Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 486 Master Is Not Online

Chapter 486 Master Is Not Online (21)

"Han Yue, you can't even give us the advance payment you promised. Who knows if the method you mentioned can really catch Lingyun Beast. If you can't catch it, what will you give us as reward?"

"That's right, you originally said that only you know the whereabouts of the Lingyun Beast, but now it's spread all over the place, and everyone knows that there is a Lingyun Beast in Wanzhangya, are you sure you can catch it?"

Cheng Hanyue had no choice but to say, "Wait for me for a few days, and I'll go get some spirit stones back."

In the previous life, an unowned spiritual stone mine was accidentally exposed. She happened to be nearby, and only grabbed dozens of middle-grade spiritual stones, and none of the top-grade spiritual stones was seen.

Fortunately, she snatched few of them. For the ownership of the top-quality spirit stones, she fought a lot and killed many monks.

In this life, she has long regarded this mine as her own.What Cheng Hanyue thought was that if she got the Lingshi Mine, it was equivalent to saving the lives of those monks, and God should remember her merits.

Three days later, Cheng Hanyue came to the empty Lingshi mine, her eyes went dark.

Chi Huanyi, who had left a monitor in the mine, was aroused by Cheng Hanyue's stimulation, and watched the joke for a long time to get rid of the sullenness of the past few days.

[One wrong step and one wrong step.How do I say it, if you can't grow your IQ again, if Cheng Hanyue wasn't always jealous of Song Qingshuang in her previous life, she wouldn't be unable to form a pill.

It's tough.If you are reborn, you should save the master first, and then find Song Qingshuang to blame. This is good, the master is not dead, the spirit stone is gone, let me see what she will do]

System: [You still think about what you should do, the world has changed, can you go to Wanzhangya? 】

Chi Huanyi: [No, go back to the sect.I want to see if Lingyun Beast will follow Cheng Hanyue again.If Lingyun Beast followed Cheng Hanyue to Tianyan Sect, it means that the direction of this world is not much worse, if Cheng Hanyue didn't lure Lingyun Beast...

There must be other taskers in this world, otherwise such a big change would not have occurred.System, don’t say you didn’t scan it and you didn’t have it]


Xi Hua also brought out something purely technological, which, as he thought, was not applicable to this world.

The circuit boards of the electrical appliances that were taken out simply caught fire, and the display screens were distorted.

Only items that are on the side of comprehension, like the replicator, can be used, but the effect will be greatly reduced.

He wanted to mass-produce mortal weapons, and the only way was to establish a new system.

Establishing a system is not something that can be done overnight, Xie Hua did not rush to do it, and practiced the refining technique first.

With sufficient materials on hand, he started by refining simple and practical things.

The first thing to be refined is the communication jade talisman.

The method of refining the Communication Jade Talisman is very simple, and the materials are also simple. It only needs a piece of spiritual jade, and almost every monk can refine it.

"Xiao Tao, fire." The helper got it right, the Lingyun Beast is a fire-attribute monster, and there is a spiritual fire in its body.

Jindan real people all have pill fires, but they are not as easy to use as all kinds of natural spiritual fires.

The fat bird happily ran over and poured a flame into the refining furnace.

Xi Hua threw the Lingyu into the refining furnace, followed the steps to refine one successfully.

The communication jade talisman focuses on the depiction of the spirit patterns.

Cultivators use spiritual consciousness to depict spirit patterns.

With spiritual consciousness, there is no way to use machinery and equipment for mass production.

He thought of talismans.

The world of cultivating immortals is called a spirit talisman, and the depiction of the spirit talisman is very similar to the paper talisman he painted in the world of dragon spirit, except that the paper talisman of Taoism is depicted with soul power, while the world of cultivating immortals uses spiritual power.

What works are actually spirit patterns.

The problem now is how to draw the spirit pattern without using spiritual power.

How to convert things on the technology side into spirit patterns has already been done, and the rules of each world are different, and he can easily convert them into the spirit patterns of this world.

All that is needed now is to find the right material.

This material cannot be scarce.

Xi Hua began to experiment with various materials, and finally found a kind of ore called Hei Liushi.

This kind of ore is very malleable, and after being burned, it will develop properties similar to plastic, and the properties will change under different proportions.

But before he could continue the test, he received a message from Min Yuliang, saying that a large number of people from the Beast Sect had suddenly arrived and were searching everywhere in Wanzhang Cliff.

Min Yuliang didn't even bother to inquire about it, and soon it was rumored that the soul lamp of Gu Ningchu, the young master of the Beast Sect, had gone out, and people from the Beast Sect came to search for Gu Ningchu's whereabouts.

When the soul lamp goes out, it can basically be concluded that the person has fallen.

It is a common thing for a person to fall on Wanzhang Cliff, not to mention that Gu Ningchu is a golden core, over the years, many Nascent Soul cultivators have fallen there.

There is even a record that the cultivator of Huashen failed to get out of Wanzhang Cliff.

No matter how you fell, you must have the consciousness of encountering an accident when you come to Wanzhang Cliff to practice.

But the people from the Beastmaster Sect didn't accept this accident, they went into Wanzhang Cliff and searched everywhere, causing constant conflicts.

The Beast Sect is too domineering.

Min Yuliang reminded him that he might be interrogated by Yushouzong.

The three of them had a bad conversation with Gu Ningchu at the entrance, and they were heavily suspected by the Emperor Beast Sect.

People from the Beast Sect have already approached Min Yuliang and He Ling to cherish.

Yuhua thought that the people from the Beast Sect would come to check, but she didn't expect the people from the Beast Sect to make such a big commotion.

He put away his things and took the fat bird up to the top of the cliff.

It's best for the people of the Beast Sect not to find anything about Min Yuliang and He Lingxi.

This matter has something to do with him, and Min Yuliang and He Lingxi cannot be affected.

Because he had Min Yuliang's messenger jade talisman in his hand, it was easy to find the hole where Min Yuliang was.

Coincidentally, the people who were meeting Yu Beast Sect also came to look for Min Yuliang.

Min Yuliang is not afraid, he is a direct disciple of Xuanyun Sect, and people from the Beast Control Sect dare to do something to him, "Look at what you mean, Gu Ningchu's death must be put on me, I still say, take it!" Show evidence."

"What's the matter, seeing that we're easy to talk, I'll give you a lot of energy." He Lingxi took out her magic weapon, "Come on, let's do it, whoever is afraid of whom."

He Bai turned into a long leopard, whining softly at the people from the Beast Sect.

Yu Hua came over with a long sword in hand, "I heard that you are looking for me. Here I am. I know what you want to ask me. My answer is, I don't know. If you don't believe me, come and fight."

The people from the Beast Sect were at fault, but the three of them represented three sects, and the Beast Sect couldn't offend the three sects at once.

The leader waved his hand and left.

"Don't worry." Min Yuliang said, "The more noise they make, the less sincere they are looking for Gu Ningchu's whereabouts."

He Lingxi has always been quick to speak, "Yuliang is right, the Beastmaster Sect has almost become the Gu family's monopoly, and the other ancestors of the Huashen have long disliked the ancestors of the Gu family, but they have never found a chance to bring the Gu family together. The power of the Beastmaster Sect was taken down.

Look, which sect has a young suzerain?Even if the sect specially cultivated the successor of the suzerain, they didn't say they were the young suzerain, only Yushoumen, who praised Gu Ningchu as the young suzerain.

This is a blatant praise, Gu Ningchu is actually proud of it.I don't know if I really can't see through it, or I just want to play tricks. "

(End of this chapter)

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