Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 463 Becoming a Master in the Eighth Years

Chapter 463 Being a Master in the 80s (69)

A car sprints down an abandoned road, the motor revved to the highest speed it can, the roar hammering the ears.

The roads have been in disrepair for many years, and many roads are uneven. Speeding cars are thrown into the air by jolting and fall heavily from time to time.

Luo Shuntao felt as if his internal organs were being twisted, causing sour water to rise up, but he closed his mouth tightly and forcibly held back.

He is running for his life now, so he is not qualified to vomit.

On the rearview mirror, two black cars without any signs were chasing him closely. Once he was overtaken, what awaited him was death.

He didn't do anything wrong, he just wanted to go home.

He came to this country only to learn more advanced knowledge. He is a country that is paid by the government, and he should go back after finishing his studies. This is a natural and normal thing.

But just because he performed too well, he was prevented from returning to China.

First, he offered lures, long-term residence permits, high-salary appointment letters, bonus real estate, and honors, all of which he refused.

After that, he was specifically targeted. All the materials he studied were seized, robbed, monitored and monitored until he was placed under house arrest in his residence.

He knew that he could no longer stand still. He had been arguing with the authorities with reason, appealing, and appealing again, but he found more and more that reasoning was useless.

He woke up and planned today's escape operation. As long as he can escape to the embassy of his own country, he can be saved.

But his car was spotted as soon as he drove out of the residential area. Two cars chased him, and he could only escape all the way, but was forced to turn onto this deserted road.

"call out!"

Another bullet came.

They didn't want to keep him anymore, they wanted his life!
It's the logic of robbers, those who can't stay will be ruined!

Luo Shuntao was furious with bulging veins all over his face and hands.

Just as his car ran into an obstacle, the car veered suddenly, and the bullet missed his car and grazed the window beside his driver's seat.

But because of this, the veered car rushed out of the road and rushed into the river on the side of the road.

Luo Shuntao was in despair.

Only gods can save him.

The car fell into the river and made a huge splash several meters before sinking to the bottom of the water.

Luo Shuntao closed his eyes to welcome the arrival of death.


After a while, he felt something was wrong, and quickly opened his eyes, only to find that he came to a strange place, still in the driving posture, and even he was still in the car, but he had no sense of touch.

He touched the steering wheel with his hand, but failed to find it, as if the car was just an image.

"I'm dead? Here..." He glanced at the fog in the distance, "Is it heaven?"

"There is no heaven, you can only go to hell when you die." Someone said, "You are not dead yet."

Luo Shuntao was startled, and touched his heart with his hands. There was a physical touch, body temperature, and heartbeat.

He really isn't dead.

But what is his situation now?He hurriedly looked at the speaker. He didn't know why the other party appeared, but he spoke his mother tongue, which made him feel more at ease.

However, the attire is a bit unusual, and it belongs to the ancient style of attire, "Are you?" Immortal?Could it be that he asked the gods for help in his heart just now, and the gods heard him and came to save him?
"Dragon Keeper." In order to avoid causing trouble to Yao Shufang and the others, Yao Hua transformed into another appearance, somewhat similar to her true self.

Yu Hua asked, "Is there anything else you want in the car?"

"Yes, it's too bad." Luo Shuntao said annoyedly, "It's all in the drawer of the co-pilot, and those few CDs will be broken if soaked in water." In order not to be searched, he used his unique technology to copy the core data Into a few CD song disc.

Under Yu Hua's thoughts, several CDs were moved into the space bubble.

Luo Shuntao felt his eyelids sink and fell asleep.

Xi Hua manipulated the space bubble to rise to the sky.

The two black cars that were chasing and killing Luo Shuntao stopped at the side of the road, and a few men in black with weapons came down from them.

Xi Hua took a look, and drove the space bubble to a nearby city.

The destination of her visit today is a private collection room in this city.

This person who bears the blood of generations of evil will sell a small part of the cultural relics that his family smuggled from Longqi country during the war to Longqi country at a high price, and most of them will be given to this man for nothing. City museum.

It happened that Luo Shuntao was being chased and killed, and he was rescued by the way.

Over the years, she incidentally saved many people who had suffered the same situation as Luo Shuntao.

There are too many notches for this kind of thing, and it is impossible to talk about it.

Not long after, she came to the sky above this house, overlapped with the cultural relics collection, and took away every one left.

She will not even keep a copy of this kind of person who bears the blood of generations and only increases.

After finishing the matter, she returned to Longqi Country.

After reaching the top of the Tashan Mountain, she did not fall into the Tashan Temple, but fell into a yard not far from the Tashan Temple. She put Luo Shuntao and his CD into an empty room.

This is the branch office of the National Daomen Affairs Office.

Yuhua can send people to the capital, but she only goes to Tashan to see them off, which is intentional.It was only because of the attention from above that no one dared to think about Tashan Temple.

Now it is clear that Tashan Guanwuhaiguan will not be set as a tourist attraction in the future, but ordinary people are not prohibited from entering the hall to visit and offer incense when the gate is open.

Without false gods, the power of belief in immortal gods has been included in the dragon spirit.

It didn't take long for Yu Hua to lift the overlap, and someone discovered that there was an extra person in the room.

"Here's another one." The people from Daomen's office were not surprised.

A young Taoist said enviously, "Master Yao is very lucky. He was able to get Yan Jun's blue eyes and escape to the underworld. Why didn't I get the Yin waist card."

Yuhua didn't tell anyone about the existence of the space bubble, nor did she let the person involved see what was going on inside the space bubble, so the Taoists thought that she secretly brought people back from other kingdoms by using the method of the underworld.

There are means of borrowing from the underworld, but Yan Jun needs to nod.With the permission of Yan Jun's boss, Tiandao, Yan Hua has the permission of Yan Jun. She can use the way to the underworld, but there is room for bubbles, so she can't use this method.

It happened to have her special belt as proof.

Because of the matter of the heavenly court, the errands accepted her love, and when asked by Taoist people, the errands all said yes, and now the magnetism is solid.


Yu Hua did not interfere with too many affairs in the secular world.

Her position in this world is a Taoist person, and too much interference will affect the general trend of the world.

For things like Luo Shuntao, she would only lend a helping hand when she met someone who was in a desperate situation.

Longqi has withstood the cultural invasions carried out by bandit camps in various ways, and the country of Longqi has also withstood the virus attacks that cannot be divided by cultural invasions, and the bandit camps frantically carry out virus attacks.

Xi Hua made Space Bubbles record all kinds of information, bright and dark, over the past few decades.

When the holographic network era came early, Yu Hua felt that it was time.

(End of this chapter)

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