Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 22: Don't Be a Sister Flower

Chapter 22 Don't be a sister flower after the movie

Although the school dealt with it in time, and the post on the school’s website was deleted, there were many students in the cafeteria at that time, and more than one person took pictures. In addition, the post was quickly reposted, and the video and screenshots were not uploaded privately. error.

Now the sixth middle school students have changed their new emojis when sending messages, and several of the parties involved have been made into emoji packs. The most used ones are those made by Yuhua imitating Zhang Zixin's sarcasm [dubbed: none of your business] and Huang Fangying's big ones. The look on the face is about to eat people [with words: why, why, why, why).

Xi Hua became famous in school.

Everywhere she went, people pointed at her.

Unlike what happened to the original owner in the previous life, the students' views on Yu Hua were mainly positive.

Yuhua sees nothing, should learn, eat and eat, and do exercises.

What satisfies her is that Zhang Zixin, Qin Muyan, Huang Fangying and others have at least disappeared from her sight in the face of recent times, regardless of whether they will revenge her in private , her side was quiet.

With the teacher's explanation, she connected more and more knowledge points in series, and not all the papers she did were more than half empty.

"Cheng Wenjin, do it again."

Liu Cunming stepped aside.

Xi Hua walked to the experimental bench and began to operate it.

Seeing Yu Hua's actions that are not unfamiliar at all, Liu Cunming can hardly believe that this is the first time for her to do it herself.

The movements are very skillful, similar to his proficiency as a teacher.

How about copy and paste?Liu Cunming shook his head and didn't think about it anymore. Good imitation is also an ability.

Strong hands-on ability is a good candidate to study science. Liu Cunming regrets that she did not directly choose science at the end of her first year of high school.

Afterwards, Liu Cunming discovered that Yuhua had memorized the entire textbook, not the physics subject he taught but all the subjects.

Although science does not require you to memorize textbooks, those who can memorize them are undoubtedly good students who are willing to work hard on their studies.

For good students, Liu Cunming has never been stingy with encouraging praise, and praised Yu Hua's correct attitude of hard work in class. Of course, it is not required to follow suit. The key lies in attitude. After all, everyone's effective learning methods are different.

After class, Luo Dongyi looked at Yuhua like a magical creature.

Every day, he looked at Yu Hua flipping through the brand-new book page by page, thinking that she had some strange hobby, because she flipped the pages too fast, and her eyes stayed on a page for two seconds at most before turning the page again, saying that she was looking for something. The data are barely available.

Besides, there is no such thing as flipping through the pages of every subject book to look up information.

In this way, I memorized all the books, with a photographic memory?
The old class didn't know enough, but he saw that his deskmate had even read the tutorial books.

"You memorized the tutoring book too?"

Yu Hua turned his head and said, "Memorize it." Then he gestured to the math paper on his desk, "Can I read it?"

Shocked, Luo Dongyi picked up the paper and handed it over, and watched Yu Hua take out his own paper from his schoolbag and copy it up.

Luo Dongyi: ...

Very out of the class of magical creatures.

"Don't you do your homework at home?"

Xi Hua wrote without looking up, and said, "No. I only know how to write at home, and I will endorse it."

She found that what the teacher said was right, doing the papers would allow her to string together the contents of the book faster.

However, there are still too few things that can be strung together, especially mathematics, there are more things that you don't know than you know.She can memorize the answers to the exercise sets that have answers, so that she can know what she knows first, and at least she can learn from the gourd when she encounters the same problem again.

The homework paper given by the teacher has no answers. Fortunately, she has a deskmate with a perfect score in mathematics. The steps to answer the questions on the paper are clearly listed step by step, which is convenient for her to understand.

In order not to look too special, she didn't read it and memorized it, but copied it.

If she wants to do this, she has to learn from the beginning. She is now learning from the elementary school textbooks. She finished the elementary school textbooks yesterday, and she should read the junior high school textbooks when she goes back tonight.

Paper books can only be memorized in her mind by seeing, and dozens of books require her to turn page by page to memorize.

After memorizing the textbook, you still need to do questions to digest.

With the memory of the original owner, she didn't have to start with One Plus One, but it took her several days to digest the elementary school ones.

Luo Dongyi felt a little relieved inexplicably, thinking that magical creatures are not so magical. After all, it is not really a photographic memory, and it needs to be repeatedly strengthened.

He took out a book from the table hole and read it carefully.

After Yu Hua finished copying, the paper was returned to Luo Dongyi. He glanced at the book Luo Dongyi was reading. It was a novel. The name of the novel was in the header above the page: I owe the president a penny.

Noticing Yu Hua's gaze, Luo Dongyi asked, "Do you want to see it?"

Yu Hua shook her head, "Don't look."

Fiction=illusion, illusory things are not within the scope of her copying into memory, at least at this stage.

Luo Dongyi didn't care, and looked again.

During lunch, Zhu Hang sent a message in the old group of class 8, 【Chen Fei has changed classes.Didn't she take sick leave? When she came back, she went straight to class 19. 】

[Zhao Kai: Why did you change classes again? Where did you get the news? 】

[Zhu Hang: The source of the news... I have no comment, but the news is true.Look at the group members, is there one person missing?]

No one knows how Zhu Hang always gets the first-hand information. This is already a mystery of Class 8.

[Zhao Kai: I'm sorry, there is really no Chen Fei. @Yang Yifan.fast enough]

[Yang Yifan: That is. Only the students of class 8 can stay in the old group of class 8]

[Zhou Yanyan: Chen Fei originally wanted to take the film and television academy, is it normal for her to transfer to the art test class?]

【Wan Xiaoyuan: Really, Chen Fei never said that】

[Zhou Yanyan: Did you forget that I live in the same neighborhood as Chen Fei?Her mother complained to someone that Chen Fei spent a lot of money on dancing and piano performance, and now she has signed up for a special summer performance training class, paying tens of thousands in advance. 】

[Wan Xiaoyuan: I don't understand this, she chose the science class when she wanted to divide the art test into classes]

【Zhou Yanyan: Who knows.Chen Fei seemed to be friendly to everyone, but she was not particularly close to anyone. @chengwenjin.do you know】

It can be seen that Chen Fei and Cheng Wenjin are now breaking up. Although, they were friends before, weren't they?So Zhou Yanyan liked Cheng Wenjin.

[Cheng Wenjin: Xueba character design]

No one asked Xihua to be too lazy to tell, but someone asked, and Xihua told the truth.

Chen Fei knew that she had no advantage in looks, and if she wanted to get ahead in the entertainment industry, she could only start with the persona.

What she set up for herself was the personality of a schoolmaster.

An art candidate who is a master of science, has a bright spot.

Her grades in the first year of high school were ranked in the top [-], and it was said that she could be assigned to a key class in the second year of high school, but she requested to stay in Liu Cunming's class.

Chen Fei's plan is that she would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. No.1 sounds much better than the top 1. After many years, who will pay more attention to whether No.[-] in the class is in the top [-]?

(End of this chapter)

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