Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 462 Becoming a Master in the Eighth Years

Chapter 462 Being a Master in the 80s (68)

Yao Shuli didn't want to take the film school exam at all. When Yuhua asked her, she replied that she was not interested in acting.

She didn't let go of her hobby of flute and kept practicing, but she only regarded it as a hobby and didn't think about learning it professionally.

Yao Shuli was studying medicine as a combined undergraduate and master's program. When she chose her major, she said that she wanted to study medicine in the future when her parents couldn't be rescued.

From this point of view, Yuhua's guess is correct. In her previous life, Yao Shuli applied for art colleges because she wanted to leave home early, because art candidates had lower scores in cultural subjects.

After entering the house, Yao Shuwei and Yao Shufang were already there, and Xihua was the last to come back.

"The family is separated today." Yu Hua said.

After Yao Shufang was admitted to university, she chose not to separate the family and did not take away her share of property.

Yao Shuwei did not choose to take it after he was admitted to university.

Now that Yao Shuli is admitted to university, and Xihua has fulfilled her promise to the original owner, it's time to separate.

Yao Shuli tightened Yu Hua's arm, her voice trembling slightly, "Sister, can't we just live like this? Let's not separate, okay?"

Yao Shuwei also had a premonition, "I don't want to divide either."

"I don't need it." Xi Wu made Yao Shufang, who was already tall, finally grow to 1.7 meters [-], and she stood there with her arms folded, looking very imposing, "You earn all the money at home, you keep it for yourself .”

She had long understood the helplessness and hesitation of her eldest sister when she suddenly shouldered the responsibility of raising the three of them, and blamed herself for not discovering that her eldest sister was hurt, threatened, and coaxed by Lu Jianyong's family early.

How could she want the money earned by the elder sister?
"Since the agreement is signed, follow the agreement. You all know what I am doing now, and if I don't keep the contract, I will suffer backlash." After resigning, Yuhua did not hide the truth from the three siblings, letting them know that she has become The Taoist.

Xi Shufang and the three of them stopped talking.After they became the registered disciples of Daoist Master Ming Ze, they learned about some things about the Taoist sect and the consequences of contract backlash.

Xi Hua had already divided the things up, and each of them gave a bag, "This is divided according to the share ratio of the year. I have kept [-]% of my share, Yao Shufang and Yao Shuli [-]%, and Yao Shuwei [-]%."

The three accepted it silently.

After opening it, the three of them all had shocked faces, "Why are there so many!"

They knew that the elder sister had become a member of the Taoist sect, and she often went out to do things, earning more than going to work, but this was far beyond their resemblance.

Yao Shuwei, the one with the fewest allocations, has one house each in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guanghai. They are all yards with land, not buildings.

In comparison, the two-story buildings with facades in this city are nothing.

130 million in cash.

"I just need this." Yao Shufang took out the real estate certificate of the house in this city, and returned the bag containing other documents to Yuhua, "These should not be counted in the money."

As soon as she took the lead, Yao Shuwei and Yao Shuli followed suit.

Yuhua did not take it back, "It was agreed at the time that all the money I earned over the years will be included in the family's money. The money I earn in the future will not be distributed to you."

She also didn't expect to make so much money as a master. She bought half of the house, and the other half of the house was paid by the client in order to preserve its value.

Now all the safe talismans she painted have sold for [-] pieces. It wasn't because she was willing to raise the price, but because she didn't raise the price.

[-] pieces of things that can really save lives are not enough to sell.She didn't want to make all the money, it didn't mean much to her, and it was also for her colleagues to have a meal, all kinds of her talismans were sold in limited quantities, with [-]% discount for the colleagues, and whoever they bought them to sell to.

As for the house, she really has no use for it.All she keeps is money.

Yao Shuli couldn't bear it anymore, and burst into tears, "Sister, don't leave, please, I'm still young, you can't ignore me like this."

Yu Hua rubbed Yao Shuli's head reassuringly, "I will come back often, it's no different from now."

Yao Shuli really had the most sensitive mind, knowing that she would have such a day.From today onwards, they are no longer her responsibility. Although she will not lose contact with them, her position in the end is different.

Yao Shuli cried and shook her head, "It's different."

The decision made by Xihua will not be changed.

The family is divided.

The only thing that was not divided was the house in the family courtyard, which made the three of Yao Shufang feel much better.

Xi Hua had the New Year's Eve dinner with them, and it seemed that life in the Yao family was going on as usual.

Shortly after the Chinese New Year, Daoist Ming Ze passed away.

He was injured in his early years, and the calculation was very exhausting. The upper limit of his life span was set early.

For example, after a person is born with sufficient vitality, the upper limit of lifespan is 150 years old. In the process of growth, injuries, illnesses, insufficient nutrition, excessive consumption, etc., will reduce the upper limit of lifespan.

The health-preserving medicine that Xi Hua gave him can only improve the lower limit of his lifespan and the quality of life, but the upper limit cannot be improved.

Daoist Ming Ze couldn't let go of the catastrophe of Long Qi the most, because his calculations were not 100% accurate, his body functions had been completely lost, and he just didn't want to take his last breath.

If the soul stays in the lifeless body, it is prone to corpse transformation and becomes a zombie, which is equivalent to giving up the chance of reincarnation.

"After you leave your body, I will take you to a place where you can see the dragon's aura."

Daoist Ming Ze's muddy eyes suddenly lit up, and then slowly closed.

The posthumous affairs of Taoist Ming Ze have already been arranged, and the new Guanzhu Yun Nian will preside over it.

Daoist Ming Ze has not been able to receive a suitable disciple, so he wants to have one of Daoist Gu Jing's disciples come over to take over his seat as the master of the temple.

Yunrui is the appointed master of Wuhai Temple, he can only choose between Yunyang and Yunnian, Yunyangzi is really lively and loves to be lively, Tashan Temple is much more secluded than Wuhai Temple, I am afraid that Yunyang will not be able to stay Therefore, he chose Yunnian, who has a stable temper.

After the soul of Daoist Ming Ze left his body, Yu Hua took him into the space bubble.

"This used to be Heaven."

Daoist Ming Ze understood a lot of things, but he didn't ask much. He saw the white light like flying dragons dancing below, countless streamers of light flew into the white light, and countless light spots flew out, falling to the place where the streamer started.

He was so excited that he couldn't help himself, he couldn't get enough of it after watching for a long time, "Dragon Qi, it really has recovered."

After guarding the dragon qi all his life, he was able to see it with his own eyes, and see the take-off of the dragon qi with his own eyes. His wish has come true.

"Xiao Yao, open the ghost gate."

Yu Hua thought he would stay for a while, "Are you sure?"

Daoist Ming Ze smiled, "I can't do anything if I stay here, unless I become a ghost. I don't want to be a wandering soul that has lost its memory. It's better to reincarnate earlier and be a dragon guardian in the next life."

Xiao Yao, I will leave Tashan Temple to you and Yunnian. "

Yu Hua nodded and opened the Yin-Yang Realm Gate.

Daoist Ming Ze glanced at the strips of white light again, and stepped into the gate with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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