Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 21: Don't Be a Sister Flower

Chapter 21 Don't be a sister flower after the movie

There was no such thing in the previous life.

Seeing that the original owner didn't say anything, Zhao Qihai endured it, and must have investigated to confirm that the original owner had no evidence that Zhao Yu beat her, so he had a conscience to seal the original owner's mouth by no means, and of course he would not take the initiative to compensate the original owner.

There is a reason why Xihua didn't want the house that Zhao Qihai gave away for free.

If he gave it away for nothing, he would have to explain the origin of the house to Cheng Qiuyun.

Probably because she used Cheng Qiuyun's daughter's body, her blood instinct, she can't see Cheng Qiuyun's guilt and self-blame towards her now.

According to previous cases, the settlement money for her beating and hospitalization could not be used as a house in Bihai Qingyuan.

She didn't want Cheng Qiuyun to know what Zhao Yu really wanted to do to the original owner, otherwise it would be another trouble.

It was also to see if the original owner's resentment towards Zhao Yu and the others disappeared. If not, she would do something more.

System 4531 has left a lot of things, and there is always something suitable for Zhao Yu to use.

To be soft on others, she took over the house and then attacked Zhao Yu. It would not be quite equal to directly complain and complain.

As far as what Zhao Yu and the others did to the original owner, in the previous life, if the original owner was a little weaker and his personality had been destroyed, the original owner escaped. It wasn't the conscience of Zhao Yu and the others who discovered it, but Zhao Qihai found out and stopped it.

It's just that when Yu Hua came in this life, Zhao Yu and the others hadn't committed any evil deeds, so she couldn't settle the blame with him.

Just to see if the original owner's resentment will disappear.

Anything that can be solved with money is not a problem.Hearing Yu Hua's request, Zhao Qihai's chest became less stuffy, "Okay, I'll notify the sales office later, you can come over and sign the contract at any time."

Yuhua said: "I will not spread the video. As long as Zhao Yu no longer appears in front of my eyes, he will stop causing trouble for me."

No one will believe the promise to delete the video. There are too many ways to save data, and it can be restored after deletion. There is no such thing as deletion.

Zhao Qihai said, "Zhao Yu, classmate Cheng, don't worry, he won't have any contact with you again."

Xi Hua looked at him and said nothing.

Zhao Qihai actually understood what Yuhua's expressionless face was expressing now, "I still have this kind of heart, and I won't do anything to you afterwards."

It's not that he didn't think about suppressing and intimidating, or even doing some tricks secretly, so that Yuhua didn't dare to speak out, but the thought just passed away in a flash.

For his own good and for the good of the company, it is best not to step on the line that the country can tolerate for things that can be done with money.

Plus, his intuition.

Yu Hua nodded.

Zhao Qihai thought about it for a while, and said to Yuhua, "Student Cheng also give me a guarantee, and sign a non-disclosure agreement later."

"Don't sign." Yuhua imitated the mocking face again, "Can you guarantee that the video was not leaked from your side? Not only I have the video, but Zhao Yu's followers have it. I only promise that I will not post it myself .”

If she doesn't agree, she will play 'Protrusion and Backward' for verification.

But why did Zhao Qihai no longer have evil thoughts about her?That's a pity.

Zhao Qihai agreed.

What if you don't agree?The video is now spreading and directly affects Zhao Yu's application for foreign universities.

Waiting for Zhao Yu to stay abroad for a few years, and then change his face, he will take precautions and do more charitable projects. Even if the video is spread by then, the impact on Zhao Yu and the company will be minimized.

After Yu Hua left, Lawyer Wang said, "Dong Zhao, Cheng Wenjin has no promises." He wanted to be a lawyer before, but was stopped by Zhao Qihai's eyes.

Zhao Qihai said, "My intuition, this woman should not be offended. My intuition has always been good. Anyway, it's a matter of money."

He trusts his instincts.Otherwise, he would not be so generous, as soon as he sold a house.

"Huh?" Attorney Wang shook the recorder, but there was still no sound, "It didn't record? It can't be broken. I'm still using this recorder this morning."

Zhao Qihai's eyelids twitched, "If it's not recorded, then it's not recorded, anyway, it's a matter of money."

He remembered that Zhao Yu had been arguing with him all the time, about Cheng Wenjin's evil sect.He is not superstitious, but he believes that when luck is said, some people can't stop their luck suddenly.

A low-probability event like potential explosion happened to Cheng Wenjin...

And the girl's performance, she was not at all afraid, and she was not proud of holding the enemy's excuse, she only stated her own request, as if she didn't force her to answer or not.

He dare not bet that she has no backup.

It seemed that he was going to send Zhao Yu out as soon as possible.


There were not a few dishes left in the cafeteria when I went back, so Xi Hua ate outside before going back to school.

"Dude, have you checked who took the video?"

"It's been too long, and the monitoring of the coffee shop has not been saved."

"You've suffered a lot this time, so forget it?"

"Forget it? How can there be such a good thing. The future will be long."

Familiar voice, familiar malice.

Constant evil thoughts may not necessarily turn into malice. It can be solidified into malice because the person who generates evil thoughts obeys the evil thoughts and puts them into action, such as Huang Fangying, Zhang Zixin, and Zhao Yu, the four scumbags.

Yu Hua looked in the direction of Class 2, Grade [-].

Qin Muyan's hostility towards her was more than twice as much as last time, and it should be because he has done the thing of 'the future will last forever'.

It was a coincidence that the maliciousness came.

Originally, she regretted not being able to verify her guess on Zhao Qihai, but now another tester came.

And Qin Muyan is just right fat and thin.

She found the 'protruding and backward warping' from the dimension space.

The props for modifying the appearance are time-sensitive, so there are more than one of these props.

After thinking about it, he found out the phrase 'Want to Cry and Sue' and put it on Qin Muyan's body.

'Crying and complaining' modifies the eyes, the adjustment range is small, and the effect will be quick.

Xi Hua stood and waited for a while.

In class 2 of the second year of high school, Qin Muyan felt his eyes a little itchy, so he rubbed them with his hands. The rubbing was not tight enough, and his hands felt wet. When he took it off and looked, there were water stains on the index finger that rubbed his eyes.

However, the eyes are no longer itchy.

He thought it was physical tears from rubbing, and didn't care.

The boy who was talking to him looked at Qin Muyan as if he saw a ghost, "Are you crying?"

Qin Muyan was not very happy immediately, "What are you talking about? These are the physiological tears I just rubbed my eyes." In his concept, crying is bound to women.

The boy blinked vigorously, and then looked at Qin Muyan, his eyes were still foggy, and the tears inside could not be shed.

If these tears grow on a girl, I will feel pity, but it is quite unsuitable to put them on a boy who is about 1.8 meters tall.

The boy fought all over.

"Produced by the system, authentic products are guaranteed." Yu Hua muttered the motto of the system mall, "Sure enough, the results are immediate."

How long the props last depends on the person, five to six years, ten to eight years are possible.

It's a pity that "protruding forward and rearward curling" is not an immediate effect, and Xi Hua plans to come back in a few days to see the effect.

(End of this chapter)

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