Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 30: Don't Be a Sister Flower

Chapter 30 Don't be a sister flower after the movie

After the speechless state of the group members was lifted, the topic suddenly changed.

In the end, after half an hour, more than 8 of the 54 people in the 30th class gathered in the northeast corner of the playground to practice martial arts with Yuhua.

This direction makes Xi Hua very confused.

At first, I asked Xihua what time to practice every day, and when they learned that she got up at five o'clock in the morning and then ran all the way to Yuanhu Lake to exercise, everyone said they couldn't keep up.Later, I asked her if she could practice in school, and then she became like this.

It doesn't matter to Xi Hua, anyone can learn external skills, and it happens that she practices it one more time.

There are still few pure nerds who stay motionless in the classroom every day. Due to their age, most high school students will often go out of the classroom to walk around the campus even if they don't like sports.

After dinner in the afternoon, the playground is very lively, playing ball, running, walking and chatting together.The busiest place is the basketball court next to the south track, where the youthful hormones are swaying in the fast-paced and competitive basketball events.

There are viewing platforms on both sides of the basketball court, where there are places to sit and others to watch. Most of the students who came out for a stroll were attracted to the vicinity of the basketball court.

It's fun to play, and it's fun to watch.

Correspondingly, there were far fewer people in the northeast corner of the playground without any sports facilities, and only a few students who ran along the track occasionally passed by.

When more than 30 people came over, the somewhat quiet northeast corner of the playground became lively for a while.

If they really want to follow suit, Yu Hua, who lacks emotions and desires, would not believe it.

They just talked about the hurdle in the group on a whim, and it is unlikely that there will be a next time.

It's also because they are sophomores in high school, and they are allowed to indulge themselves for half an hour.

It's just that experts can know if there is any one when they make a move. As soon as Yuhua practiced, more than [-] people were laughing and making gestures at first, but then the scene gradually quieted down.

Xi Hua's movements are smooth, sometimes as slow as a stream, sometimes as heavy as a thunder, naturally stretching and relaxing in one go, but unexpectedly uncomplicated.

Those who don't understand martial arts at all can see it well.

Those who are quick-witted and dedicated to exercising can see that this set of movements is not easy, so they learn it seriously.


Nothing can stop the monthly exam from coming.

The first language test.

It is not mathematics and chemistry that is very unfriendly to Xihua, but Chinese. She does not understand reading comprehension very much, so she can only look for similar questions from the test questions she has memorized.

When it came to composition, he was even more unfriendly. He gave a piece of information about the elderly and fashion, and asked to write a composition based on it, with no less than 800 words.

Composition is a difficulty that she has not yet begun to overcome.

What she is good at is imitation, but there are regulations not to copy, and it is not allowed to borrow too similar.

She finished memorizing several sample essay collections, and before she could digest them into her own, the sentences that popped up in her mind were all from the books.

Copying sentences from books is considered plagiarism and cannot be written.

Yu Hua didn't make things difficult for herself, and decided not to write.

Next is mathematics, English, physics, chemistry, and biology. Science and comprehensive subjects are tested separately in the monthly exam.

After two days of exams, the students in the class staged a paralysis every month, and no one left the classroom for a long time after handing in the final exam.

Guan Shan sat paralyzed, "I'm so exhausted. I reasonably suspect that the old class is hitting me with precision. Those two physics problems are not for mortals, they are for learning gods."

"Let's go." Zhao Kai threw his school uniform jacket over one shoulder, "I'll hurry home and eat walnuts."

Wang Hao lowered his head, "Oh! I am not fit to eat walnuts this time."

Lu Yang patted him, "Let's go, take advantage of the fact that there are fewer people in the cafeteria to eat."

If you don't want to move, you have to move. There will be no holiday after the monthly exam. Today's evening self-study will go on as usual, and they have to go to eat.

The only advantage brought by the monthly exam is that the school ends half an hour earlier than usual, and the second-year students can eat first.

The pressure brought by each monthly exam will not disappear immediately after the monthly exam is over, and more students choose to go back to the classroom after eating.

When I came back, I either flipped through the books or brushed the papers, as if I wanted to find out all the questions I didn’t know in the monthly exam, eat them, chew them and keep them in my stomach forever, so that I won’t make the same mistakes next time up.

Xie Hua's score is still May [-] in the senior high school entrance examination.The monthly exam will not affect her study plan.

After swiping for more than half an hour, she checked the time on her phone and put down her pen.

Guan Shan also stopped to read the papers, seeing that the other students in the class were still studying quietly, so she didn't speak, turned her head and pointed to the back door to Yu Hua, who nodded her head.

The two left the classroom one after the other.

Seeing Yuhua go out, Lu Yang lightly patted Wang Hao on the shoulder at the same table, and asked in a low voice, "Are you going to practice today?"

Wang Hao refused with one word, "Tired."

Lu Yang also retreated a bit, hesitated for a while, and felt that he could persevere a little longer, whether he could persevere tomorrow.

Yu Hua, Guan Shan and the two stood outside the classroom and waited for a while, then five more people came out one after another.

The seven of them went downstairs together.

Ye Silin, Guan Shan, Wan Xiaoyuan, Yang Tingyue, Lu Yang, and Yang Yifan are today's martial arts army.

On the first day, the martial arts army with more than 30 people was reduced to ten people on the second day, eight people on the third day, and today is the fourth day, and there is one less Wang Hao.

Yuhua doesn't mind.Practicing one more time is only good for her physical fitness improvement, and she will practice a few more laps by herself when the army of martial arts is zero.

After the seven people came to the northeast corner of the playground, they found that a person had already come to their "martial arts training base".

Still an unexpected person, Luo Dongyi.

Luo Dongyi's family has a special car to take him to and from school, and he has almost never eaten in the cafeteria, and he also steps on to school, so he seldom participates in such small group activities in the class.

He still didn't participate in the martial arts training army for the first three days.

With an extraordinary family background, a top student, and a tall and handsome personality, Luo Dongyi is the high-cold school grass of the sixth middle school.

The people in Class 8 knew that Luo Dongyi was an easy-talking little Chinese lover in the mainland, and he was not cold at all.

But they all tacitly kept this secret without rumors, so Luo Dongyi's aloof image has not collapsed outside Class 8.

But it collapsed early in Class 8.

Seeing Luo Dongyi, Guan Shan went over to look him up and down, "Which gust of wind brought you here?"

Luo Dongyi shrugged, not minding Guan Shan's teasing, "I think Cheng Wenjin's exercises are good, come and learn."

More than 30 people came on the first day. It can be said that they were all booing. Someone took a video and sent it to the 8th class of the old group.

Yang Yifan nodded somewhat in the same way, "I have the same opinion. I have practiced several kung fu routines, and Cheng Wenjin's is the most comfortable to fight."

Time is limited, eight people practice.

Luo Dongyi, who has plenty of people to teach martial arts, came here to learn this little episode, and the others also became serious.

Once serious, the effect will come out.

(End of this chapter)

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