Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 421 Becoming a Master in the Eighth Years

Chapter 421 Being a Master in the 80s (27)

"If you don't mind, I can check it out for you," Yu Hua said.

The Celestial Eye technique practiced by the Daoist sect is aimed at ghosts and ghosts. It is not a real see-through eye, nor does it have the function of inner vision.

Using the Celestial Eye technique to inspect other people's bodies is to inspect the other's cultivation base and soul.

The cultivation base can be checked, because the cultivation base will be displayed, and it can be detected without the Celestial Eye Technique.

Like her body is full of yin energy, Taoist people can find it if they pay attention.

But it is taboo to inspect other people's souls at will.

However, Taoist people generally practice or wear exercises or items that block the sky eye technique.

Daoist Ming knew that there was something wrong with his body, if someone cast Taoist spells on him, he would be able to find out by himself with the Celestial Eye Technique, but the Gu worms were real objects, so his Celestial Eye Technique would not be able to find out.

The casting of Taoism uses soul power, so the sky eye technique can see the traces of casting spells.

Daoist Ming Ze was surprised, "You Taoist Yao is practicing medicine?"

The major of medicine is the Taoism of alchemy and self-cultivation. To practice medicine, one must learn some medical skills in the ordinary sense.

"That's right." Yuhua knows medicine and Taoism, both of which are added together, so it's right to say that she is a doctor.

It would be very troublesome to explain to ordinary people that she knows medical skills, but to Daoist people, there is no need to explain too much, just try it out if she can get started.

"Trouble, Fellow Daoist Yao." Daoist Ming Ze took off a wooden magic weapon worn on his body, and put it on the table.

This wooden magic weapon is used to isolate the Celestial Eye.

His trust in Yuhua is because he has made calculations about Yuhua.

Yu Hua catches on the pulse of Daoist Ming Ze, and sends a trace of soul power into his meridians.

She knew that there is a pulse detection technique in medicine, which is a kind of application of the sky eye technique, and uses soul power as a medium to inspect the body.

She just heard from Master Ming Ze that she doesn't know how to do it, but she can use internal energy and spiritual energy to check the pulse.

When exploring the heart of Daoist Ming Ze, he found the trace of the Gu worm.

The Gu worm has completely changed, it is no different from the surrounding flesh and blood, only from the very subtle point, it can be seen that this piece of flesh and blood has a very thin membrane with the surrounding flesh and blood, which means that this piece of flesh and blood is not from the original body flesh.

Yu Hua checked it again with her mental power, and she was sure that this was a Gu worm.

No matter what the shape changed, it was essentially the same thing as the Gu worm she caught before.

Yu Hua withdrew her soul power and withdrew her hand.

"The Gu worm is in your heart, fused with your flesh and blood." Yu Hua picked up a ginkgo leaf, "It's probably grown to the size of this leaf."

Daoist Ming is in a good mood, "I thought it was because people were old, and it happened to be autumn and winter, and it was inevitable that the spirit would decline.

I usually only feel some heaviness in my heart and mouth occasionally. I don't feel pain or flustered. I have a normal appetite, but my mental strength starts to weaken and I often feel sleepy.

If it is a Gu insect, it is very similar to the Sleeping Gu mentioned in the classics.Sleeping Gu feeds on human energy, causing people to die from exhaustion of energy unconsciously. "

He smiled again, "I didn't use the painful life-stimulating Gu and blood-devouring Gu, it must have given me preferential treatment."

Yu Hua asked, "If you die, what will happen to the Tashan Temple?"

Tashan Temple is a Taoist temple that is closed to the outside world. There are only incense burners in the main hall outside, no incense is sold, and there is no donation box.

The maintenance of the Taoist temple depends on the income of the Taoist priests in the temple to remove filth, watch Fengshui, and search for dragons and acupuncture points.

Daoist Ming Ze changed his expression slightly, "The Tashan Temple should have been inherited by my disciple, but my disciple has passed away.

Tashan Temple and Wuhai Temple are in the same line, and there has been an agreement for hundreds of years that if no one inherits from one temple, someone will be assigned to the other temple. "

Yu Hua asked again, "If Wuhai Temple didn't send someone over, who would own Tashan Temple?"

Daoist Ming Ze pondered for a moment, then bowed his hands to Yu Hua, "Daoist Yao is rude, I have to leave for a while, I can't be with you anymore."

Yu Hua nodded, "The Taoist priest has something to do, just go and get busy."

Daoist Ming Ze stood up and went back into the house.

He walked eagerly, and his awkward legs and feet seemed even more unsteady.

Xi Hua didn't leave either.

Daoist Ming Ze went back to the house to make calculations.

She was also curious about the result calculated by Taoist Ming Ze.

See if the calculated ending of Tashan Temple is the same as the previous life.

In the previous life, the Daoist Master Ming Ze should have passed away early, and there was no designated heir. The Tashan Temple was contracted by a businessman.

This point is very puzzling.

Even if you want to spend money with the Tashan Temple, if you think the Tashan Temple is too small, why pull it down and rebuild it? Wouldn’t it be better to expand on the original basis?
The appearance of Tashan Temple is not grand, but it has a sense of simplicity at first glance, and the inside is very exquisite. Isn't it more attractive than the fully imitated Taoist temple?
Yu Hua waited for a long time, and then Taoist Master Ming Ze came out of the house, his steps slowed down a lot.

It can be seen that his mental head has obviously weakened a lot.

She will not easily calculate the future, it consumes too much energy, and a person who is still in the category of mortals may consume vitality.

After Daoist Ming Ze sat down, he seemed to be thinking about something. After a while, he asked Yu Hua, "Have you considered my proposal before, Fellow Daoist Yao?"

Last time, Taoist Master Ming Ze said that he wanted to take her as a disciple, but Yuhua refused.

Being a Taoist priest meant she was a follower of some god.

How could she do it.

Yu Hua once again flatly refused, "I don't think about it. I don't know how to become a monk. I don't believe in any gods. I only believe in myself."

Ming Ze Taoist priest knew the answer.

But he had to pin his hopes.Because he has always had the idea of ​​taking another apprentice, seeing that Taoist Yao has no mentorship, he had the idea of ​​taking her as his apprentice.

He made a calculation for this, and it turned out that Fellow Daoist Yao would be of great benefit to the Taoist temple, so he made this proposal after meeting Fellow Daoist Yao, but was flatly rejected.

Just now he made more in-depth calculations, calculations and calculations, the only chance of survival is Yao Daoyou.

None of his disciples died, and the Tashan Temple would be destroyed.

If he quickly accepts a disciple during this period, and the disciple inherits him after he dies, the Tashan Temple will still be lost.

Letting Wuhaiguan send people over is also an ending.

"People who have been hit by Sleeping Gu will only have a short lifespan of a few months or two or three years, and now it is too late to find a suitable disciple."

Daoist Ming then retreated to the next best thing, "Is it okay to look at it this way? If I die unfortunately, Yao Daoyou will only inherit the property of this Taoist temple, and then find an inheritor for the Taoist temple."

"Yes." As long as you don't become someone else's believer, it's fine to be a middleman to help.

Daoist Ming Ze couldn't help showing his face.

He has experienced a lot, and he has seen through personal life and death long ago, but he just can't let go of his responsibilities.

"I will teach you the cultivation mind of Tashan Temple in a while, and when you learn it, you can pass it on to future disciples."

(End of this chapter)

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