, someone asked, "Xingxi, have you seen Miss Sanya? Is Sanya alright?"

Yuhua said, "Sanya is fine, she is with her mother."

Suddenly, there was a commotion behind, and after a while there was a shout.

"Ah! There's another end!"

"Mommy, the boss has one head!"

"Pig King! This is a Pig King!"

"Why did it hide just now, why didn't I find it?"

"Damn it, it's ruined another big field of beans."

"It ran to the village."


"Quick, quick, get out of the way, don't get too close, get out of the way."

Yu Hua turned around and saw a wild boar running towards them.

Compared with other wild boars, this wild boar was much bigger, weighing five to six hundred kilograms. It ran wildly in the bean field next to it, and the bean plants seemed much smaller against its size.

This wild boar had taken some wrong medicine, and ran straight to Yuhua and the others. A group of young men were shouting beside them, but they couldn't turn around no matter how hard they drove.

"Ah." Seeing the wild boar, Wei Xingyu reflexively hid behind Yu Hua.

Although there was a distance, this wild boar was too big, and it went straight to them, giving people a strong visual impact.

Wei Xingyu had just been frightened for a while, and then met a bigger one, the psychological pressure can be imagined.

Xi Hua was really angry.

She managed to comfort Wei Xingyu, but the appearance of this wild boar ruined all her achievements.

A group of people who were talking and laughing just now yelled and fled in all directions.

Yuhua caught a glimpse of a thick tree next to her, and she quickly picked up Wei Xingyu and lifted him to a branch that was as tall as a person, "Wait here for sister, I will get you an extra meal of meat."

(End of this chapter)

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