Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 420 Becoming a Master in the Eighth Years

Chapter 420 Being a Master in the 80s (26)

"Hey, is there a new chef in our cafeteria? Look at this fried shredded potato, it's really finely chopped."

"It's not just thin, take a closer look, it's all the same thickness, it looks like it was cut by a machine."

"It's true. Don't say it, shredded potatoes are finely chopped and fried."

"It's nothing, you go to the back kitchen to have a look, it's neat, the tomatoes are arranged in a row."

The people in the back kitchen are now in pain and happiness.

Xi Hua worked so quickly that they were too embarrassed to touch fish.

It is also because of Xihua's quick work, which relieved them a lot of workload.

In the current kitchen, everything is neat and orderly.

Not to mention the rice and noodles, which are packed into specifications, the corners of the stack are all in a line, and the various vegetables are placed in horizontal rows and vertical columns, like potatoes, all of which have become potato soldiers.

All kinds of seasonings are placed in convenient places according to their purpose and common use. If you need to use something, you don't have to search everywhere temporarily.

At the beginning, it was only Yuhua who did this, but gradually everyone got used to it and couldn’t help but follow suit. For example, when you run out of soy sauce, you no longer put it away, but put it back to the original place, and you no longer carry the vegetables you bought in the basket. Just enter the back kitchen, and the dishes will be packed up and neatly arranged for easy access.

I am happy because in the logistics evaluation of the light industry system this time, the staff canteen of the towel factory got a high score and won honor for the factory.

The factory gave rewards to each of them, and awarded an outstanding collective award.

"Xiao Yao, this is for you. Go back quickly."

Yu Hua took the oiled paper bag that Sister Fang had stuffed for her.

The oiled paper bag is sliced ​​sauced beef.This is the welfare of the cafeteria staff, you can reserve what you want to eat in advance, and you don't have to queue up at the window to fight for it.Of course, money and vouchers still have to be given, and they cannot be taken for nothing.

After thanking Sister Fang, Xi Hua put the oiled paper bag in a bamboo basket and carried it home.

She goes to get off work early today, and she can leave work after cooking at noon.

She happened to bring food home from the cafeteria.

"Xiao Yao, get off work."

Someone greeted her.

Yu Hua responded with the original owner's usual way of nodding and smiling.

When passing by the gate of Lu's house, Yu Hua paused slightly, and then walked over.

Diao Xiuju and Lu Liang's three brothers have already moved away, and it is said that they have returned to Lu Jianyong's hometown.

When they moved away, Yuhua took the "sincerity" prop back from Diao Xiuju.

The favorability system is gone, and the timeliness of system props will be shortened.

Originally, the favorability system was lower than system 4531, and the timeliness of these items was even more unstable.

The "sincere" props will expire in a few months, and they can be recycled in time to be used again.

"I am obedient" is a low-level prop, and it probably won't take many days, and Xi Hua lazily took it back.

After the Lu family moved out, the new neighbors did not know who they were.

It's just that now the Lu family has an uninvited "new resident".

However, as long as she didn't come to Yao's house to find a sense of presence, Xi Hua just pretended she didn't see it.

Yao Shufang, Yao Shuwei, and Yao Shuli have all returned home from school.

"Give it to me." Yao Shufang took the basket from Yuhua.

After a period of running-in, Yao Shufang and the three of them all recognized the authority of the head of the family, and they basically did not need to do housework.

After dinner, Xi Hua went to Tashan Temple.

The ginkgo tree in the backyard of Guanli is golden at this time, and the leaves are also golden when they fall to the ground.

Daoist Ming Ze was sitting under the ginkgo tree drinking tea.

Seeing her coming, Daoist Ming Ze greeted her, "Fellow Daoist Yao, come and sit down quickly."

Xi Hua went to sit down.

Daoist Ming Ze smiled and poured tea, "What do you want to ask today, Fellow Daoist Yao?"

After dealing with him a few times, he knew that Yuhua would go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing.

"There's something I want you to show me." Yuhua took out a jade box from her bag.

After opening it, one could see that the jade box was not empty. It was filled with a gray-white worm, only the size of a grain of rice. The worm was wrapped in a cloud of Yin Qi, and it froze in the middle of the jade box.

It was placed in the space before, but before going up the mountain, Yuhua moved the jade box into her carry-on bag.

Yu Hua said, "I caught this when I first came to Tashan Mountain to observe and descend the mountain."

Hearing what Yu Hua said, Daoist Ming Ze frowned, looked into the jade box, and frowned even more.

After carefully identifying it for a while, he raised his head and said, "This should be a kind of Gu insect. I don't know much about Gu insects. I don't know what kind it is and what purpose it has."

Yuhua put the lid on the jade box.

Daoist Ming Ze shook his head in disapproval, "The Pang family is too small and aggressive. When the old man of the Pang family was around, the Pang family behaved well. I thought Pang Hui looked as smooth as the old man of the Pang family. I didn't expect him to be so vengeful."

The two of them didn't need to say anything, they both guessed who the Gu worm most likely came from.

Daoist Ming Ze shook his head lightly again, "Maybe, he even remembered my vengeance. That time when Pang Hui came over, he wanted me to give someone a spot to find a dragon, and I shirked it..."

A man and a woman brought by Pang Hui are from the Zhan family in Hong Kong, and they are the eldest son and daughter-in-law of the second wife of the head of the Zhan family.
The Zhan family has had frequent accidents in the past two years. Although it is not serious enough, it has caused the Zhan family a lot of losses.

In the past two years, the Zhan family has been looking for the master to solve the problem. The final solution is to move the grave. Find a good real dragon land and move the ancestral grave there, and the current unfavorable fortune can be reversed.

There are not many masters who are good at finding dragons and acupoints. The Zhan family found Pang Hui from the Pang family, and Pang Hui recommended them Taoist Master Ming Ze of Tashan Temple.

Daoist Ming Ze did not agree.

The two members of Zhan's family made the best second choice, and wanted Taoist Master Mingze to calculate the fortune for Zhan's family, but Taoist Master Mingze also refused.

The Pang family, father and son, and the Zhan family came together in good spirits, but lost their spirits.

"The two from Zhan's family have generations of evil debts on them. They have to pay back what they owe. They escaped this time, and they owe more next time."

Yu Hua said, "If I say, I suspect that such a Gu worm has been put on you as well."

When Yu Hua came back last time, she saw that the spirit of Daoist Ming Ze seemed to be much less energetic than when she first saw him.

Because it is very taboo to inspect other people's body at will in the Taoist sect, so Yuhua did not use mental strength to inspect it.

When she came here this time, she saw that Daoist Ming Ze's energy was a little less.

After knowing that the gray worm she caught was a Gu worm, and that Taoist Master Ming had offended Pang Hui, she had a guess about the reduction of Taoist Master Ming's energy.

Although she wasn't sure if it was Zhan's family who pushed and rebuilt the Tashan Temple in the previous life, she had an intuition that it had something to do with this incident.

Daoist Ming Ze was not very surprised, he just sighed, "So that's how it is." What Yu Hua could see, he himself was aware of it, but he didn't think too badly about people.

(End of this chapter)

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