Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 31: Don't Be a Sister Flower

Chapter 31 Don't be a sister flower after the movie

Ye Silin felt that the more she practiced, the less tired her body became. She was a little tired before after the pressure of the last monthly exam disappeared, but now this kind of fatigue is gone.

She was afraid that it was her own illusion, so she didn't say it.

But I also decided to keep practicing.

After half an hour, it's over.

Eight people walked back.

"Look, isn't that Zhang Zixin and Qin Muyan?" Yang Tingyue stopped and said.

Several people followed Yang Tingyue's line of sight, and saw two people standing face to face on the edge of the flower bed in the distance. They should be Zhang Zixin and Qin Muyan from the looks of their clothes.

The school does not require students to wear school uniforms all the time, only on Mondays and when there are group activities.There are not a few students who don't wear school uniforms at ordinary times. It is enough to wear a school uniform jacket when doing exercises between classes.

Both Zhang Zixin and Qin Muyan were wearing their own clothes. If they were wearing school uniforms at such a distance and there were trees blocking their view, it would be difficult to recognize them.

I couldn't hear what the two were saying, but looking at their body movements, it seemed that they were arguing.

"Hey, let's do it, Zhang Zixin pushed Qin Muyan." Wan Xiaoyuan said.

Guan Shan curled her lips, "Two dogs bite dogs."

As a member of Class 8, Cheng Wenjin's friend, of course stood on Cheng Wenjin's standpoint.

Besides, Cheng Wenjin is also right.

Qin Muyan needless to say, straight male cancer does not explain.

Not only is the straight man cancerous, but he also used Zhang Zixin, who had a crush on him, to take revenge on Cheng Wenjin, who just rejected him.

Let's talk about Zhang Zixin.

Who doesn't have an IQ to be admitted to a key high school based on ability?Can Zhang Zixin say 'I'm sorry' lightly to offset her bullying of Cheng Wenjin?

Even if the Holy Mother said it could be cleared, Zhang Zixin didn't even say a fluffy 'sorry' to the other girls she targeted.

It's not that the classmate remembers goldfish in seven seconds, and doesn't remember Zhang Zixin's usual attitude towards students from ordinary families, making her look like a superior person.

People who are all the same, who is more noble than whom?

Don't say sorry to other people, but only to Cheng Wenjin.

Is this not obvious? It means that it was just the situation at that time, and Zhang Zixin chose what was most beneficial to him.

Didn't the effect come out? Wash her and say, 'I've already said I'm sorry, what else do I need?Why is Cheng Wenjin so unkind and didn't say a word of forgiveness? There are many people out there.

Wan Xiaoyuan hissed lightly, and said, "Why do you think Qin Muyan wears glasses? Maybe he is short-sighted, but he wears brown glasses. I heard that he also wears them in class, which is really strange."

Yang Tingyue rubbed her chin, wondering, "Don't dare to see people? Or do you have an eye disease?"

Yu Hua knew why Qin Muyan was wearing glasses, it was to hide his tears.

It is a little regrettable that the effect of "protruding forward and backward" on Qin Muyan did not achieve the effect mentioned in the system mall. It protruded forward and turned backward, but it was covered by Qin Muyan wearing a large T-shirt. Seven seven eight eight.

She thinks it should be a physical reason.

System 4531 is a system for cultivating actresses, and the tools are for women, so the effect on men's body transformation will be greatly reduced.

Now that I met him, I gave him the other one she had prepared for Qin Muyan, just to give him back his 'longer future'.

The police station called her and said there was progress in Shen Ke hitting him.

Shen Ke, who hit him, insisted at first that he almost hit someone by accident, but the police were talking about evidence, not confession.

From Shen Ke's mobile phone, he recovered the exchange message that someone asked him to show some color to Xi Hua, and it would be better to disable it.

According to the content of the information, 5000 yuan in cash was found in Shen Ke's room.

Shen Ke and his grandma lived on the subsistence allowances. He went out to play games or wander around every day, and he didn't go anywhere to work. Where did the 5000 yuan come from? He couldn't name a source that could withstand the investigation.

Under a strong psychological offensive, Shen Ke recruited, saying that he was the one who had received money to hit her, [-] was a deposit, and another [-] would be given to him after the matter was completed.

The person who instigated him was Jiang Chengjie.

Jiang Chengjie recruited faster than Shen Ke, saying that the real instigator was Qin Muyan, he was coerced by Qin Muyan, and the money was also given by Qin Muyan.

But Jiang Chengjie couldn't produce any evidence to prove that it was Qin Muyan's instigation.

Qin Muyan and Jiang Chengjie didn't know each other. The only thing that could be found out was the intersection of the two. Qin Muyan found out that it was Jiang Chengjie who secretly took a video of him and Cheng Wenjin in the cafe half a year ago, and beat Jiang Chengjie up.

Jiang Chengjie's family has been a small supplier of Qihai Company for the past two years, and he also has some money. He usually has a lot of pocket money, and he can get 5 yuan.Shen Ke and Jiang Chengjie are classmates in junior high school, while Shen Ke and Qin Muyan don't know each other.

Other matters are still under investigation.

However, Yu Hua knew that it was Qin Muyan's instigation, and Qin Muyan's malice against her would not go wrong.

So, what she did to Qin Muyan was not enough to repay his desire to kill her.

It's a pity that I can't take the initiative to use force against Qin Muyan.

Xi Huachao and Qin Muyan dropped a 'coquetry'.

Now that her physical strength has been strengthened, she can use her mental power much more freely without damaging her body. Even though she is far away, she is in the center, and the 'beautiful attitude' submerged into Qin Muyan's forehead.

'Sexy' is an acting tool, the way of transformation is to integrate into the soul, it has nothing to do with physiology, and the effect will not be compromised.

Beside the flower bed, Zhang Zixin pushed Qin Muyan and ran away, but Qin Muyan didn't chase, and ran away from the other side.

There was no need to gossip, and the eight returned to the classroom.


Xi Hua ran to Yuan Lake and ran around the lake for half an hour as usual.

In the open area where she often practices external skills, many people have already gathered.

Seeing her running over, several people greeted her.

Knowing that she doesn't like to talk, someone just waved at her, and someone said, "Here we come."

She nodded slightly towards them and started practicing external skills.

The people who came here at this time all practiced with Yuhua.

No one organized, this group of people gathered here spontaneously.

At the beginning, there were only a few people. After practicing, these few people realized the benefits of this set of exercises, and then brought their good relatives and friends to practice together. In this way, a group of people gathered.

Xi Hua doesn't care if others follow her.

No need for special arrangements, a group of people found their own places, and followed Xi Hua to make gestures.

"Little girl, we don't know it yet, teach us first and then practice." An aunt in her fifties shouted.

Xi Hua ignored it.

"Hey, what's the matter with this little girl, I don't teach people well."

Someone kindly interrupted, "It's fine if you can't learn by yourself. We all practice by ourselves."

The aunt was not happy, "What if you don't learn how to practice badly? Who will be responsible if something goes wrong?"

This time the public outrage was committed.

(End of this chapter)

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